Dictionary: E-CON'O-MIZ-ED – ED'DER-ING

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Used with frugality.


Using with frugality.

E-CON'O-MY, n. [L. œconomia; Gr. οικονομια; οικος, house, and νομος, law, rule.]

  1. Primarily, the management, regulation and government of a family or the concerns of a household. Taylor.
  2. The management of pecuniary concerns or the expenditure of money. Hence,
  3. A frugal and judicious use of money; that management which expends money to advantage, and incurs no waste; frugality in the necessary expenditure of money. It differs from parsimony, which implies an improper saving of expense. Economy includes also a prudent management of all the means by which property is saved or accumulated; a judicious application of time, of labor, and of the instruments of labor.
  4. The disposition or arrangement of any work; as the economy of a poem. Dryden. B. Jenson.
  5. A system of rules, regulations, rites and ceremonies; as, the Jewish economy. The Jews already had a sabbath, which, as citizens and subjects of that economy, they were obliged to keep, and did keep. Paley.
  6. The regular operations of nature in the generation, nutrition and preservation of animals or plants; as, animal economy; vegetable economy.
  7. Distribution or due order of things. Blackmore.
  8. Judicious and frugal management of public affairs; as, political economy.
  9. System of management; general regulation and disposition of the affairs of a state or nation, or of any department of government.

EC-PHA'SIS, n. [Gr.]

An explicit declaration.

EC-PHO-NE'SIS, n. [Gr.]

An animated or passionate exclamation.

EC-PHRAC'TIC, a. [Gr. εκ and φραττω.]

In medicine, deobstruent; attenuating.


A medicine which dissolves or attenuates viscid matter, and removes obstructions. Coxe. Quincy.

EC'STA-SI-ED, a. [See Ecstasy.]

Enraptured; ravished; transported; delighted. Norris.

EC'STA-SY, n. [Gr. εκστασις, from εξιστημι; εξ and ίστημι, to stand.]

  1. Primarily, a fixed state; a trance; a state in which the mind is arrested and fixed, or as we say, lost; a state in which the functions of the senses are suspended by the contemplation of some extraordinary or supernatural object. Whether what we call ecstasy be not dreaming with our eyes open, I leave to be examined. Locke.
  2. Excessive joy; rapture; a degree of delight that arrests the whole mind; as, a pleasing ecstasy; the ecstasy of love; joy may rise to ecstasy.
  3. Enthusiasm; excessive elevation and absorption of mind; extreme delight. He on the tender grass / Would sit and hearken even to ecstasy. Milton.
  4. Excessive grief or anxiety. [Not used.] Shak.
  5. Madness; distraction. [Not used.] Shak.
  6. In medicine, a species of catalepsy, when the person remembers, after the paroxysm is over, the ideas he had during the fit. Encyc

EC'STA-SY, v.t.

To fill with rapture or enthusiasm.


  1. Arresting the mind; suspending the senses; entrancing. In pensive trance, and anguish, and ecstatic fit. Milton.
  2. Rapturous; transporting; ravishing; delightful beyond measure; as, ecstatic bliss or joy.
  3. Tending to external objects. [Not used.] Norris.


Rapturously; ravishingly.

EC'TA-SIS, n. [Gr. from εκτεινω.]

In rhetoric, the lengthening of a syllable from short to long.

EC'TY-PAL, a. [infra.]

Taken from the original. Ellis.

EC'TYPE, n. [Gr. εκτυπος.]

A copy. [Not used.] Locke.

EC-U-MEN'IC, or EC-U-MEN'IC-AL, a. [Gr. οικουμενικος, from οικουμενη, the habitable world.]

General; universal; as, an ecumenical council.

EC'U-RIE, n. [Fr.]

A stable; a covered place for horses.

E-DA'CIOUS, a. [L. edax, from edo, to eat.]

Eating; given to eating; greedy; voracious.



E-DAC'I-TY, n. [L. edacitas, from edax, edo, to eat.]

Greediness; voracity; ravenousness; rapacity. Bacon.

ED'DA, n.

A book containing a system of Runic or Scandinavian mythology, with some account of the theology and philosophy of the northern nations of Europe. The first part contains the mythology of the people, and the second, specimens of the poetry of the scalds. It was composed by Snorro Sturleson, judge of Iceland, from 1215 to 1222. Mallet.

ED'DER, n. [Qu. Sax. eder, a hedge.]

In husbandry, such wood as is worked into the top of hedgestakes to bind them together. Mason.

ED'DER, v.t.

To bind or make tight by edder; to fasten the tops of hedge-stakes, by interweaving edder. England.

ED'DER-ED, pp.

Bound or made tight by edder.

ED'DER-ING, ppr.

Binding or fastening by edder.