Dictionary: AFT'ER-TASTE – A-GATE'

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A taste which succeeds eating and drinking.

AFT'ER-THOUGHT, a. [See Thought.]

Reflections after an act; later thought, or expedient occurring too late. – Dryden.


Succeeding times. It may be used in the singular. – Dryden.


The swell or agitation of the sea after a storm. – Addison.

AFT'ER-WARD, adv. [See Ward.]

In later or subsequent time. – Hooker.


Wise afterward or too late. – Addison.


Subsequent wit; wisdom that comes too late. – L'Estrange.


A subsequent or future witness.


Later wrath; anger after the provocation has ceased. – Shak.


A succeeding writer. – Shuckford.

AGA, n. [Per. اَقْ and اَقَا ak and aka, lord, dominus, herus; also, sir, a title of respect; Tart. aha. Qu. the och in Beloch, and ak in Balak.]

In the Turkish dominions, a commander or chief officer. The title is given to various chief officers, whether civil or military. It is also given to great landholders, and to the eunuchs of the Sultan's seraglio. – Encyc.

A-GAIN', adv. [agen'; Sax. gean, agen, agean, ongean; D. with a different prefix, tegen; G. dagegen, gegen; Sw. igen; Dan. igien; qu. L. con, whence contra; Ir. coinne, opposite, a meeting. Hence Sax. togeanes, togegnes, against; but placed after its object; as, “hi comen heom togeanes,” they come them against. D. tegens, against; jegens, toward; G. entgegen, dagegen, against; begegnen, to meet or encounter. The primary sense is to turn, or to meet in front; or the name of the face, front or forepart. So in Dan. and Sw. mod, imod, emot, against, is our word meet.]

  1. A second time; once more. I will not again curse the ground. Gen. viii.
  2. It notes something further, or additional to one or more particulars. For to which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son? And again, Let all the angels of God worship him. – Heb. i. All the uses of this word carry in them the ideas of return or repetition; as in these phrases, – give it back again; give him as much again, that is, the same quantity once more or repeated. There is not, in the world again, such a commerce as in London. Who art thou that answerest again? Bring us word again. Again and again, often; with frequent repetition.

A-GAINST', prep. [agenst'; Sax. togeanes. See Again.]

  1. In opposition; noting enmity or disapprobation. His hand will be against every man. – Gen. xvi. I am against your pillows. – Ezek. xiii.
  2. In opposition, noting contrariety, contradiction, or repugnance; a decree against law, reason, or public opinion.
  3. In opposition, noting competition, or different sides or parties; as, there are twenty votes in the affirmative against ten in the negative.
  4. In an opposite direction; as, to ride against the wind.
  5. Opposite in place; abreast; as, a ship is against the mouth of a river. In this sense it is often preceded by over. Aaron lighted the lamps over against the candlesticks. – Num. viii.
  6. In opposition, noting adversity, injury, or contrariety to wishes; as, this change of measures is against us.
  7. Bearing upon; as, one leans against a wall.
  8. In provision for; in preparation for. Urijah made it, against king Ahaz came from Damascus. – 2 Kings xvi. In this sense against is a preposition, with the following part of the sentence for an object. See After, prep. def. 2. In short, the sense of this word is opposition, variously modified according to its application to different objects.

AG'A-LAX-Y, n.

Destitution of milk.

AG'AL-LOCH, or A-GAL'LO-CHUM, n. [Gr. from αγαλλιαομαι, to rejoice, so named from its odor.]

Aloes-wood, the product of a tree growing in China, and some of the Indian Isles. There are three varieties, the calambac, the common lignum aloes, and the calambour. The first variety is light and porous, and so filled with a fragrant resin, that it may be molded by the fingers; the second is denser and less resinous; and the third is the aloes-wood used by cabinet makers and inlayers. – Encyc.

A-GAL-MAT'O-LITE, n. [Gr. αγαλμα, image, and λιθος, stone.]

A name given by Klaproth to two varieties of the pierre de lard, lard-stone, of China. It contains no magnesia, but otherwise has the characters of talck. It is called in German, bildstein, figure-stone, and by Brongniart, steatite pagodite. – Cyc. Ure.

AG'A-MIST, n. [Gr. α and γαμος.]

An unmarried-person.

AG'A-MOUS, a. [Gr. α neg. and γαμος, marriage.]

In botany, having no visible organs of fructification. – Lindley.

A-GAPE', adv. [or adj. a and gape. See Gape.]

Gaping, as with wonder, expectation, or eager attention; having the mouth wide open.

AG'A-PE, n. [ag'apy; Gr. αγαπη, love.]

Among the primitive Christians, a love feast or feast of charity, held before or after the communion, when contributions were made for the poor. This feast was held at first without scandal, but afterward being abused, it was condemned at the council of Carthage, A. D. 397. – Encyc.

AG'AR-IC, n. [Gr. αγαρικον. Qu. from Agaria, in Sarmatia. Dioscorides.]

In Botany, a genus of funguses, containing numerous species, growing on trees, or springing from the earth; of the latter sort, some are valued as articles of food; others are poisonous. The name was originally given to a fungus growing on the larch. This species is now frequent in the shops, and distinguished by the name of female agaric. It is used in dyeing, but is little esteemed in medicine. – Theoph. Macquer. Quincy. The Agaric of the oak is called touch-wood, from its readiness to take fire. Boletus igniarius. – Linn. Agaric mineral, a calcarious earth, or carbonate of lime, resembling a fungus in color and texture; found in fissures of rocks, and on the roofs of caverns. It is sometimes used as an astringent in fluxes, and a styptic in hemorrhages. It occurs in a loose semi-indurated form, white or whitish red, or yellow, light and friable. Kirwan mentions three varieties.

A-GAST', or A-GHAST', a. [Qu. a contraction of agazed, or Goth. agis, Sax. egesa, horror. See Aghast and Gaze.]

Struck with terror, or astonishment; amazed; struck silent with horror. With shuddering horror pale and eyes agast. – Milton.

A-GAS'TRI-A, n. [plur. Gr. α and γαςηρ.]

A class of marine animals, supposed to be destitute of intestines. – Kirby.


A-GATE', adv. [a and gate.]

On the way; going. [Obs.] – Gower.