Lexicon: vicariously – vidi

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vicariously, adv. [see vicarious, adj.] (webplay: another).

By proxy; because of another.

vici, v. [L. 'I conquered'; see veni, v.]

Phrase. “Veni, vidi, vici!”: I came, I looked, I conquered; Caesar's boast to the Roman senate about his victory in Gaul.

vicinity, n. [L. vīcīn-us, neighboring, near.] (webplay: law, near).

  1. Relatedness; relevance; [fig.] obedience; compliance; conformity.
  2. Closeness; nearness; contiguity in space; [fig.] reality; actuality; literal presence.

vicious, adj. [AFr and OFr < L. vitium, fault.] (webplay: justly).

Cruel; depraved; immoral; conniving; delinquent.

vicissitude, n. [OFr and Fr. < L. vicis, turn, change.] (webplay: summer).

Revolution; transition; modulation; transformation; turn of the seasons; rotation of the earth; changes caused by the passage of time; [fig.] instability; variance; fluctuation; mutability.

victim, n. [L. victima.] (webplay: fallen).

Martyr; sufferer; sacrificial offering; person in pain; living being set apart to die as a sacrifice to a deity; [fig.] Christ; the Messiah.

victor (-s), n. [AFr or L. < L. vincěre, to overcome, conquer.] (webplay: battle, conquers, defeats, friends, gains, overcome, say, superior, triumphantly, wreaths).

Hero; conqueror; master; lord; leader who wins a battle; [fig.] immortal being; resurrected person; one who overcomes death.

victorious, adj. [AFr or L. < L. victōria; see victory, n.] (webplay: die, vanquisher).

Triumphant; exultant; jubilant; pertaining to celebration; [fig.] joyful; glorious; resurrection; pertaining to the conquest over death.

victory, n. [AFr and OFr < L.; see victor, n.] (webplay: arms, battle, competition, day, defeats, die, differs, difficulties, enemy, followed, gains, God, grace, honorable, inferior, love, master, nations, prove, say, shameful, speak, strive, superior, supposes, triumphantly, vanquish, world).

  1. Conquest; triumph; subjugation; ability to overpower.
  2. Winning of a battle; triumph over an enemy; [fig.] new life; symbol of eternal renewal; (see Isaiah 25:8).
  3. Honor; glory; renown; [fig.] eternal fame; everlasting reward.

vidi, v. [L. 'I saw', 'I looked'; see veni, v.]

Phrase. “Veni, vidi, vici!”: I came, I looked, I conquered; Caesar's boast to the Roman senate about his victory in Gaul.