Dictionary: EP-U-LOT'IC – E-QUA-TO'RI-AL

a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |



A medicament or application which tends to dry, cicatrize and heal wounds or ulcers, to repress fungous flesh and dispose the parts to recover soundness. – Coxe. Quincy.


A purifying.

E-QUA-BIL'I-TY, n. [See Equable.]

  1. Equality in motion; continued equality, at all times, in velocity or movemeat; uniformity; as, the equability of the motion of a heavenly body, or of the blood in the arteries and veins.
  2. Continued equality; evenness or uniformity; as, the equability of the temperature of the air; the equability of the mind.

E'QUA-BLE, a. [L. æquabilis, from æquus, equal, even, æquo, to equal, to level.]

  1. Equal and uniform at all times, as motion. An equable motion continues the same in degree of velocity, neither accelerated or retarded.
  2. Even; smooth; having a uniform surface or form; as, an equable globe or plain. – Bentley.


State of being equable.

E'QUA-BLY, adv.

With an equal or uniform motion; with continued uniformity; evenly; as, bodies moving equably in concentric circles. – Cheyne.

E'QUAL, a. [L. æqualis, from æquus, equal, even, æquo, to equal, perhaps Gr. εικος, similar; Fr. egal; Sp. igual; Port. id.; It. eguale.]

  1. Having the same magnitude or dimensions; being of the same bulk or extent; as, an equal quantity of land; a house of equal size; two persons of equal bulk; an equal line or angle.
  2. Having the same value; as, two commodities of equal price or worth.
  3. Having the same qualities or condition; as, two men of equal rank or excellence; two bodies of equal hardness or softness.
  4. Having the same degree; as, two motions of equal velocity.
  5. Even; uniform; not variable; as, an equal temper or mind. Ye say, the way of the Lord is not equal. – Ezek. xvi.
  6. Being in just proportion; as, my commendation is not equal to his merit.
  7. Impartial; neutral; not biased. Equal and unconcerned, I look on all. – Dryden.
  8. Indifferent; of the same interest or concern. He may receive them or not, it is equal to me.
  9. Just; equitable; giving the same or similar rights or advantages. The terms and conditions of the contract are equal.
  10. Being on the same terms; enjoying the same or similar benefits. They made the married, orphans, widows, yea and the aged also, equal in spoils with themselves. Maccabees.
  11. Adequate; having competent power, ability or means. The ship is not equal to her antagonist. The army was not equal to the contest. We are not equal to the undertaking.

E'QUAL, n.

One not inferior or superior to another; having the same or a similar age, rank, station, office, talents, strength, &c. Those who were once his equals, envy and defame him. Addison. It was thou, a man my equal, my guide. Ps. iv. Gal. i.

E'QUAL, v.t.

  1. To make equal; to make one thing of the same quantity, dimensions or quality as another.
  2. To rise to the same state, rank or estimation with another: to become equal to. Few officers can expect to equal Washington in fame.
  3. To be equal to. One whose all not equals Edward's moiety. Shak.
  4. To make equivalent to; to recompense fully; to answer, in full proportion. He answer'd all her cares, and equal'd all her love. Dryden.
  5. To be of like excellence or beauty. The gold and the crystal can not equal it. Job xxviii.

E'QUAL-ED, pp.

Made equal.

E'QUAL-ING, ppr.

Making equal.

E-QUAL'I-TY, n. [L. æqualitas.]

  1. An agreement of things in dimensions, quantity or quality; likeness; similarity in regard to two things compared. We speak of the equality of two or more tracts of land, of two bodies in length, breadth or thickness, of virtues or vices.
  2. The same degree of dignity or claims; as, the equality of men in the scale of being; the equality of nobles of the same rank; an equality of rights.
  3. Evenness; uniformity; sameness in state or continued course; as, an equality of temper or constitution.
  4. Evenness; plainness; uniformity; as, an equality surface.


The act of equalizing, or state of being equalized.

E'QUAL-IZE, v.t.

To make equal; as, to equalize accounts; to equalize burdens or taxes.


Made equal; reduced to equality.


Making equal.

E'QUAL-LY, adv.

  1. In the same degree with another; alike, to be equally taxed; to be equally virtuous or vicious; to be equally impatient, hungry, thirsty, swift, or slow; to be equally furnished.
  2. In equal shares or proportions. The estate is to be equally divided among the heirs.
  3. Impartially; with equal justice. Shak.


  1. Equality; a state of being equal. Shak.
  2. Evenness; uniformity; as, the equalness of a surface.

E-QUAN'GU-LAR, a. [L. æquus and angulus.]

Consisting of equal angles. [See Equiangular, which is generally used.]

E-QUA-NIM'I-TY, n. [L. æquanimitas; æquus and animus, an equal mind.]

Evenness of mind; that calm temper or firmness of mind which is not easily elated or depressed, which sustains prosperity without excessive joy, and adversity without violent agitation of the passions or depression of spirits. The great man bears misfortunes with equanimity.


Of an even, composed frame of mind; of a steady temper; not easily elated or depressed.


An imaginary circle in astronomy, used for determining the motions of the planets.

E-QUA'TION, n. [L. æquatio, from æquo, to make equal or level.]

  1. Literally, a making equal, or an equal division.
  2. In algebra, a proposition asserting the equality of two quantities, and expressed by the sign = between them; or an expression of the same quantity in two dissimilar terms, but of equal value, as 3s=36d, or x=b+m-r. In the latter case, x is equal to b added to m, with r subtracted, and the quantities on the right hand of the sign of equation are said to be the value of x on the left hand. Encyc. Johnson.
  3. In astronomy, the reduction of the apparent time or motion of the sun to equable, mean, or true time. Encyc.
  4. The reduction of any extremes to a mean proportion. Harris.

E-QUA'TOR, n. [L. from æquo, to make equal.]

In astronomy and geography, a great circle of the sphere, equally distant from the two poles of the world, or having the same poles as the world. It is called equator, because when the sun is in it, the days and nights are of equal length; hence it is called also the equinoctial, and when drawn on maps, globes, and planispheres, it is called the equinoctial line, or simply the line. Every point in the equator is 90 degrees, or a quadrant's distance, from the poles; hence it divides the globe or sphere into two equal hemispheres, the northern and southern. At the meridian, the equator rises as much above the horizon as is the complement of the latitude of the place. Encyc. Harris.


Pertaining to the equator; as, equatorial climates. The equatorial diameter of the earth is longer than the polar diameter.