Lexicon: scrupulous – seal

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scrupulous, adj. [see scruple, n.] (webplay: doubt, believe, stop, weight, time, to act, doing, exactness, preciseness, labor, duty).

  1. Cautious; nice; meticulous; punctilious; minutely careful; attentive to the smallest detail.
  2. Mindful; attentive to; apprehensive of.

scrutable, adj. [see scrutiny, n.]

Comprehensible; able to be examined; understood by close inspection.

scrutinize, v. [see scrutiny, n.] (webplay: man).

  1. Examine; scan; watch carefully.
  2. Analyze; investigate; study; inquire into.
  3. Understand.
  4. Intrude; disturb; affect; concern.

scrutiny, n. [L. 'to examine, to search even to the rags'.] (webplay: measures, minute).

  1. Close study; examination; ability to distinguish.
  2. Observation; watch; surveillance.
  3. Aloof examination; impartial study; disinterested perusal; uninvolved browsing.
  4. Estimation; calculation; assessment; comprehensibility; recognition.
  5. Investigation; inspection.
  6. Analysis; attention; evaluation; judgment.

scutcheon, n. [see escutcheon, n.] (webplay: coat).

Shield; ensign; hallmark; brass plate; name-plate on which a coat of arms is depicted; [fig.] feature; trait; characteristic; sense of dignity.

scuttle, v. [Fr. écoutille, the hatchway.]

Perforate; pierce; deflate; sink by making holes in; [fig.] disillusion; take down.

scythe, n. [OE siðe, < OTeut 'to cut'; compare scimitar, n.] (webplay: mower, armed).

Agricultural tool; manual implement for cutting grass; weapon with a long curving blade on a handle; [fig.] cause of death.

sea (-s), n. [OE 'lake, pond, marsh'.]

  1. Ocean; large body of water; [fig.] mortality; life.
  2. Mass; nation; population; group of people; [fig.] field; expanse; landscape.
  3. God; deity.
  4. Process of dying; passage to death.
  5. Meadow; field of flowers.
  6. Darkness; night.
  7. Summer.
  8. Obstacle; challenge to overcome.
  9. Continuous body of salt water; liquid that covers the greater part of the earth's surface.
  10. World; heaven; universe; [fig.] eternity.
  11. Crowd; [fig.] collective consciousness; collection of thoughts.
  12. Tree.
  13. Essence; greatness of character; largesse of being.
  14. Emotion; hidden sentiment; feelings undisclosed to others.
  15. Personal liberty; self-appointed freedom from rules.
  16. Breeze; current.
  17. Future.
  18. Winter.
  19. Source; point of origin.
  20. Flood; river; run-off; running water.
  21. Afterlife.
  22. Discourse; language; system of communication.
  23. Phrase. “Ether Sea”: atmosphere; [kenning] the sky.

seal (-s), n. [OFr < L. sigillum, small picture, engraved figure.] (webplay: confirmation, engraved).

  1. Retainer; protective label that shuts, confines, or secures; marker that fastens something private, secret, sacred, or confidential; fastener for a door or storehouse in the absence of the lord; adhesive substance fixed on a closed door so that one cannot open it without the owner knowing; [fig.] divine barrier on the door into the next life; means of access into the presence of Deity; large stone that blocked the entrance to Christ's tomb (see Matthew 27:60).
  2. Ice; frozen organisms.
  3. Token; emblem; symbol of a covenant; official sign or ring; authoritative mark or signature; signet ring of a monarch for making covenants or finalizing legal documents; mark or name on the forehead of the righteous (see Revelation 7:31, 9:4, 14:1, 22:4).
  4. Phrase. “the Keeper of the Seal”: the Lord; the living Christ; He who has the sealing power; (see NW 1844: in Great Britain, the keeper of the great seal is a lord who deals with all royal grants, commissions, and charters).

seal (-ed), v. [OFr seeler.; see seal, n.] (webplay: letter, states, writing).

  1. Lock; close; secure from outside influences.
  2. Fasten; enclose securely in an envelope; impress wax to close a letter.
  3. Prove; confirm; finalize; complete; establish as fact.
  4. Conceal; hide; protect.