Dictionary: THE'O-RIZE – THERE-TO'

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THE'O-RIZE, v.i.

To form a theory or theories; to speculate; as, to theorize on the existence of phlogiston.


A theorist.


Forming a theory.

THE'O-RY, n. [Fr. theorie; It. teoria; L. theoria; Gr. θεωρια, from θεωρεω, to see or contemplate.]

  1. Speculation; a doctrine or scheme of things, which terminates in speculation or contemplation, without a view to practice. It is here taken in an unfavorable sense, as implying something visionary.
  2. An exposition of the general principles of any science; as, the theory of music.
  3. The science distinguished from the art; as, the theory and practice of medicine.
  4. The philosophical explanation of phenomena, either physical or moral; as, Lavoisier's theory of combustion; Smith's theory of moral sentiments. Theory is distinguished from hypothesis thus; a theory is founded on inferences drawn from principles which have been established on independent evidence; a hypothesis is a proposition assumed to account for certain phenomena, and has no other evidence of its truth, than that it affords a satisfactory explanation of those phenomena. D. Olmsted.


Pertaining to theosophism or to the theosophists; divinely wise.

THE-OS'O-PHISM, n. [Gr. Θεος, God, and σοφισμα, comment; σοφος, wise.]

Pretension to divine illumination; enthusiasm.


One who pretends to divine illumination; one who pretends to derive his knowledge from divine revelation. Enfield.


To treat of God or of divine things.


  1. Divine wisdom; godliness. Ed. Encyc.
  2. Knowledge of God. Good.

THER-A-PEU'TIC, a. [Gr. θεραπευτικος, from θεραπευω, to nurse, serve or cure.]

Curative; that pertains to the healing art; that is concerned in discovering and applying remedies for diseases. Medicine is justly distributed into prophylactic, or the art of preserving health, and therapeutic, or the art of restoring it. Watts.


  1. That part of medicine which respects the discovery and application of remedies for diseases. Therapeutics teaches the use of diet and of medicines. Cyc.
  2. A religious sect described by Philo. They were devotees to religion.

THERE, adv. [Sax. thær; Goth. thar; D. daar; Sw. där; Dan. der. This word was formerly used as a pronoun, as well as an adverb of place. Thus in Saxon, thærto was to him, to her, or to it.]

  1. In that place. The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there he put the man whom he had formed. Gen. ii.
  2. It is sometimes opposed to here; there denoting the place most distant. Darkness there might well seem twilight here. Milton.
  3. Here and there, in one place and another; as, here a little and there a little.
  4. It is sometimes used by way of exclamation, calling the attention to something distant; as, there, there; see there; look there.
  5. There is used to begin sentences, or before a verb; sometimes pertinently, and sometimes without signification; but its use is so firmly established that it can not be dispensed with. Wherever there is sense or perception, there some idea is actually produced. Locke. There have been that have delivered themselves from their ills by their good fortune or virtue. Suckling. And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son. Mark i.
  6. In composition, there has the sense of a pronoun, as in Saxon; as thereby, which signifies by that.

THERE-A-BOUT', or THERE-A-BOUTS', adv. [comp. there and about. The latter is less proper, but most commonly used.]

  1. Near that place. Shak.
  2. Nearly; near that number, degree or quantity; as, ten men or thereabouts.
  3. Concerning that. [Not much used.] Luke xxiv.

THERE-AF'TER, adv. [comp. there and after. Sax. thær-æfter, after that.]

  1. According to that; accordingly. When you can draw the head indifferently well, proportion the body thereafter. Peacham.
  2. After that. Spenser.

THERE-AT', adv. [comp. there and at.]

  1. At that place. Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. Matth. vii.
  2. At that; at that thing or event; on that account. Every error is a stain to the beauty of nature; for which cause it blusheth thereat. Hooker.

THERE-BY', adv. [comp. there and by.]

By that; by that means; in consequence of that. Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace; thereby good shall come to thee. Job xxii.

THERE-FOR', comp. [there and for.]

For that or this, or it.

THERE'FORE, comp. [ther'fore. there and for.]

  1. For that; for that or this reason, referring to something previously stated. I have married a wife, and therefore I can not come. Luke xiv.
  2. Consequently. He blushes; therefore he is guilty. Spectator.
  3. In return or recompense for this or that. What shall we have therefore? Matth. xix.

THERE-FROM', adv. [comp. there and from.]

From this or that. Turn not aside therefrom to the right hand or to the left. Josh. xxiii.

THERE-IN', adv. [comp. there and in.]

In that or this place, time or thing. Bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply therein. Gen. ix. Ye shall keep the sabbath – whosoever doeth any work therein – that soul shall be cut off. Exod. xxxi. Therein our letters do not well agree. Shak.

THERE-IN-TO', adv. [comp. there and into.]

Into that. Bacon.

THERE-OF', comp. [there and of.]

Of that or this. In the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. Gen. ii.

THERE-ON', adv. [comp. there and on.]

On that or this. Then the king said, Hang him thereon. Esth. vii.

THERE-OUT', adv. [comp. there and out.]

Out of that or this. Lev. ii.

THERE-TO', adv. [comp. there and to.]

To that or this. Add the fifth part thereto. Lev. v.