Dictionary: PAN'A-RY – PAN-E-GYR'IC

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PAN'A-RY, a. [L. panis.]

Pertaining to bread.


A thin cake fried in a pan. Some folks think it will never be good times, till houses are tiled with pancakes. – Franklin.

PANCH, n. [W. panu, to form a texture, to full.]

Among seamen, a thick and strong mat, to be fastened on yards to prevent friction.

PAN-CRAT'IC, or PAN-CRAT'IC-AL, a. [Gr. παν, all and κρατος, strength.]

Excelling in all gymnastic exercises; very strong or robust. – Brown.

PAN-CRA'TI-UM, n. [Gr. παν, and κρατεω.]

In the Palestræ of Greece, exercises in wrestling, boxing, &c.

PAN'CRE-AS, n. [Gr. παν, all, and κρεας, flesh.]

A gland of the body situated between the bottom of the stomach and the vertebers of the loins, reaching from the liver to the spleen, and attached to the peritonæum. It is two fingers in breadth, and six in length, soft and supple. It secretes a kind of saliva and pours it into the duodenum. – Quincy. Coxe.


Pertaining to the pancreas; as, pancreatic juice. – Arbuthnot.

PAN'CY, n. [See PANSY.]

Pandean pipes, a wind instrument of antiquity made of reeds fastened together side by aide, gradually lessening, and tuned to each other.

PAN'DECT, n. [L. pandectæ, from Gr. πανδεκτης; παν, all, and δεχομαι, to contain, to take.]

  1. A treatise which contains the whole of any science. – Swift.
  2. Pandects, in the plural, the digest or collection of civil or Roman law, made by order of the emperor Justinian, and containing 531 decisions or judgments of lawyers, to which the emperor gave the force and authority of law. This compilation consists of fifty books, forming the first part of the civil law.

PAN-DEM'IC, a. [Gr. παν, all, and δημος, people.]

Incident to a whole people; epidemic; as, a pandemic disease. – Harvey. Parr.

PAN-DE-MO'NI-UM, n. [Gr. πας, παν, all, and δαιμων, a demon.]

In fabulous story, the great hall or council-chamber of demons or evil spirits. – Bailey.

PAN'DER, n. [qu. It. pandere, to set abroad, or Pandarus, in Chaucer. In Pers. بُنْدَارْ bondar, is the keeper of a warehouse or granary, a forestaller who buys and hoards goods to enhance the price; answering to L. mango. But the real origin of the word is not obvious.]

A pimp; a procurer; a male bawd; a mean profligate wretch who caters for the lust of others. – Dryden. Shak.

PAN'DER, v.i.

  1. To act as agent for the lusts of others.
  2. To be subservient to lust or passion.

PAN'DER, v.t.

To pimp; to procure lewd women for others. – Shak.


A procuring of sexual connection. – Ch. Relig. Appeal.


The employment or vices of a pander; a pimping. – Swift.


Pimping; acting the pander. – Shak.

PAN-DIC-U-LA'TION, n. [L. pandiculor, to yawn, to stretch.]

A yawning; a stretching; the tension of the solids that accompanies yawning, or that restlessness and stretching that accompanies the cold fit of an intermittent. – Encyc. Floyer.


In Hindoostan, a learned man.


A soldier.

PAN-DO'RA, n. [Gr. παν, and δωρον, a gift.]

In mythology, a fabled female who received a variety of gifts. Jupiter gave her a box for her husband, who opened it, and out rushed a multitude of evils. – Lempriere.

PAN'DORE, or PAN'DO-RAN, n. [Gr. πανδουρα.]

An instrument of music of the lute kind; a bandore. – Drayton.

PAN-DU'RI-FORM, a. [L. pandura, from the Gr.]

In botany, obovate, with a deep recess or sinus on each side, like the body of a fiddle or violin.

PANE, n. [Fr. pan, from extending, whence panneau, a panel; Arm. panell; Sp. entrepaño; D. paneel.]

  1. A square of glass.
  2. A piece of any thing in variegated works. – Donne.


Containing praise or eulogy; encomiastic.