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The Cecidomyia destructor, an insect destructive to wheat; so called from the opinion that it was brought into this country by the Hessian troops, during the revolution. It may be called the wheat-fly.

HEST, n. [Sax. hæse; G. geheiss, a command; heissen, to call, to bid; D. heeten. See Heat.]

Command; precept; injunction; order. [Now obsolete, but it is retained in the compound, behest.]

HES'Y-CHAST, n. [Gr. Ησυχος.]

A quietist. Bib. Repository.

HET'E-RAR-CHY, n. [Gr. ετερος, another, and αρχη, rule.]

The government of an alien. Bp. Hall.


Irregular; anomalous; deviating from ordinary forms or rules. Brown.

HET'E-RO-CLITE, n. [Gr. ετεροκλιτον; ετερος, another, or different, and κλιτος, from κλινω, to incline, to lean.]

  1. In grammar, a word which is irregular or anomalous either in declension or conjugation, or which deviates from ordinary forms of inflection in words of a like kind. It is particularly applied to nouns irregular in declension.
  2. Any thing or person deviating from common forms. Johnson.


Heteroclitic. [Not in use.]

HET'E-RO-DOX, a. [Gr. ετερος, another, different, and δοξα, opinion.]

  1. In theology, heretical; contrary to the faith and doctrines of the true church; or more precisely, contrary to the real doctrines of the Scriptures; as, a heterodox opinion; opposed to orthodox.
  2. Repugnant to the doctrines or tenets of any established church.
  3. Holding opinions repugnant to the doctrines of the Scriptures; as, a heterodox divine; or holding opinions contrary, to those of an established church.


In a heterodox manner.


State of being heterodox.


Heresy; an opinion or doctrine contrary to the doctrines of the Scriptures, or contrary to those of an established church.

HET-E-ROG'A-MOUS, a. [Gr. ἕτερος, different, and γάμος, marriage.]

In botany, having different essential parts of fructification.

HET'E-RO-GENE, a. [Obs.]

[See the next word.]

HET-E-RO-GE'NE-AL, or HET-E-RO-GE'NE-OUS, a. [Gr. ετερος, other, and γενος, kind.]

Of a different kind or nature; unlike or dissimilar in kind; opposed to homogeneous. The light whose rays are all alike refrangible, I call simple, homogeneal and similar; and that whose rays are some more refrangible than others, I call compound, heterogeneal and dissimilar. Newton. Heterogeneous nouns, are such as are of different genders in the singular and plural numbers; as, hic locus, of the masculine gender in the singular, and hi loci and hæc loca, both masculine and neuter in the plural. Hoc cælum, neuter in the singular; hi cæli, masculine in the plural. Heterogeneous quantities, are those which are of such different kind and consideration, that one of them, taken any number of times, never equals or exceeds the other. Heterogeneous surds, are such as have different radical signs. Encyc.


  1. Opposition of nature; contrariety or dissimilitude of qualities. [Ill formed.]
  2. Dissimilar part; something of a different kind. Boyle.


Difference of nature and quality; dissimilitude or contrariety in kind, nature or qualities.


The same as allopathic.

HET-E-RO-PHYL, or HET-E-ROPH'YL-LUS, n. [Gr. ετερος and φυλλον.]

A marine animal of the Ammonite species, having two forms of foliage.

HET-E-ROPH'YL-LOUS, a. [Gr. ετερος, diverse, and φυλλον, leaf.]

Having leaves different from the regular form. A heterophyllous violet is one which has leaves not analogous to the leaves of other violets.


One of an order of molluscous animals, whose foot is compressed into a vertical muscular lamina, serving for a fin.

HET-E-ROP'TICS, n. [See Optics.]

False optics. Spectator.


Having the shadow fall one way only. Gregory.

HET-E-ROS'CIAN, n. [Gr. ετερος, other, and σκια, shadow.]

Those inhabitants of the earth are called Heteroscians, whose shadows fall one way only. Such are those who live between the tropics and the polar circles. The shadows of those who live north of the tropic of Cancer, fall northward; those of the inhabitants south of the tropic of Capricorn, fall southward; whereas the shadows of those who dwell between the tropics fall sometimes to the north and sometimes to the south.

HET-E-ROT'O-MOUS, a. [Gr. ετερος, another, and τεμνω, to cleave.]

In mineralogy, having a different cleavage from feldspar. Mohs.

HET-E-ROT'RO-PAL, or HET-E-ROT'RO-POUS, a. [Gr. ετερος and τρεπω.]

In botany, when the micropyle is at neither end of the seed, the embryo will be neither erect nor inverted, but will be in a more or less oblique direction with respect to the seed, and is then said to be heterotropous, or heterotropal. Lindley.