Lexicon: guest – guilty

a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |


guest (-s), n. [OE.] (webplay: visitor).

  1. Participant; invitee; celebrant; bystander; one in attendance; person invited to observe a special occasion; person to whom hospitality has been extended.
  2. Honored visitor; distinguished personage; person of high station; [fig.] sun; celestial body; chief orb in the solar system.
  3. Denizen; dweller; inhabitant; occupant; resident; [fig.] courtier; noble one; prince or princess.
  4. Passerby; one who comes from a distance; being who dwells nearby for a time; [fig.] spirit; [word play] ghost; [metaphor] breeze; current of air.
  5. Observer; fellow; associate; companion.
  6. Partaker of a feast; one invited to eat a special meal.
  7. Angel; holy messenger; heavenly being; unseen divine presence.
  8. Mourner; funeral participant; family and friends of the deceased person.
  9. Company; object of hospitality; one allowed to be present; person invited to partake.
  10. Important personage; unexpected temporary visitor.
  11. Lodger; boarder; roomer; traveler who dwells temporarily at an inn.
  12. Stranger; foreigner; one unknown to the family; person not a member of the household.

guide, n. [Fr.] (webplay: death, life).

Phrase. “Guide post”: waymark; post at the fork of a road with directions for travelers; [fig.] headstone; grave marker; (see Carrara, proper n., a commune in Tuscany, Italy, where fine white marble is quarried.)

guide (-s), v. [see guide, n.] (webplay: children, lead).

Lead; direct; bring.

Guido, proper n. [It. form of Guy < Fr. 'leader, guide'.]

Fra Angelico; Italian Renaissance painter; Guido di Pietra (1387-1455); perhaps Guido Reni (1575-1642) or Guido de Siena (ca 1220- ca 1280).

guile, n. [OFr.] (webplay: secret).

Insidious cunning; subtle deceit; fear caused by slyness.

guileless, adj. [see guile, n.]

Free from deceit, evil, or back-biting.

guillotine, n. [Fr. guillotine < Guillotin, the physician who suggested the use of the instrument in 1789.]

Instrument used for beheading at a stroke.

guilt, n. [OE gylt.] (webplay: punishment).

  1. Blame; remorse for sin.
  2. Misdeed; transgression; accidental trespass; unintentional offense.

guiltless, adj. [see guilt, n.]

Innocent; free from crime; not responsible for an offense.

guilty, adj. [OE.]

Culpable; responsible for wrongdoing; justly charged with a sin.