Lexicon: warmth – was

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warmth, n. [OE.] (webplay: heart, lost).

Comfort; solace; tenderness; affection; fondness; personal attention; loving kindness.

warning, n. [see warning, verbal adj.] (webplay: short).

Notice; signal; clue.

warning, verbal adj. [OE.] (webplay: day, shorter).

Cautious; vigilant.

warp, v. [OE.] (webplay: true).

Distort; alter; shrink.

warrant, adj. [see war, v.] (webplay: hold, houses, natural, privilege).

Martial; militant; belligerent; warlike; [word play on warrant, n.] assertive; self-assured; justified; secure; authorized.

warrant (-s), n. [see warrant, adj.]

  1. Privilege; right; authority; power.
  2. Commission; obligation.
  3. Summons; official record; authorizing document.
  4. Justification; proof; assurance.

warrant (-ed), v. [Early ME.] (webplay: hold, houses, privilege).

Allow; authorize; license.

warrior, n. [north-eastern OFr.] (webplay: military).

Soldier; infantryman; one who fights to protect his country; [fig.] fierce creature that protects its territory.

wary, adj. [OE.] (webplay: men).

Suspicious; cautious; apprehensive.

was (was't, was'nt, were, wert), v. [Germanic wes-; irregular past tense suppletive form of the “be” verb; see be, v.]

  1. [With the past participle to form the passive voice] create.
  2. [With the past participle to form the habitual verb aspect] had been.
  3. [Used to link a subject to a predicate noun so that the predicate mirrors the subject.]
  4. [Linking auxiliary with ellipsis of the predicative adj.] had been.
  5. Remain; sojourn; stay; tarry; visit; occupy a place.
  6. Live; endure; exist.
  7. Be situated; be located [with adverb].
  8. [Linking verb with ellipsis of the predicate adjective] seem.
  9. [Used with a present participle to form the conditional tense.]
  10. Occur; happen; take place; come to pass.
  11. Continue; persevere; persist.
  12. Become; come to be; progress until.
  13. [Used to express the subjunctive; used to form literary or archaic expressions] could be.
  14. [Used to link a subject to a predicate adjective so that the predicate describes the subject] seem.
  15. [Used with a present participle to form the progressive tense.]