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The state or quality of living in flocks or herds.


A short jacket.


Denoting what belongs to Gregory. The Gregorian calendar is one which shows the new and full moon, with the time of Easter, and the movable feasts depending thereon, by means of epacts. The Gregorian year, is the present year, as reformed by Pope Gregory XIII, in 1582; consisting of 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 47 seconds, with an additional day every fourth year. Encyc. A Gregorian chant is choral music according to the eight celebrated church modes, as arranged by Pope Gregory. Porter.

GREIT, v.i. [Goth. greitan.]

To lament. [Obs.] Spenser.


Goods; furniture. [Obs.] Chaucer.

GREITH, v.t. [Sax. gerædian, to prepare; ge and hræde, ready.]

To make ready. [Obs.] Chaucer.

GRE'MI-AL, a. [L. gremium.]

Belonging to the lap or bosom. Dict.

GRE-NADE', n. [Sp. granada, It. granata, Fr. grenade, a promegranate, or grained apple.]

In the art of war, a hollow ball or shell of iron or other metal, about two inches and a half in diameter, to be filled with powder, which is to be fired by means of a fusee, and thrown by hand among enemies. This, bursting into many pieces, does great injury, and is particularly useful in annoying an enemy in trenches and other lodgments. Encyc.

GREN-A-DIER', n. [from Fr. grenade, Sp. granada, a pomegranate tree; so called, it is said, from the cap worn, which resembled the flowers of that tree; or as others alledge, so called from carrying and throwing hand grenades. The latter is the opinion of Lunier.]

  1. A foot soldier, wearing a high cap. Grenadiers are usually tall active soldiers, distinguished from others chiefly by their dress and arms; a company of them is usually attached to each battalion. Encyc.
  2. A fowl found in Angola, in Africa.


Being in the form of grenatite. Gibbs.


Staurotide or staurolite, a mineral of a dark reddish brown. It occurs imbedded in mica slate, and in talck, and is infusible by the blowpipe. It is also called prismatic garnet. Cyc.


In ornithology, having three toes of the feet forward, two of them connected, and one behind.

GREW, v. [pret. of grow.]

GREY, a. [See GRAY.]

GREY'HOUND, n. [Sax. grighund.]

A tall fleet dog, kept for the chase.


A little pig.

GRID'DLE, n. [W. greidell, from grediaw, to heat, singe, scorch.]

A pan, broad and shallow, for baking cakes.

GRIDE, v.t. [It. gridare; Sp. gritar; Port. id.; Fr. crier; Eng. to cry; Sax. grædan; Dan. græder; Sw. gräta. See Greet.]

To grate, or to cut with a grating sound; to cut; to penetrate or pierce harshly; as, the griding sword. Milton. That through his thigh the mortal steel did gride. Spencer.

GRID'E-LIN, n. [Fr. gris de lin, flax gray.]

A color mixed of white and red, or a gray violet. Dryden.

GRID'ING, ppr.

Grating; cutting with a grating sound.

GRID'I-RON, n. [W. grediaw; Ir. greadam, to heat, scorch, roast, and iron. See Griddle.]

A grated utensil for broiling flesh and fish over coals.


In horology, a pendulum constructed with longitudinal bars, to counteract expansion and contraction by heat. Haldeman.

GRIEF, n. [D. grief, hurt; Fr. grief, and grever, to oppress; Sp. agravio; Norm. grief, gref, greve; L. gravis. See Grave and Aggravate. The sense is pressure or oppression.]

  1. The pain of mind produced by loss, misfortune, injury or evils of any kind; sorrow; regret. We experience grief when we lose a friend, when we incur loss, when we consider ourselves injured, and by sympathy, we feel grief at the misfortunes of others.
  2. The pain of mind occasioned by our own misconduct; sorrow or regret that we have done wrong; pain accompanying repentance. We feel grief when we have offended or injured a friend, and the consciousness of having offended the Supreme Being, fills the penitent heart with the most poignant grief.
  3. Cause of sorrow; that which afflicts. Who were a grief of mind to Isaac and Rebekah. Gen. xxvi. A foolish son is a grief to his father. Prov. xvii.


Full of grief or sorrow. Sackville.


Imbittered by grief.