Dictionary: AC'CESS-O-RY – AC-CO'LENT

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  1. In law, one who is guilty of a felony, not by committing the offense in person or as principal, but convincing or commanding another to commit the crime, by concealing the offender. There may be accessories in felonies, but not in treason. An accessory before the fact, is one who courses or commands another to contract felony, and is not present when the act is executed; after the fact, when one receives and conceals the offender.
  2. That which accedes or belongs to something else, as principal. Accessory nerves, in anatomy, a pair of nerves, such as rising from the medulla in the vertebers of the neck, ascend a enter the skull; then, passing out with the par vagum, distributed into the muscles of the neck and shoulder. Accessory, among painters, an epithet given to parts of a history-piece which are merely commentary or rumor.

AC'CI-DENCE, n. [See Accident.]

A small book containing the rudiments of grammar.

AC'CI-DENT, n. [L. accidens, falling, from ad and cado, to fall; W. codum, a fall, cwyzaw, to fall; Ir. kudaim; Corn. kotha; Arm. kuetha, to fall. See Case and Cadence. Class Gd.]

  1. A coming or falling; an event that takes place without one's foresight or expectation; an event which proceeds from an unknown cause, or is an unusual effect of a known cause, and therefore not expected; chance; casualty; contingency.
  2. That which takes place or begins to exist without an efficient intelligent cause and without design. All of them, in his opinion, owe their being to fate, accident, or the blind action of stupid matter. – Dwight.
  3. In logic, a property, or quality of a being which is not essential to it, as whiteness in paper. Also all qualities are called accidents, in opposition to substance, as sweetness, softness, and things not essential to a body, as clothes. – Encyc.
  4. In grammar, something belonging to a word, but not essential to it, as gender, number, inflection. – Encyc.
  5. In heraldry, a point or mark, not essential to a coat of arms. – Encyc.


  1. Happening by chance, or rather unexpectedly; casual; fortuitous; taking place not according to the usual course of things; opposed to that which is constant, regular, or intended; as, an accidental visit.
  2. Non-essential; not necessarily belonging to; as songs are accidental to a play. Accidental colors, are those which depend upon the affections; of the eye, in distinction from those which belong to the light itself. – Encyc. Accidental pond, in perspective, is that point in the horizontal line, where the projections of two lines parallel to each other meet the perspective plane.


By chance; casually; fortuitously; not essentially.


The quality of being casual. [Little used.]


Pertaining to the accidence. [Not used.] – Morton.

AC-CIP'I-TER, n. [L. ad and capio, to seize.]

  1. A name given to a fish, the Milvus or Lucerna, a species of Trigla. – Cyc.
  2. In ornithology, the name of the order of rapacious fowls. The Accipiters have a hooked bill, the superior mandible, near the base, being extended on each side beyond the inferior. The genera are the Vultur, the Falco or hawk, and the Strix or owl.

AC-CIP'I-TRINE, a. [Supra.]

Seizing; rapacious; as the accipitrine order of fowls. – Ed. Encyc.

AC-CITE', v.t. [L. ad and cito, to cite.]

To call; to cite; to summon. [Not used.]


A shout of joy; acclamation. – Milton.

AC-CLAIM', v.t. [L. acclamo, ad and clamo, to cry out; Sp. clamar; Port. clamar; It. clamare; W. llevain; Ir. liumham. See Claim, Clamor.]

To applaud. [Little used.] – Hall.

AC-CLA-MA'TION, n. [L. acclamatio. See Acclaim.]

  1. A shout of applause uttered by a multitude. Anciently, acclamation was a form of words, uttered with vehemence, somewhat resembling a song, sometimes accompanied with applauses which were given by the hands. Acclamations were ecclesiastical, military, nuptial, senatorial, synodical, theatrical, &c.; they were musical, and rhythmical; and bestowed for joy, respect, and even reproach, and often accompanied with words, repeated, five, twenty, and even sixty and eighty times. In the later ages of Rome, acclamations were performed by a chorus of music instructed for the purpose. In modern times, acclamations are expressed by hurrahs; by clapping of hands; and often by repeating vivat rex, vivat respublica, long live the king or republic, or other words expressive of joy and good wishes.
  2. In archaiology, a representation in sculpture or on medals of people expressing joy. – Elmes.


Expressing joy or applause by shouts, or clapping of hands.

AC-CLI'MATE, v.t. [ac for ad, and climate.]

To habituate the body to a climate not native, so as not to be peculiarly exposed to its endemic diseases.


Habituated to a foreign climate, or a climate not native; so far accustomed to a foreign climate as not to be peculiarly liable to its endemic diseases. – Med. Repository.


  1. The process of becoming habituated to a foreign climate.
  2. The state of being habituated or inured to a climate.


Act of acclimating, or state of being acclimated. – Caldwell.

AC-CLIV'I-TY, n. [L. acclivus, acclivis, ascending, from ad and clivis, an ascent; Ir. clui; Gr. Eol. κλιπυς; Sax. clif, a cliff, bank or shore; clifian, cleofian, to cleave or split. See Cliff.]

A slope or inclination of the earth, as the side of a hill, considered as ascending, in opposition to declivity, or a side descending. Rising ground; ascent; the talus of a rampart.


Rising, as a hill with a slope.

AC-CLOY', v.t.

To fill; to stuff; to fill to satiety. [See Cloy.] – Spenser.



AC'CO-LA, n.

A delicate fish eaten at Malta.

AC-CO-LADE', n. [L. ad and collum, neck.]

A ceremony formerly used in conferring knighthood; but whether an embrace or a blow, seems not to be settled. – Cyc.

AC-CO'LENT, n. [L. ad and colo.]

A borderer; one who dwells on a border of a country, or near. – Ash.