Lexicon: obtuse – occupation

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obtuse (-er), adj. [L. 'dulled, blunt'.]


obviate (-ed), v. [L. obviāre, to meet, withstand, oppose, prevent; ob against + via way.]

  1. Oppose.
  2. [Fig.] Prevent growth.

occasion, n. [L. 'falling towards, juncture, opportunity, motive, reason, cause'.]

  1. Incident.
  2. Opportunity.
  3. Event.

occasion (-s), v. [Fr.]

Cause; produce.

occasional, adj. [see occasion, v.]

Sporadic; intermittent; occurring at times.

occasionally, adv. [see occasion, v.]


occident, n. [Fr. < L. 'setting, sunset, the west', occiděre, to fall towards, go down.]

The West; region of the sky where the sun sets.

occidental, adj. [see occident, n.]


occupant (-s), n. [see occupy, v.]

Resident; one who possesses.

occupation, n. [see occupy, v.]

Vocation; calling.