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EP-I-THU-MET'IC, or EP-I-THU-MET'IC-AL, a. [Gr. επιθυμητικος.]

Inclined to lust; pertaining to the animal passion. Brown.

E-PIT'O-ME, or E-PIT'O-MY, n. [Gr. επιτομη, from επι and τεμνω, to cut, τομη, a cutting, a section.]

An abridgment; a brief summary or abstract of any book or writing; compendium containing the substance or principal matters of a book. Epitomes are helpful to the memory. Wotton.


An epitomizer.

E-PIT'O-MIZE, v.t.

  1. To shorten or abridge, as a writing or discourse; to abstract, in a summary, the principal matters of a book; to contract into a narrower compass. Xiphilin epitomized Dion's Roman History.
  2. To diminish; to curtail. [Less proper.]


Abridged; shortened; contracted into a smaller compass, as a book or writing.


One who abridges; a writer of an epitome.


Abridging; shortening; making a summary.

EP'I-TRITE, n. [Gr. επιτριτος; επι and τριτος, third.]

In prosody, a foot consisting of three long syllables and one short one; as, sălūtāntēs, cōncĭtātī, īncāntāré.

E-PIT'RO-PE, or E-PIT'RO-PY, n. [Gr. επιτροπη, from επιτρεπω, to permit.]

In rhetoric, concession; a figure by which one thing is granted, with a view to obtain an advantage; as, I admit all this may be true, but what is this to the purpose? I concede the fact, but it overthrows your own argument. Encyc.

EP-I-ZEUX'IS, n. [Gr.]

A figure in rhetoric in which a word is repeated with vehemence; as, You, you, Antony pushed Cesar upon the civil war.

EP-I-ZO'AN, or EP-I-ZO'A, n. [Gr. επι and ζωον.]

A parasitic animal, chiefly infesting fishes.

EP-I-ZO-OT'IC, a. [Gr. επι and ζωον, animal.]

In geology, an epithet given to such mountains as contain animal remains in their natural or in a petrified state, or the impressions of animal substances. Epizootic mountains are of secondary formation. Kirwan.

EP-I-ZO'O-TY, n. [supra.]

A murrain or pestilence among irrational animals. Ed. Encyc.

E-PLURIBIS-UNUM, a. [L. E pluribus unum.]

One of many; the motto of the United States, consisting of many states confederated.

EP'OCH, or EP'O-CHA, n. [L. epocha; Gr. εποχη, retention, delay, stop, from επεχω, to inhibit; επι and εχω, to hold.]

  1. In chronology, a fixed point of time, from which succeeding years are numbered; a point from which computation of years begins. The Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, and the Babylonish captivity, are remarkable epochs in their history.
  2. Any fixed time or period; the period when any thing begins or is remarkably prevalent; as, the epoch of falsehood; the epoch of woe. – Donne. Prior. The fifteenth century was the unhappy epoch of military establishments in time of peace. – Madison.

EP'ODE, n. [Gr. επωδη; επι and ωδη, ode.]

In lyric poetry, the third or last part of the ode; that which follows the strophe and antistrophe; the ancient ode being divided into strophe, antistrophe and epode. The word is now used as the name of any little verse or verses, that follow one or more great ones. Thus a pentameter after a hexameter is an epode. – Encyc.

EP-O-PEE', n. [Gr. επος, a song, and ποιεω, to make.]

An epic poem. More properly, the history, action or fable, which makes the subject of an epic poem. – Encyc.

E'POS, n. [Gr. επος.]

An epic poem, or its fable or subject.


In gunnery, a machine for proving the strength of gunpowder.

EPSOM-SALT, n. [Epsom salt.]

The sulphate of magnesia, an antiphlogistic cathartic, producing watery discharges.

EP'U-LA-RY, a. [L. epularis, from epulum, a feast.]

Pertaining to a feast or banquet. – Bailey.

EP-U-LA'TION, n. [L. epulatio, from epulor, to feast.]

A feasting or feast. – Brown.

EP'U-LOSE, a. [L. epulum.]

Feasting to excess.


A feasting to excess.

EP-U-LOT'IC, a. [Gr. επουλωτικα, from επουλοω, to heal, to cicatrize; επι and ουλη, a cicatrix, ουλω, to be sound, ουλος, whole.]

Healing; cicatrizing.