Definition for News

news, n. [OFr noveles or < L. novum, a new thing.]

  1. Tidings; fresh information; [fig.] messenger; courier; person who delivers the early morning newspaper to homes.
  2. Report; word; intelligence.
  3. Proclamation; declaration; announcement.
  4. Journal; chronicle; diary; personal record.
  5. Forecast; prediction.
  6. Sign; evidence.
  7. Story; narrative; tale; description of current events; account of recent happenings; [fig.] noise of bird song; [metaphor] omen; prophecy; prognostication.
  8. Topic; important matter; substantial thing; public affair; subject of conversation.
  9. Gossip; gab; chitchat; small talk.
  10. Gospel; glad tidings; message of Christian hope for eternal life in heaven.
  11. Prognosis; medical diagnosis.
  12. Phrase. “Good News”: glad tidings; [fig.] gospel; Christian doctrine of redemption for the dead; (see Proverbs 25:25).

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