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By glancing; in a glancing manner; transiently. Hakewill.

GLAND, n. [L. glans, a nut; glandula, a gland; Fr. glande. Qu. Gr. βαλανος, with a different prefix.]

  1. In anatomy, a distinct soft body, formed by the convolution of a great number of vessels, either constituting a part of the lymphatic system, or destined to secrete some fluid from the blood. Glands have been divided into conglobate and conglomerate, from their structure; but a more proper division is into lymphatic and secretory. The former are found in the course of the lymphatic vessels, and are conglobate. The latter are of various structure. They include the mucous follicles, the conglomerate glands, properly so called, such as the parotid glands and the pancreas, the liver, kidneys, &c. The term has also been applied to other bodies of a similar appearance, neither lymphatic nor secretory; such as the thymus and thyroid glands, whose use is not certainly known, certain portions of the brain, as the pineal and pituitary glands, &c. [See Conglobate and Conglomerate.] Encyc. Parr. Coxe.
  2. In botany, a gland or glandule is an excretory or secretory duct or vessel in a plant. Glands are found on the leaves, petioles, peduncles and stipules. Martyn.


Affected with glanders. Berkley.

GLAND'ERS, n. [from gland.]

In farriery, a disease of the mucous membrane of the nostrils of horses, in its progress attended with an increased and vitiated secretion.

GLAN-DIF'ER-OUS, a. [L. glandifer; glans, an acorn, and fero, to bear.]

Bearing acorns or other nuts; producing nuts or mast. The beech and the oak are glandiferous trees.

GLAND'I-FORM, a. [L. glans and forma, form.]

In the shape of a gland or nut; resembling a gland.


Containing glands; consisting of glands; pertaining to glands.


In botany, the situation and structure of the secretory vessels in plants. Martyn. Glandulation respects the secretory vessels, which are either glandules, follicles, or utricles. Lee.

GLAND'ULE, n. [L. glandula.]

A small gland or secreting vessel.

GLAND-U-LIF'ER-OUS, a. [L. glandula and fero, to bear.]

Bearing glands. Lee.


A collection of glands. [Little used.] Brown.

GLAND'U-LOUS, a. [L. glandulosus.]

Containing glands; consisting of glands; pertaining to glands; resembling glands.

GLANS, n. [See Gland.]

The nut of the penis; an acorn, a pessary, a strumous swelling. Coxe.

GLARE, n. [Dan. glar, Ice. gler, glass. It coincides with clear, glory, glair, – which see.]

  1. A bright dazzling light; clear, brilliant luster or splendor, that dazzles the eyes. The frame of burnished steel that cast a glare. Dryden.
  2. A fierce, piercing look. About them round, / A lion now he stalks with fiery glare. Milton.
  3. A viscous transparent substance. [See Glair.]

GLARE, v.i.

  1. To shine with a clear, bright, dazzling light; as, glaring light. The cavern glares with new admitted light. Dryden.
  2. To look with fierce, piercing eyes. They glared, like angry lions. Dryden.
  3. To shine with excessive luster; to be ostentatiously splendid; as, a glaring dress. Milton. She glares in balls, front boxes, and the ring. Pope.

GLARE, v.t.

To shoot a dazzling light.

GLAR'ED, pp.

Shot with a fierce or dazzling light.

GLARE'OUS, a. [Fr. glaireux. See Glair.]

Resembling the white of an egg; viscous and transparent or white.

GLAR-ING, ppr.

  1. Emitting a clear and brilliant light; shining with dazzling luster.
  2. adj. Clear; notorious; open and bold; barefaced; as, a glaring crime.


Openly; clearly; notoriously.


Made of glass; vitreous; as, a glass bottle.

GLASS, n. [Sax. glæs; Sw. Dan. G. and D. glas; so named from its color; W. glâs., from llâs, blue, azure, green, fresh, pale; glasu, to make blue, to become green or verdant, to grow pale, to dawn; glaslys, woad, L. glastum; glesid, blueness. Tacitus, de Mor. Ger. 45, mentions glesum, amber collected in the Baltic, probably the same word, and so named from its clearness. Greenness is usually named from vegetation or growing, as L. viridis, from vireo.]

  1. A hard, brittle, transparent, factitious substance, formed by fusing sand with fixed alkalies. Encyc. A definite compound of silicic acid and potassa or soda. The pure silicates of potassa and soda, are soluble in water; but by the conjunction of a silicate of lime, magnesia, alumina, or any other earth, it becomes insoluble in water. In chimistry, a substance or mixture, earthy, saline or metallic, brought by fusion to the state of a hard, brittle, transparent mass, whose fracture is conchoidal. Aikin.
  2. A glass vessel of any kind; as a drinking-glass.
  3. A mirror; a looking-glass.
  4. A vessel to be filled with sand for measuring time; as an hour-glass.
  5. The destined time of man's life. His glass is run.
  6. The quantity of liquor that a glass vessel contains. Drink a glass of wine with me.
  7. A vessel that shows the weight of the air. Tatler.
  8. A perspective glass; as, an optic glass. Milton.
  9. The time which a glass runs, or in which it is exhausted of sand. The seamen's watch-glass is half an hour. We say, a ship fought three glasses.
  10. Glasses, in the plural, spectacles.

GLASS, v.t.

  1. To see, as in a glass. [Not used.] Sidney.
  2. To case in glass. [Little used.] Shak.
  3. To cover with glass; to glaze. Boyle. [In the latter sense, glaze is generally used.]


One whose business is to blow and fashion glass.


As much as a glass holds.