Dictionary: DWIN'DLED – DYS'O-DILE

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Shrunk; diminished in size.


Falling away; becoming less; pining; consuming; moldering away.

DYE, n.

A coloring liquor; color; stain; tinge.

DYE, v.t. [Sax. deagan; L. tingo, for tigo; Gr. τεγγω; Fr. teindre, whence tint, taint, attaint; Sp. teñir; Port. tingir; It. tignere; Ar. طَاحَ taicha, to dye and to die. Class Dg, No. 40. The primary sense is to throw down, to dip, to plunge.]

To stain; to color; to give a new and permanent color to; applied particularly to cloth or the materials of cloth, as wool, cotton, silk and linen; also to hats, leather, &c. It usually expresses more or a deeper color than tinge.

DY'ED, pp.

Stained; colored.


The art or practice of giving new and permanent colors; the art of coloring cloth, hats, &c.

DYE'ING, ppr.

Staining; giving a new and permanent color.

DY'ER, n.

One whose occupation is to dye cloth and the like.

DY'ING, ppr. [from die.]

  1. Losing life; perishing; expiring; fading away; languishing.
  2. adj. Mortal; destined to death; as, dying bodies.
  3. Given, uttered, or manifested just before death; as, dying words; a dying request; dying love.
  4. Supporting a dying person; as, a dying bed.
  5. Pertaining to death; as, a dying hour.

DY'ING-LY, adv.

In a dying manner.

DY'ING-LY, adv.

In an expiring manner.

DY-NAM'E-TER, n. [Gr. δυναμις, strength, and μετρεω, to measure.]

An instrument for determining the magnifying power of telescopes. – Ramsden.


Pertaining to a dynameter.

DY-NAM'IC-AL, a. [Gr. δυναμις, power.]

Pertaining to strength or power.

DY-NAM'ICS, n. [Gr. δυναμις, power.]

That branch of mechanical philosophy, which treats of the force of moving bodies; the science of moving powers, and the effect of moving bodies acting on each other, and producing motion.

DYN-A-MOM'E-TER, n. [See Dynameter.]

An instrument for measuring the relative strength of men and other animals. – Ed. Encyc.

DY'NAST, n. [See Dynasty.]

A ruler; a governor; a prince; a government.


Relating to a dynasty or line of kings.

DY-NAS'TI-DAN, n. [Gr. δυναστης, powerful.]

The dynastidans are a tribe of beetles of a gigantic size.

DY'NAS-TY, n. [Gr. δυναζεια, power, sovereignty, from δυναςης, a lord or chief, from δυναμαι, to be able or strong, to prevail; Ir. tanaiste. The W. dyn, man, is probably from the same root. Class Dn.]

Government; sovereignty; or rather a race or succession of kings of the same line or family, who govern a particular country; as, the dynasties of Egypt or Persia. – Encyc. The obligation of treaties and contracts is allowed to survive the change of dynasties. – E. Everett.

DYS'CRA-SY, n. [Gr. δυσκρασια; δυς, evil, and κρασις, habit.]

In medicine, an ill habit or state of the humors; distemperature of the juices. – Coxe. Encyc.


  1. Pertaining to dysentery; accompanied with dysentery; proceeding from dysentery.
  2. Afflicted with dysentery; as, a dysenteric patient.

DYS'EN-TER-Y, n. [L. dysenteria; Gr. δυσεντερια; δυς, bad, and εντερον, intestines.]

A flux in which the stools consist chiefly of blood and mucus or other morbid matter, accompanied with griping of the bowels, and followed by tenesmus. – Encyc.

DYS'NO-MY, n. [Gr. δυς and νομος.]

Bad legislation; the enactment of bad laws.


A species of coal of a greenish or yellowish gray color, in masses composed of thin layers. When burning, it emits a very fetid odor. – Haüy. Cleaveland.