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As much as is sold for a farthing. – Arbuthnot.

FAS'CES, n. [plur. L. fascis, W. fasg, a bundle; fascia, a band. See Class Bz, No. 24, 35, 60.]

In Roman antiquity, an ax tied up with a bundle of rods, and borne before the Roman magistrates as a badge of their authority. – Dryden.

FAS'CI-A, n. [fash'ia; L. a band or sash.]

  1. A band, sash, or fillet. In architecture, any flat member with a small projecture, as the band of an architrave. Also, in brick buildings, the jutting of the bricks beyond the windows in the several stories except the highest. – Encyc.
  2. In astronomy, the belt of a planet.
  3. In surgery, a bandage, roller or ligature. – Parr.
  4. In anatomy, a tendinous expansion or aponeurosis; a thin tendinous covering which surrounds the muscles of the limbs, and binds them in their places. – Parr. Cyc.

FAS'CI-AL, a. [fash'ial.]

Belonging to the fasces.

FAS'CI-A-TED, a. [fash'iated.]

Bound with a fillet, sash or bandage.

FAS-CI-A'TION, n. [fashia'tion.]

The act or manner of binding up diseased parts; bandage. – Wiseman.

FAS'CI-CLE, n. [L. fasciculus, from fascis, a bundle.]

In botany, an aggregate of fastigiate flowers whose foot stalks or peduncles spring irregularly from the top of the main stem, not from one point, but from several. – DeCand. Willd.

FAS-CIC'U-LAR, a. [L. fascicularis.]

United in a bundle; as, a fascicular root, a root of the tuberous kind, with the knobs collected in bundles, as in Pæonia. – Martyn.


In the form of bundles. – Kirwan.

FAS-CIC'U-LATE, or FAS-CIC'U-LA-TED, a. [or FAS'CI-CLED. from fasciculus, supra.]

Growing in bundles or bunches from the same point, as the leaves of the Larix or larch. – Martyn.

FAS-CIC'U-LITE, n. [supra.]

A variety of fibrous horn-blend, of a fascicular structure. – Hitchcock.

FAS-CIC'U-LUS, n. [L.]

A little bundle; a division of a book; a nosegay.

FAS'CI-NATE, v.t. [L. fascino; Gr. βασκαινω.]

  1. To bewitch; to enchant; to operate on by some powerful or irresistible influence; to influence the passions or affections in an incontrollable manner. None of the affections have been noted to fascinate and be-witch, but love and envy. – Bacon.
  2. To charm; to captivate; to excite and allure irresistibly or powerfully. The young are fascinated by love; female beauty fascinates the unguarded youth; gaming is a fascinating vice.


Bewitched; enchanted; charmed.


Bewitching; enchanting; charming; captivating.


The act of bewitching or enchanting; enchantment; witchcraft; a powerful or irresistible influence on the affections or passions; unseen inexplicable influence. The ancients speak of two kinds of fascination; one by the look or eye; the other by words. The Turks hang old rags on their fairest horses, to secure them against fascination. Waller.

FAS'CINE, n. [Fr. from L. fascis, a bundle.]

In fortification, a fagot, a bundle of rods or small sticks of wood, bound at both ends and in the middle; used in raising batteries, in filling ditches, in strengthening ramparts, and making parapets. Sometimes being dipped in melted pitch or tar, they are used to set fire to the enemy's lodgments or other works. Encyc.


Caused or acting by witchcraft. Harvey.

FASH'ION, n. [fash'on; Fr. façon; Arm. facçzoun; Norm. facion; from faire, to make; L. facio, facies.]

  1. The make or form of any thing; the state of any thing with regard to its external appearance; shape; as, the fashion of the ark, or of the tabernacle. Or let me lose the fashion of a man. Shak. The fashion of his countenance was altered. Luke ix.
  2. Form; model to be imitated; pattern. King Ahaz sent to Urijah the priest the fashion of the altar. 2 Kings xvi.
  3. The form of a garment; the cut or shape of clothes; as, the fashion of a coat or of a bonnet. Hence,
  4. The prevailing mode of dress or ornament. We import fashions from England, as the English often import them from France. What so changeable as fashion!
  5. Manner; sort; way; mode; applied to actions or behavior. Pluck Casca by the sleeve, / And he will, after his sour fashion, tell you / What hath proceeded. Shak.
  6. Custom; prevailing mode or practice. Fashion is an in-exorable tyrant, and most of the world its willing slaves. It was the fashion of the age to call every thing in question. Tillotson. Few enterprises are so hopeless as a contest with fashion. Rambler.
  7. Genteel life or good breeding; as, men of fashion.
  8. Any thing worn. [Not used.] Shak.
  9. Genteel company.
  10. Workmanship. Overbury.

FASH'ION, v.t. [fash'on; Fr. façonner.]

  1. To form; to give shape or figure to; to mold. Here the loud hammer fashions female toys. Gay. Aaron fashioned the calf with a graving tool. Exod. xxxii. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou? Is. xiv.
  2. To fit; to adapt; to accommodate; with to. Laws ought to be fashioned to the manners and conditions of the people. Spenser.
  3. To make according to the rule prescribed by custom. Fashioned plate sells for more than its weight. Locke.
  4. To forge or counterfeit. [Not used.] Shak.


  1. Made according to the prevailing form or mode; as, a fashionable dress.
  2. Established by custom or use; current; prevailing at a particular time; as, the fashionable philosophy; fashionable opinions.
  3. Observant of the fashion or customary male; dressing or behaving according to the prevailing fashion; as, a fashionable man. Hence,
  4. Genteel; well bred; as, fashionable company or society.


The state of being fashionable; modish elegance; such appearance as is according to this prevailing custom. Locke.


In a manner according to fashion, custom or prevailing practice; with modish elegance; as, to dress fashionably.


Made; formed; shaped; fitted; adapted


One who forms or gives shape to.