Dictionary: ES-LOIN' – E-SPOUSE'

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ES-LOIN', v.t. [Fr. eloigner.]

To remove. [Not in use.]

E-SOPH-A-GOT'O-MY, n. [οισοφάγος and τομη, a cutting.]

In surgery, the operation of making an incision into the esophagus, for the purpose of removing any foreign substance that obstructs the passage. Jour. of Science.

E-SOPH'A-GUS, n. [Gr. οισοφαγος.]

The gullet; the canal through which food and drink pass to the stomach.

E-SO'PI-AN, a. [from Æsop.]

Pertaining to Æsop; composed by him or in his manner. Warton.

ES-O-TER'IC, a. [Gr. εσωτερος, interior, from εσω, within.]

Private; an epithet applied to the private instructions and doctrines of Pythagoras; opposed to exoteric, or public. Enfield.

E-SOT'ER-Y, n.

Mystery; secrecy. [Little used.]

ES-PAL'IER, n. [Fr. espalier; Sp. espalera; It. spalliera; from L. palus, a stake or pole.]

A row of trees planted about a garden or in hedges, so as to inclose quarters or separate parts, and trained up to a lattice of wood-work, or fastened to stakes, forming a close hedge or shelter to protect plants against injuries from wind or weather. Encyc.

ES-PAL'IER, v.t.

To form an espalier, or to protect by an espalier.


Protected by an espalier.


Protecting by an espalier.


A kind of sainfoin. Mortimer.

E-SPE'CIAL, a. [Fr. special; L. specialis, from specio, to see, species, kind.]

Principal; chief; particular; as, in an especial manner or degree.


Principally; chiefly; particularly; in an uncommon degree; in reference to one person or thing in particular.


The state of being especial.

ES-PE-RANCE', n. [Fr. from L. spero, to hope.]

Hope. [Not English.] Shak.

E-SPI'AL, n. [See Spy.]

A spy; the act of espying. Elyot.

ES-PI'ED, pp.

Seen; discovered.

ES-PI'ER, n.

One who espies, or watches like a spy. Harmar.


A kind of ruby. [See Spinel.]

ES'PI-ON-AGE, n. [Fr. from espionner, to spy, espion, a spy.]

The practice or employment of spies; the practice of watching the words and conduct of others and attempting to make discoveries, as spies or secret emissaries; the practice of watching others without being suspected, and giving intelligence of discoveries made.

ES-PLAN-ADE', n. [Fr. id.; Sp. esplanada; It. spianata; from L. planus, plain.]

  1. In fortification, the glacis of the counterscarp, or the sloping of the parapet of the covered way toward the country, or the void space between the glams of a citadel, and the first houses of the town. Encyc. Bailey.
  2. In gardening, a grass-plat.

E-SPOUS'AL, a. [espouz'al. See Espouse.]

Used in or relating to the act of espousing or betrothing. Bacon.


  1. The act of espousing or betrothing.
  2. Adoption; protection. Ld. Orford.

E-SPOUS'ALS, n. plur.

The act of contracting or affiancing a man and woman to each other; a contract or mutual promise of marriage. I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals. Jer. ii.

E-SPOUSE', v.t. [espouz'; Fr. epouser; It. sposare; Port. desposar; Sp. desposar, to marry, desposarse, to be betrothed. If this word is the same radically as the L. spondeo, sponsus, the letter n, in the latter, must be casual, or the modern languages have lost the letter. The former is most probable; in which case, spondeo was primarily spodeo, sposus.]

  1. To betroth. When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph. Matth. i.
  2. To betroth; to promise or engage in marriage, by contract in writing, or by some pledge; as, the king espoused his daughter to a foreign prince. Usually and properly followed by to, rather than with.
  3. To marry; to wed. Shak. Milton.
  4. To unite intimately or indissolubly. I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. 2 Cor. xi.
  5. To embrace; to take to one's self, with a view to maintain; as, to espouse the quarrel of another; to espouse cause. Dryden.