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To set in opposition.

CON-TRA-PO-SI'TION, n. [contra and position.]

A placing over against; opposite position.


Pertaining to counterpoint.


One skilled in counterpoint. – Mason.

CON-TRA-REG-U-LAR'I-TY, n. [contra and regularity.]

Contrariety to rule, or to regularity. Norris.

CON-TRA'RI-ANT, a. [Fr. from contrarier, to contradict, or run counter.]

Contradictory; opposite; inconsistent. [Little used.] – Ayliffe.

CON'TRA-RIES, n. [plur. See Contrary.]

In logic, propositions which destroy each other, but of which the falsehood of one does not establish the truth of the other. If two universals differ in quality, they are contraries; as, every vine is a tree; no vine is a tree. These can never be both true together; but they may be both false. – Watts.

CON-TRA-RI'E-TY, n. [L. contrarietas. See Contrary.]

  1. Opposition in fact, essence, quality, or principle; repugnance. The expedition failed by means of a contrariety of winds. There is a contrariety in the nature of virtue and vice; of love and hatred; of truth and falsehood. Among men of the same profession, we find a contrariety of opinions.
  2. Inconsistency; quality or position destructive of its opposite. How can these contrarieties agree. Shak.


In an opposite manner; in opposition; on the other side; in opposite ways.


Contrariety; opposition. – Dict.


Contrary; opposite; repugnant. – Milton.


Contrarily; oppositely. – Shak.

CON'TRA-RI-WISE, adv. [contrary and wise, manner.]

On the contrary; oppositely; on the other hand. Not rendering evil for evil, nor railing for railing; but contrariwise, blessing. – 1 Pet. iii.

CON'TRA-RY, a. [L. contrarius, from contra, against; Fr. contraire; Sp. and It. contrario.]

  1. Opposite; adverse; moving against, or in an opposite direction; as, contrary winds.
  2. Opposite; contradictory; not merely different, but inconsistent or repugnant. The flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary, the one to the other. – Gal. v. This adjective, in many phrases, is to be treated grammatically as an adverb, or as an adjective referring to a sentence or affirmation; as, this happened contrary to my expectations. The word here really belongs to the affirmation or fact declared, this happened; for contrary does not, like an adverb, express the manner of happening, but that the fact itself was contrary to my expectation. According, agreeable, pursuant, antecedent, prior, anterior, &c., are often used in the like manner.


  1. A thing that is contrary or of opposite qualities. No contraries hold more antipathy, / Than I and such a knave. – Shak.
  2. A proposition contrary to another, or a fact contrary to what is alledged; as, this is slated to be a fact, but I will endeavor to show the contrary. On the contrary, in opposition; on the other side. – Swift. To the contrary, to an opposite purpose, or fact; as, he said it was just, but I told him to the contrary. They did it, not for want of instruction to the contrary. – Stillingfleet.

CON'TRA-RY, v.t. [Fr. contrarier.]

To contradict or oppose. [Obs.]


Of a different mind or opinion. – Hall.


  1. Opposition or dissimilitude of figures, by which one contributes to the visibility or effect of the other. – Johnson. Contrast, in this sense, is applicable to things of a similar kind. We never speak of a contrast between a man and a mountain, or between a dog and a tree; but we observe the contrast between an oak and a shrub, and between a palace and a cottage.
  2. Opposition, or difference of position, attitude, &c., of figures, or of their several members; as, in painting and sculpture.
  3. Opposition, of things or qualities; or the placing of opposite things in view, to exhibit the superior excellence of one to more advantage. What a contrast between modesty and impudence, or between a well-bred man and a clown!

CON-TRAST', v.t. [Fr. contraster, Norm. id., to contrast; It. contrastare, Sp. and Port. contrastar, to resist, withstand, strive, debate, quarrel. The primary sense is to set against, or to strain, to strive.]

  1. To set in opposition two or more figures of a like kind, with a view to show the difference or dissimilitude, and to manifest the superior excellence of the one by the inferiority of the other, or to exhibit the excellence of the one and the defects of the other in a more striking view; as, to contrast two pictures or statues.
  2. To exhibit differences or dissimilitude in painting and sculpture, by position or attitude, either of the whole figure or of its members; or to show to advantage by opposition or difference of position.
  3. To set in opposition different things or qualities, to show the superior excellence of one to advantage. To contrast the goodness of God with our rebellion, will tend to make us humble and thankful. Clark, Serm., July 4, 1814.


Set in opposition; examined in opposition.


Placing in opposition, with a view to discover the difference of figures or other things, and exhibit the advantage or excellence of one beyond that of the other.


In music, a middle part between the tenor and treble; counter.


In watch work, the wheel next to the crown, the teeth and hoop of which lie contrary to those of the other wheels, whence its name.

CON-TRA-VAL-LA'TION, n. [L. contra and vallo, to fortify; Fr. contrevallation.]

In fortification, a trench guarded with a parapet, thrown round a place by the besiegers, to secure themselves, and check sallies of the garrison.

CON-TRA-VENE', v.t. [L. contravenio; contra and venio, to come.]

Literally, to come against; to meet. Hence, to oppose, but used in a figurative or moral sense; to oppose in principle or effect; to contradict; to obstruct in operation; to defeat; as, a law may contravene the provisions of the constitution.