Dictionary: ES-CHEAT-ED – E-SEN-BE-KI'NA

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Having fallen to the lord through want of heirs, or to the state for want of an owner, or by forfeiture.


Reverting to the lord through failure of heirs, or to the state for want of an owner, or by forfeiture.


An officer who observes the escheats of the king in the county whereof he is escheator, and certifies them into the treasury. Camden.

ES-CHEW', v.t. [Norm. eschever; Old Fr. escheoir; G. scheuen; It. schivare; Fr. esquiver; Dan. skyer; to shun. The G. scheu, Dan. sky, It. schifo, is the Eng. shy. In Sw. the corresponding words are skygg and skyggia, which leads to the opinion that the radical letters are Kg or Skg; and if so, these words correspond with the G. scheuchen, to frighten, to drive away, which we retain in the word shoo, used to scare away fowls.]

To flee from; to shun; to avoid. He who obeys, destruction shall eschew. Sandys.


Shunned; avoided.


Shunning; avoiding.

ES-CO'CHEON, n. [Fr.]

The shield of the family. Warton.

ESCORT, n. [Fr. escorte; It. scorta, a guard or guide, scorgere, to discern, lead, conduct. Sp. and Port. escolta, r changed into l. The Italian has scorto, seen, perceived, prudent, and as a noun, abridgment; and scortare, to abridge, shorten, conduct, escort. The sense of short, shorten, is connected with L. curtus, and the sense of prudent occurs in L. cordatus. But whether there is a connection between these words, let the reader judge.]

A guard; a body of armed men which attends an officer, or baggage, provisions or munitions conveyed by land from place to place, to protect them from an enemy, or in general, for security. [This word is rarely, and never properly used for naval protection or protectors; the latter we call a convoy. I have found it applied to navel protection, but it is unusual.]

ES-CORT', v.t.

To attend and guard on a journey by land; to attend and guard any thing conveyed by land. General Washington arrived at Boston, escorted by a detachment of dragoons. The guards escorted Lord Wellington to London.


Attended and guarded by land.


Attending and guarding by land.

ES-COT', n. [See SCOT.]

ES-COU-ADE', n. [See SQUAD.]

ES-COUT', n. [See SCOUT.]

ES-CRI-TOIR', n. [Sp. escritorio; It. scrittorio; Fr. ecritoire, from ecrire, ecrit, to write, from the root of L. scribo, Eng. to scrape.]

A box with instruments and convenience, for writing; sometimes, a desk or chest of drawers with an apartment for the instruments of writing. It is often pronounced scrutoir.


Pertaining to an escritoir.

ES'CROW, n. [Fr. ecrou, Norm. escrover, escrowe, a scroll.]

In law, a deed of lands or tenements delivered to a third person, to hold till some condition is performed by the grantee, and which is not to take effect till the condition is performed. It is then to be delivered to the grantee. Blackstone.

ES'CU-AGE, n. [from Fr. ecu, for escu, L. scutum, a shield.]

In feudal law, service of the shield, called also scutage; a species of tenure by knight service, by which a tenant was bound to follow his lord to war; afterward exchanged for a pecuniary satisfaction. Blackstone.

ES-CU-LA'PI-AN, a. [from Æsculapius, the physician.]

Medical; pertaining to the healing art. Young.

ES'CU-LENT, a. [L. esculentus, from esca, food.]

Eatable; that is, or may be used by man for food; as, esculent plants; esculent fish.


Something that is eatable; that which is or may be safely eaten by man.


The palace or residence of the king of Spain, about 15 miles northwest of Madrid. This is the largest and most superb structure in the kingdom, and one of the most splendid in Europe. It is built in a dry barren spot, and the name itself is said to signify a place full of rocks. Encyc. The Escurial is a famous monastery built by Philip II, in the shape of a gridiron, in honor of St. Laurence. It takes its name from a village near Madrid. It contains the king's palace, St. Laurence's church, the monastery of Jerenomites, and the free schools. Port. Dict.

ES-CUTCH'EON, n. [Fr. ecusson, for escusson, from L. scutum, a shield, It. scudo, Sp. escudo, Arm. scoeda.]

The shield on which a coat of arms is represented; the shield of a family; the picture of ensigns armorial. Encyc. Johnson.


Having a coat of arms or ensign. Young.


A supposed alkaloid obtained from Esenbekia febrifuga. It has a bitter taste, and is slightly soluble in water, but is precipitated by infusion of nut-galls and oxalate of potassa. Th. Thomson.