Lexicon: spur – stab

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spur, n. [OE spora.]

Sharp point; object causing sharp pain.

spurn, n. [see spurn, v.]

Rejection; refusal; dismissal; [fig.] frown; scowl.

spurn (-ed, -ing, -es), v. [OE.]

  1. Abandon; forsake; desert; depart from.
  2. Disdain; scorn; put off.
  3. Reject; refuse; turn down; say no to.

spy, n. [see spy, v.]

Secret agent; one who stealthily observes the enemy.

spy (spied), v. [OFr espier < L. specěre, to look.]

  1. See; notice.
  2. Watch in secret.

squander (-ed, -ing, -s), v. [obscure origin.]

Spend wastefully; give extravagantly.

square, n. [OFr esquire < L. quadra, square.]

  1. A tool used for measurement.
  2. Open space or area in a town or city.

squarely, adv. [see square, n.]

Directly; honestly; in a straightforward manner.

squirrel (-'s, -s), n. [AFr < L. sciūrus < Gk. 'shade + tail'.]

Slender, graceful, agile rodent (characterized by a bushy tail, furry coat, and bright eyes).

stab (-bed), v. [Sc. 'large needle, a prickle'.]

Wound with a sharp weapon.