Dictionary: CUSH'AT – CUS'TOM-A-RY

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The ring-dove or wood-pigeon. – Scott.

CUSH'ION, n. [cush'in; Fr. coussin; It. cuscino; D. kussen; G. küssen; Sp. coxin; Port. coxim; Arm. couçzin. Qu. Ar. كِسَءٌ kisaian; Ch. כסי keesi, a little cushion for the elbow.]

  1. A pillow for a seat; a soft pad to be placed on a chair; a bag, stuffed with wool, hair, or other soft material.
  2. A bag of leather filled with sand, used by engravers to support the plate.
  3. In gilding, a stuffing of fine tow or wool, covered by leather, on a board; used for receiving the leaves of gold from the paper, in order to its being cut into proper sizes and figures. – Encyc. Lady's cushion, a plant, a species of Saxifraga. – Lee. Sea cushion, sea pink, or thrift, a species of Statice. – Lee.

CUSH'ION, v.t.

To seat on a cushion.


Seated on a cushion; supported by cushions. – Johnson.


A little cushion. – Beaum.


A kind of ivory cup. [Not in use.] – Bailey.

CUSP, n. [L. cuspis, a point.]

The point or horn of the moon or other luminary. – Encyc.

CUSP'A-TED, a. [L. cuspis, a point.]

Pointed; ending in a point.


Ending in a point. – More.

CUSP'I-DATE, or CUSP'I-DA-TED, a. [L. cuspidatus, from cuspis, a point.]

Having a sharp end, like the point of a spear; terminating in a bristly point; as, a cuspidate leaf. – Martyn.

CUS'PIS, n. [L.]

A point.

CUS'TARD, n. [Cymbric cwstard. Junius. I suspect the first syllable to be W. caws, curd, cheese.]

A composition of milk and eggs, sweetened, and baked or boiled, forming an agreeable kind of food.


A plant, a species of Anona, growing in the West Indies, whose fruit is of the size of a tennis ball, of an orange color, containing a yellowish pulp, of the consistence of custard. Encyc.

CUS-TO'DI-AL, a. [from custody.]

Relating to custody or guardianship.

CUS'TO-DY, n. [L. custodia; It. and Sp. id.; from L. custos, a watchman, a keeper. This word has the elements of castle, W. cas, the primary sense of which is to separate, hence, to defend, to hold. See Chaste.]

  1. A keeping; a guarding; care, watch, inspection, for keeping, preservation, or security. The prisoner was committed to the custody of the sherif. Under the custody and charge of the sons of Merari shall be the boards of the tabernacle. – Numb. iii. Hence,
  2. Imprisonment; confinement; restraint of liberty.
  3. Defense from a foe; preservation; security. There was prepared a fleet of thirty ships for the custody of the narrow seas. – Bacon.

CUS'TOM, n.1 [Fr. coutume, for coustume; It. costuma, costume; Sp. costumbre; Port. costume; Arm. custum. Qu. L. consuetus.]

  1. Frequent or common use, or practice; a frequent repetition of the same act; hence, way; established manner; habitual practice. The priest's custom with the people was … – 1 Sam. ii. We have no such custom. – 1 Cor. xi. The customs of the people are vain. – Jer. x.
  2. A buying of goods; practice of frequenting a shop, and purchasing or procuring to be done. The shopkeeper has extensive custom, or a good run of custom. A mill or a manufacturer has extensive custom, or little custom. Let him have your custom, but not your votes. – Addison.
  3. In law, long established practice, or usage, which constitutes the unwritten law, and long consent to which gives it authority. Customs are general, which extend over a state or kingdom, and particular, which are limited to a city or district. – Encyc.

CUS'TOM, n.2 [Fr. coutume, from coûter, for couster, to cost.]

Tribute, toll, or tax; that is, cost or charge paid to the public. Render custom to whom custom is due. – Rom. xiii. Customs, in the plural, the duties imposed by law on merchandise imported or exported. In Great Britain and the United Stales, this word is limited to these species of duties.

CUS'TOM, v.i.

To accustom. – Spenser.

CUS'TOM, v.t.

  1. To make familiar. [See Accustom, which is the word used.]
  2. To give custom to. – Bacon.


  1. Common; habitual; frequent. – Johnson.
  2. Subject to the payment of the duties called customs. – Law of Massachusetts.


Frequency; conformity to custom. [Little used.]


According to custom; in a customary manner. – Hayward.

CUS'TOM-A-RI-LY, adv. [See Customary.]

Habitually; commonly. – Ray.


Frequency; commonness; habitual use or practice.

CUS'TOM-A-RY, a. [Fr. coutumier.]

  1. According to custom, or to established or common usage; as, a customary dress; customary compliments.
  2. Habitual; in common practice; as, customary vices.
  3. Holding by custom; as, customary tenants, who are copy-holders.
  4. Held by custom; as, a customary freehold.