Dictionary: PA-PY'RUS – PA-RADE'

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PA-PY'RUS, n.2 [plur. papyri.]

An ancient Egyptian manuscript written on membranes of the papyrus. – Gliddon.

PAR, n. [L. par, equal; W. par, that is upon or contiguous that is in continuity, a state of readiness or preparedness, a pair, a fellow, Eng. peer. The word seems to be formed on the root of L. paro, and the Shemitic ברא, and the primary sense to extend or reach.]

  1. State of equality; equal value; equivalence without discount or premium. Bills of exchange are at par, above par, or below par. Bills are at par, when they are sold their nominal amount for coin or its equivalent.
  2. Equality in condition.

PAR'A-BLE, a. [L. parabilis.]

Easily procured. [Not used.] – Brown.

PAR'A-BLE, n. [Fr. parabole, from L. parabola; Gr. παραβολη, from παραβαλλω, to throw forward or against, to compare; παρα, to or against, and βαλλω, to throw; as in confero, collatum, to set together, or one thing with another.]

A fable or allegorical relation or representation of something real in life or nature, from which a moral is drawn for instruction; such as the parable of the trees choosing a king, Judges ix.; the parable of the poor man and his lamb, 2 Sam. xii.; the parable of the ten virgins, Matth. xxv.

PAR'A-BLE, v.t.

To represent by fiction or fable. – Milton.


Represented by fable.

PA-RAB'O-LA, n. [L. See Parable.]

A conic section arising from cutting a cone by a plane parallel to one of its sides, or parallel to a place that touches one of its sides. – Harris.

PA-RAB'O-LE, or PA-RAB'O-LY, n. [See Parable.]

In oratory, similitude; comparison. – Encyc.


Expressed by parable or allegorical representation; as, parabolical instruction or description. – Brown.


  1. By way of parable. – Brown.
  2. In the form of a parabola.


Having the form of a parabola.

PA-RAB'O-LISM, n. [from parabola.]

In algebra, the division of the terms of an equation by a known quantity that is involved or multiplied in the first term. – Dict.

PA-RAB'O-LOID, n. [Gr. παραβολη, and ειδος, form.]

In geometry, a paraboliform curve whose ordinates are supposed to be in the subtriplicate, subquadruplicate, &c. ratio of their respective abscissae. Another species is when the parameter multiplied into the square of the abscissa, is equal to the cube of the ordinate. The curve is then called a semi-cubical paraboloid. Harris. A parabolic conoid. [See Conoid.] – Encyc.


A physician who follows the practice of Paracelsus, a Swiss physician of celebrity, who lived at the close of the fifteenth century. – Ferrand.


Denoting the medical practice of Paracelsus. – Hakewill.

PAR-A-CEN-TE'SIS, or PAR-A-CEN-TE'SY, n. [Gr. παρακεντησις; παρα, through, and κεντεω, to pierce.]

In surgery, the perforation of a cavity of the body either with a trochar, lancet, or other suitable instrument, for the evacuation of any effused fluid. – Encyc.

PAR-A-CEN'TRIC, or PAR-A-CEN'TRIC-AL, a. [Gr. παρα, beyond, and κεντρον, center.]

Deviating from circularity. Cheyne.

PA-RACH'RO-NISM, n. [Gr. παρα, beyond, and χρονος, time.]

An error in chronology; a mistake in regard to the true date of an event. – Encyc.

PAR-A-CHROSE, a. [Gr. παραχρωσις.]

In mineralogy, changing color, by exposure to the weather. – Mohs.

PAR'A-CHUTE, n. [Gr. παρα, against, Fr. chute, a fall.]

In aerostation, an instrument to prevent the rapidity of descent.

PAR'A-CLETE, n. [Gr. παρακλητος, from παρακαλεω; παρα, to, and καλεω, to call.]

Properly, an advocate; one called to aid or support; hence, the consoler, comforter or intercessor, a term applied to the Holy Spirit. – Pearson. Bale.


A poetical composition in which the first verse contains, in order, all the letters which commence the remaining verses of the poem. – Brande.

PA-RADE', n. [Fr. parade, parade, and a parrying; It. parata; Sp. parada, a stop or stopping, halt, end of course, a fold for cattle, a relay of horses, a dam or bank, a stake, bet or wager, a parade. This is from the root of L. paro, Sp. parar, to prepare.]

  1. In military affairs, the place where troops assemble for exercise, mounting guard or other purposes. – Encyc.
  2. Show; ostentation; display. Be rich, but of your wealth make to parade. – Swift.
  3. Pompous procession. The rites performed, the parson paid, / In state return'd the grand parade. – Swift.
  4. Military order; array; as, warlike parade. – Milton.
  5. State of preparation or defense. – Locke.
  6. The action of parrying a thrust. [Fr.] – Encyc.

PA-RADE', v.i.

  1. To assemble and be marshaled in military order.
  2. To go about in military procession. – Scott.
  3. To walk about for show.

PA-RADE', v.t.

  1. To assemble and array or marshal in military order. The general gave orders to parade the troops. The troops were paraded at the usual hour.
  2. To exhibit in a showy or ostentatious manner.