Dictionary: EC-CEN'TRIC – E-CHOM'E-TRY

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  1. A circle not having the same center as another. Bacon.
  2. That which is irregular or anomalous. Hammond.


  1. Deviation from a center.
  2. The state of having a center different from that of another circle. Johnson.
  3. In astronomy, the distance of the center of a planet's orbit from the center of the sun; that is, the distance between the center of an ellipsis and its focus. Encyc.
  4. Departure or deviation from that which is stated, regular or usual; as, the eccentricity of a man's genius or conduct.
  5. Excursions from the proper sphere. Wotton.

EC-CHY-MO'SIS, n. [Gr. εκχυμωσις.]

In medicine, an appearance of livid spots on the skin, occasioned by extravasated blood. Wiseman.

EC-CLE'SI-ARCH, n. [Gr. εκκλησια and αρχη.]

A ruler of the church.

EC-CLE-SI-AS'TES, n. [Gr.]

A canonical book of the Old Testament.

EC-CLE-SI-AS'TIC, or EC-CLE-SI-AS'TIC-AL, a. [L.; Gr. εκκλησιαστικος, from εκκλησια, an assembly or meeting, whence a church, from εκκακεω, to call forth or convoke; εκ and κελεω, to call.]

Pertaining or relating to the church; as, ecclesiastical discipline or government; ecclesiastical affairs, history or polity; ecclesiastical courts. Ecclesiastical State, is the body of the clergy.


A person in orders, or consecrated to the service of the church and the ministry of religion.


In an ecclesiastical manner.


A book of the Apocrypha.

EC-CO-PROT'IC, a. [Gr. εκ, εξ, out or from, and κοπρος, stercus.]

Having the quality of promoting alvine discharges; laxative; loosening; gently cathartic. Coxe. Encyc.


A medicine which purges gently, or which tends to promote evacuations by stool; a mild cathartic. Coxe. Encyc.

ECH-E-LON', n. [French, from echelle, a ladder, a scale.]

In military tactics, the position of an army in the form of steps, or with one division more advanced than another. Wellington.


A genus of ant-eaters found in New Holland. They are monotrematous edentate mammals, nearly allied to the duck-billed animal.

ECH'I-NATE, or ECH'I-NA-TED, a. [L. echinus, a hedgehog.]

Set with prickles; prickly, like a hedgehog; having sharp points; bristles; as, an echinated pericarp. Martyn. Echinated pyrites, in mineralogy. Woodward.

ECH'IN-ITE, n. [See Echinus.]

A fossil found in chalk pits, called centronia; petrified shell set with prickles or points; a calcarious petrifaction of the echinus or sea hedgehog. Encyc. Ure.


A marine animal of the class Echinodermata, frequently covered with spines.

ECH-I'NUS, n. [L. from Gr. εχινος.]

  1. A hedgehog.
  2. A shellfish set with prickles or spines. The Echinus, in natural history, forms a genus of Mollusca. The body is roundish, covered with a bony crust, and often beset with movable prickles. There are several species, and some of them eatable. Encyc.
  3. With botanists, a prickly head or top of a plant; an echinated pericarp.
  4. In architecture, a member or ornament near the bottom of Ionic, Corinthian or Composite capitals, so named from its roughness, resembling in some measure, the spiny coat of a hedgehog. Johnson. Encyc.

ECH'O, n. [L. echo; Gr. ηχω, from ηχος, sound, ηχεω, to sound.]

  1. A sound reflected or reverberated from a solid body; sound returned; repercussion of sound; as, an echo from a distant hill. The sound must seem an echo to the sense. Pope.
  2. In fabulous history, a nymph, the daughter of the Air and Tellus, who pined into a sound, for love of Narcissus. Lempriere. Johnson.
  3. In architecture, a vault or arch for redoubling sounds. Encyc.

ECH'O, v.i.

  1. To resound; to reflect sound. The hall echoed with acclamations.
  2. To be sounded back; as, echoing noise. Blackmore.

ECH'O, v.t.

To reverberate or send back sound; to return what has been uttered. Those peals are echoed by the Trojan throng. Dryden.

ECH'O-ED, pp.

Reverberated, as sound.

ECH'O-ING, ppr.

Sending back sound; as, echoing hills.


Without echo.

E-CHOM'E-TER, n. [Gr. ηχος, sound, and μετρον, measure.]

Among musicians, a scale or rule, with several lines thereon, serving to measure the duration of sounds, and to find their intervals and ratios. Encyc.


  1. The art or act of measuring the duration of sounds.
  2. The art of constructing vaults to produce echoes.