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Consisting of low vulgar tricks. [Little used.]

BU'FON-ITE, n. [L. bufo, a toad.]

Toad-stone, or fossil teeth of the Anarrhicas or sea-wolf, formerly much esteemed for its imaginary virtues, and worn in rings. It was named from an opinion that it was found in the head of a toad. – Encyc.

BUG, n. [Qu. W. baç, byçan, small.]

In common language, the name of a vast multitude of insects, which infest houses and plants. In zoology, this word is applied to the insects arranged under the genus Cimex, of which several hundred species are described. Bugs belong to the order of Hemipters. They are furnished with a rostrum or beak, with antennæ longer than the thorax, and the wings are folded together crosswise. The back is flat, the throat margined, and the feet are formed for running. Some species have no wings. The house-bug, or bed-bug, is a troublesome and disgusting insect. – Encyc.

BUG, or BUG'BEAR, n. [W. bwg, a hobgoblin or scarecrow; bugadu, to terrify; Russ. buka, a sprite or goblin. In Pers. بَاكْ bauk, is fear.]

A frightful object; a walking specter; any thing imaginary that is considered as frightful. – Locke. Pope.

BUG'BEAR, v.t.

To alarm or frighten with idle phantoms. – Archbp. King.

BU-GEE', n.

A species of monkey found in India, of a beaver color. – Dict. of Nat. Hist.


A large species of lizard, four feet long. – Dict. of Nat. Hist.

BUG'GER, n. [Fr. bougre; Sp. bujarron; D. boggeren, verb.]

One guilty of the crime against nature. A vile wretch; a term of reproach.


The unnatural and detestable crime of carnal intercourse of man or woman with a beast; or of human beings unnaturally with each other. Sodomy. – Encyc.

BUG'GI-NESS, n. [from buggy.]

The state of being infected with bugs.

BUG'GY, a. [from bug.]

Abounding with bugs. – Johnson.

BUG'GY, n.

A light vehicle without a top, to be drawn by one horse.

BU'GLE, or BU'GLE-HORN, n. [W. bugail, a shepherd. See Bucolic. The shepherd's horn, or from the same root as the Fr. beugler, to bellow, from its sound.]

  1. A hunting horn. – Spenser. Shak.
  2. A military instrument of music.

BU'GLE, n.

A shining head of black glass. – Shak.

BU'GLE, n. [L. bugula, or bugillo.]

A genus of plants, Ajuga, of several species. – Encyc.

BU'GLE, n. [L. buculus, an ox.]

A sort of wild ox. – Phillips.


A plant, in Europe, a species of Ajuga, in America either Lycopus sinuatus or Lycopus virginicus, valued as a remedy for hemoptysis, or spitting of blood.

BU'GLOSS, n. [L. buglossus; Gr. βουγλωσσος, of βους, an ox, and γλωσσα, tongue.]

The popular name of a genus of plants, called Anchusa. The small wild bugloss, is the Asperugo. The viper's bugloss, is the Echium.


A plant, the Cimicifuga. – Muhlenberg.


A subspecies of silex or quartz, occurring in amorphous masses, partly compact, but containing many irregular cavities. It is used for mill-stones. – Cleaveland. This word is often written burr-stone.

BUILD, v.i. [bild.]

  1. To exercise the art or practice the business of building. To build, to plant, whatever you intend. – Pope.
  2. To construct, rest or depend on as a foundation; as, to build on the opinions of others. – Addison.

BUILD, or BILD, v.t. [bild; pret. built; pp. built, pronounced bilt. The regular pret. and pp. builded, is sometimes used. Sax. byldan, to confirm; byld, bylde, byldo, constancy, firmness; bilith, a model, an image; Sw. bilda; D. afbeelden, verbeelden; Ger. bilden, abbilden; Dan. bilder; afbilder, to shape, form, design, delineate, represent, counterfeit; Sw. and Ger. bild; D. beeld, image, statue, figure, repesentation. The primary sense is to set, fix or make, and the true orthography is bild.]

  1. To frame, construct, and raise, as an edifice or fabric of almost any kind, as a house, barn, shop, ship or vessel, a wall, or other structure of art; to unite materials into a regular structure for use or convenience.
  2. To raise by art; to frame or shape into a particular form; as, to build up a head-dress in a cone. – Spectator.
  3. To raise any thing on a support or foundation; as, to build our hopes on air.
  4. In Scripture, to increase and strengthen; to cement and knit together; to settle or establish and preserve. – Acts xx. 32. Eph. ii. 22. 1 Sam. ii. 35.

BUILD'ER, n. [bild'er.]

  1. One who builds; one whose occupation is to build; an architect, a ship-wright, a mason, &c.
  2. A creator. Whose builder and maker is God. – Heb. xi.

BUILD'ING, n. [bild'ing.]

A fabric or edifice constructed for use or convenience, as a house, a church, a shop, &c.

BUILD'ING, ppr. [bild'ing.]

Framing and erecting; resting on.