Definition for Have (had, had'st, has, hast, hath, having, hav'nt)

have (had, had'st, has, hast, hath, having, hav'nt), v2. [OE habban; auxiliary or modal.] (webplay: befall, esteem, fall, hastily, power, seize, take).

  1. [Present perfect.]
  2. [Have (present perfect) + infinitive] needs; is obligated.
  3. [Subjunctive] if.
  4. [Past perfect.]
  5. [Subjunctive possessive.]
  6. [Had (past perfect) + infinitive] needed; was obligated.
  7. Phrase. “Have to” [periphrastic modal]: must; should; ought to.
  8. Phrase. “Hav'nt You”: have you not? [negated tag question for affirmative emphasis] surely; certainly you have.

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