Lexicon: philosophy – piano

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philosophy, n. [OFr philosophe, see philosopher, n.] (webplay: historian, knowledge).

  1. Science; scientific knowledge; logical reasoning based on measurable physical facts.
  2. Conjecture; abstraction; the study of the past; part of the metaphysical realm.
  3. Doctrine; belief; understanding of life [see Matthew 7:7-8.]

phlegmatic, adj. [ME < OFr < L. < Gk φλεγματκός < φλέγ-ειν, to burn, to blaze.]

Cool; calm; unperturbed; self-possessed; not easily aroused; [fig.] apparently dormant; temporarily inactive; [etymology play] deceptively calm; hiding intense heat and flames beneath an undisturbed exterior.

phosphor, n. [L. phōsphor-us.] (webplay: fine, temperature).

Light; flame; fuel; substance that shines in the dark; [fig.] vitality; vivacity; energy; spark of life.

phosphoric (phosp[h]oric), adj. [Fr. phosphorique < L. phōsphor-us.] (webplay: burns).

Luminous; illuminating; burning; shining; light-bearing.

phosphorus, n. [L. phōsphorus, the morning star < Gk φωσφόρος < φώς, light + -φόρος, bringing.]

  1. Fire; flame; heat; combustible substance.
  2. Fire and brimstone; [fig.] hell; everlasting punishment; eternal damnation; spiritual death [see Genesis 19:24; Revelation 19:20, 21:8.]

phrase, n. [Late L. phrasis < Gk φράσις, speech, way of speaking < φράζ-ειν, point out, indicate, declare, tell.] (webplay: language, truth).

  1. Saying; group of words; articulation; verbalization; means of expression; way to communicate.
  2. Inscription; epitaph; engraved superscription on a tombstone.

phraseless, adj. [see phrase.]

  1. Nondescript; undefined; wordless; silent; speechless; without lyrics.
  2. Amorphous; formless; unstructured; intermittent; sporadic; fitful; unpredictable; variable; irregular in rhythm.

physician (-'s), n. [ME fisicien < OFr < L. physic-a < Gk φύσις, nature.] (webplay: heal).

Doctor; healer; medical specialist.

physiognomy, n. [ME fisnomye < medieval L. < Gk φνσιογνωμονία judging of a man's nature by his features < φύσις, nature + γνώμων, interpreter, judge.] (webplay: face, nature).

  1. Countenance; presence; visage; aspect.
  2. Any human face; mortal eyes; [metonymy] mortal; human being.
  3. Studying the features and lines of a structure to predict its purpose or destiny; inspecting a physical form to determine its use.

piano (-s), n. [It. piano < pianoforte or fortepiano < It. piano < L. plān-us, flat + It. forte < L fortis, strong.]

Musical instrument; keyboard; instrument with a row of external keys and internal hammers and strings; [fig.] melody; music; bird song.