Dictionary: BARB'ER – BARE'FOOT

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BARB'ER, n. [Persian barbr. See Barb.]

One whose occupation is to shave men, or to shave and dress hair. – Shak.

BARB'ER, v.t.

To shave and dress hair. – Shak.


One who joins the practice of surgery with that of a barber: a practice now unusual. A low practitioner of surgery. – Wiseman.


A female barber. [Not used.]


A man who frequents the barber's shop, or prides himself in being dressed by a barber; a fop. – Shak.

BAR'BER-RY, n. [L. berberis; Ir. barbrog; D. berberis; Sp. berbero. In Eth. abarbar, is the nettle, Urtica major; in Amh., a species of thistle. Lud. Eth. 233; Amh. 39. It is probable therefore that this plant is so named from its spines or barbs. Its other name, Oxyacanthus, indicates a like origin.]

A plant of the genus Berberis, common in hedges; called in England, Pipperidge-bush. The berries are used in house-wifery, and are deemed efficacious in fluxes and fevers. The bark dyes a fine yellow, especially the bark of the root. – Miller. Encyc.


  1. A name given by some French writers to a peculiar species of those worms which feed on the puceron or aphis. [See Aphis.] – Encyc.
  2. The Bucco, a genus of birds found in the warm climates of both continents.
  3. A dog, so called from his long hair.


A popular song or melody sung by Venetian gondoliers.

BARD, n. [W. bardh, or barz; Ir. bard; Fr. barde, a poet; Ir. bardas, a satire or lampoon; W. bardhas, philosophy; bardgan, a song.]

  1. A poet and a singer among the ancient Celts; one whose occupation was to compose and sing verses in honor of the heroic achievements of princes and brave men. The bards used an instrument of music like a lyre or guitar, and not only praised the brave, but reproached the cowardly. – Diod. Sic. Am. Marcel. Lucan. Festus.
  2. In modern usage, a poet. – Pope. Dryden.

BARD, n.

The trappings of a horse.


In heraldry, caparisoned. – Encyc.


A sect of heretics, who sprung from Bardesanes, of Edessa, in Mesopotamia, in the 2d century, who taught that the actions of men depend on fate, to which God himself is subject. His followers went farther, and denied the incarnation of Christ and the resurrection. – Encyc.


Pertaining to bards, or to their poetry. – Owen.


Pertaining to bards; written by a bard.


The science of bards; the learning and maxims of bards. – Owen.

BARE, a. [Sax. bar or bær; Sw. and Dan. bar; G. bar. This word is from opening, separating, stripping. In Ch. Syr. and Sam. באר signifies to open, or explain; Ar. to dig; also ברר is to separate, to purify. Ch. Syr. בור to lay waste; Ar. id.]

  1. Naked; without covering; as, the arm is bare; the trees are bare.
  2. With the head uncovered, from respect. – Clarendon.
  3. Plain; simple; unadorned; without the polish of refined manners. – Spenser.
  4. Laid open to view; detected; no longer concealed. – Milton.
  5. Poor; destitute; indigent; empty; unfurnished. – Hooker. Dryden. I have made Esau bare. – Jer. xlix.
  6. Alone; unaccompanied. – Shak. South.
  7. Thread-bare; much worn. – Shak.
  8. Wanting clothes; or ill supplied with garments. – Johnson. Under bare poles, at sea, signifies having no sail set. – Mar. Dict. It is often followed by of; as, the country is bare of money. – Locke.

BARE, v.

the old preterit of bear, now bore.

BARE, v.t. [Sax. abarian. See Bare, adj.]

To strip off the covering; to make naked; as, to bare the breast. – Bacon. Pope.

BARE'BONE, n. [See Bone.]

A very lean person.


Lean, so that the bones appear, or rather, so that the bones show their forms. – Shak.

BAR'ED, pp.

Made bare; made naked.

BARE'FA-CED, a. [See Face.]

  1. With the face uncovered; not masked. – Shak.
  2. Undisguised; unreserved; without concealment; hence, shameless; impudent; audacious; as, a barefaced falsehood.


Without disguise or reserve; openly; impudently.


Effrontery; assurance; audaciousness.

BARE'FOOT, a. [See Foot.]

With the feet bare; without shoes and stockings. – 2 Sam. xv. Isaiah xx.