Dictionary: LIP'-WIS-DOM – LIQ'UOR

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Wisdom in talk without practice; wisdom in words not supported by experience. – Sidney.

LIQ'UA-BLE, a. [See Liquate.]

That may be melted.

LI'QUATE, v.i. [L. liquo.]

To melt; to liquefy; to be dissolved. [Little used.] Woodward.

LI-QUA'TION, n. [L. liquatio. See Liquate.]

  1. The act or operation of melting.
  2. The capacity of being melted; as, a substance congealed beyond liquation. – Brown.

LIQ'UE-FAC'TION, n. [L. liquefactio, from liquefacio.]

  1. The act or operation of melting or dissolving; the conversion of a solid into a liquid by the sole agency of heat or calorie. Liquefaction, in common usage, signifies the melting of any substance, but by some authors it is applied to the melting of substances, which pass through intermediate states of softness before they become fluid, as tallow, wax, resin, &c. – Coxe's Dispensatory.
  2. The state of being melted.


That may be melted, or changed from a solid to a liquid state. – Bacon.


Melted; become liquid.


That which melts any solid substance.

LIQ'UE-FY, v.i.

To be melted; to become liquid. – Addison.

LIQ'UE-FY, v.t. [Fr. liquefier, from L. liquefacio. See Liquid.]

To melt; to dissolve; to convert from a fixed or solid form to that of a liquid, and technically, to melt by the sole agency of heat or calorie.


Melting; becoming liquid.

LI-QUES'CEN-CY, n. [L. liquescentia.]

Aptness to melt. – Johnson.


Melting; becoming fluid.

LI-QUEUR', n. [Fr.]

A spirituous cordial.

LIQ'UID, a. [L. liquidus, from liquo, to melt, Ir. leagham; probably from flowing, and coinciding with Sax. loge, water, L. lix, and lug, in Lugdunum, Leyden, Lyons.]

  1. Fluid; flowing or capable of flowing; not fixed or solid. But liquid is not precisely synonymous with fluid. Air is fluid, but not liquid.
  2. Soft; clear; flowing; smooth; a, liquid melody. – Crashaw.
  3. Pronounced without any jar; smooth; as, a liquid letter.
  4. Dissolved; not obtainable by law; as, a liquid debt. [Obs.] Ayliffe.


  1. A fluid or flowing substance; a substance whose parts change their relative position on the slightest pressure, and which flows on an inclined plane; as, water, wine, milk, &c.
  2. In grammar, a letter which has a smooth flowing sound, or which flows smoothly after a mute; as 1 and r, in bla, bra. m and n are also called liquids.

LIQ'UID-ATE, v.t. [Fr. liquider; L. liquido.]

  1. To clear from all obscurity. Time only can liquidate the meaning of all parts of a compound system. – Hamilton.
  2. To settle; to adjust; to ascertain or reduce to precision in amount. Which method of liquidating the amercement to a precise sum, was usually performed in the superior courts. – Blackstone. The clerk of the commons' house of assembly in 1774, gave certificates to the public creditors that their demands were liquidated, and should be provided for in the next tax-bill. Ramsay. The domestic debt may be subdivided into liquidated and unliquidated. – Hamilton.
  3. To pay; to settle, adjust and satisfy; as a debt. – Wheaton. Kyburgh was ceded to Zuric by Sigismond, to liquidate a debt of a thousand florins. Coxe's Switz.
  4. To make smooth, or less harsh and offensive; as, to liquidate the harshness of sound.


Settled; adjusted; reduced to certainty; paid.


Adjusting; ascertaining; paying.


The act of settling and adjusting debts, or ascertaining their amount or balance due.


He or that which liquidates or settles. – E. Everett.

LI-QUID'I-TY, n. [Fr. liquidité.]

  1. The quality of being fluid or liquid.
  2. Thinness. – Glanville.


The quality of being liquid; fluency. – Boyle.

LIQ'UOR, n. [lik'or; Sax. loge; Fr. liqueur; L. liquor.]

A liquid or fluid substance. [See Liquid.] Liquor is a word of general signification, extending to water, milk, blood, sap, juice, &c.; but its most common application is to spirituous fluids, whether distilled or fermented, to decoctions, solutions, tinctures.

LIQ'UOR, v.t.

To moisten; to drench. [Little used.] Bacon.