Lexicon: paradox – parasite

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paradox, adv. [L. paradox-us < Gk 'contrary to received opinion or expectation'.]

Ironically; contradictorily; incongruously; amazingly; unbelievably.

paradox, n. [see paradox, adv.]

Irony; incongruity; contradiction.

paragon, n. [OFr < It. paragone, a touchstone for testing gold or discerning good from bad.]

Model; ultimate example; archetype; prototype; ideal; epitome; [fig.] Jesus Christ; Lord; God.

paragraph (-s), n. [Fr. < late L. < Gk 'a short horizontal stroke drawn below the beginning of a line in which a break in the sense occurs.] (webplay: near).

  1. Unit of text; distinct portion of writing; cohesive group of sentences.
  2. News report; newspaper article; account of an exciting or frightening event.

parallax, n. [Fr. parallaxe < Gk change, alteration, mutual inclination of two lines meeting in an angle.]

Apparent displacement; different angle; immense distance; disappearance by change in perspective; change in position of a celestial body due to a different point of view; difference in relative proximity.

parallel, adv. [Fr. parallele.] (webplay: equal).

Side by side; hand in hand; together; exactly alike; in the same direction and manner.

parallel, n. [see parallel, adv.] (webplay: comparison).

Equal; comparable item; equivalent thing; duplicate; match; repetition; counterpart.

paralysis, n. [L. < Gk 'disable, enfeeble'.] (webplay: motion, palsy, sensation).

Motionlessness; numbness; inability to function or move; petrification; loss of sensation; [fig.] cessation of vital functions; death.

paralyze (-d, paralyzing), v. [Fr. paralyser.]

Stun; leave motionless with awe or fear; cause to cease movement or action due to amazement.

parasite, n. [L. parasīt-us < Gk 'one who eats at the table of another'.] (webplay: living).

Leech; organism which derives nourishment and energy from another; one who cannot survive independently of another; creature that feeds on and is supported by another; being which depends on another for sustenance.