Dictionary: IR'RI-TATE – ISL'AND

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IR'RI-TATE, v.t. [L. irrito; in and ira, wrath; W. irad, pungency, passion, rage; or perhaps more properly from Sw. reta, to provoke; G. reitzen; to tickle, vellicate, irritate.]

  1. To excite heat and redness in the skin or flesh of living animal bodies, as by friction; to inflame; to fret; as, to irritate a wounded part by a coarse bandage.
  2. To excite anger; to provoke; to tease; to exasperate. Never irritate a child for trifling faults. The insolence of a tyrant irritates his subjects.
  3. To increase action or violence; to highten excitement in. Air, if very cold, irritateth the flame. Bacon.
  4. To cause fibrous contractions in an extreme part of the sensorium, as by the appulse of an external body. Darwin.


Excited; provoked; caused to contract.


Exciting; angering; provoking; causing to contract.


  1. The operation of exciting heat, action and redness in the skin or flesh of living animals, by friction or other means.
  2. The excitement of action in the animal system by the application of food, medicines, and the like.
  3. Excitement of anger or passion; provocation; exasperation; anger.
  4. In physiology, an exertion or change of some extreme part of the sensorium residing in the muscles or organs of sense, in consequence of the appulses of external bodies. Darwin. Irritation is the effect of a stimulus applied to an irritable part. Coxe.


  1. Serving to excite or irritate.
  2. Accompanied with or produced by increased action or irritation; as, an irritative fever. Darwin.


Exciting; stimulating.

IR-RO-RA'TION, n. [L. irroratio; in and ros.]

The act of bedewing; the state of being moistened with dew. Spallanzani, Trans.

IR-RUP'TION, n. [Fr. from L. irruptio; in and rumpo, to break or burst.]

  1. A bursting in; a breaking, or sudden, violent rushing into a place. Holland has been often inundated by irruptions of the sea.
  2. A sudden invasion or incursion; a sudden, violent inroad, or entrance of invaders into a place or country; as, the irruption of the northern nations into France and Italy.


Rushing in or upon.

IS, v.i. [iz; Sax. is; G. ist; D. is; L. est; Gr. εστι; Sans. asti; Pers. est or hist.]

The third person singular of the substantive verb, which is composed of three or four distinct roots, which appear in the words am, be, are, and is. Is and was coincide with the Latin esse, and Goth. wesan. In the indicative, present tense, it is thus varied; I am, thou art, he, she, or it, is; we, ye or you, they, are. In writing and speaking, the vowel is often dropped; as, he's gone; there's none left.

IS'A-BEL, n. [Fr. isabelle.]

Isabel yellow is a brownish yellow, with a shade of brownish red. Kirwan.

IS-A-GOG'IC, or IS-A-GOG'IC-AL, a. [Gr. εισαγωγικος.]

Introductory. Gregory.

IS'A-GON, n. [Gr. ισος, equal, and γωνια, an angle.]

A figure whose angles are equal.

IS'A-TIS, n.

In zoology, the arctic fox or Canis lagopus. Encyc.

IS-CHI-AD'IC, a. [L. ischiadicus, from ischias, the sciatica, from ischium, the hip; Gr. ισχιον, ισχιαδικος.]

Pertaining to the hip. The ischiadic passion or disease is ranked by Cullen with rheumatism. It is a rheumatic or neuralgic affection of some part about the hip joint. It is called also sciataca.

IS-CHU-RET'IC, a. [See Ischury.]

Having the quality of relieving ischury.


A medicine adapted to relieve ischury. Coxe.

IS'CHU-RY, n. [Gr. ισχουρια, from ισχω, to stop, and ουρον, urine.]

A stoppage or suppression of urine. Coxe. Encyc.

IS'ER-IN, or IS'ER-INE, n. [G. eisen, iron.]

A mineral of an iron black color, and of a splendent metallic luster, occurring in small obtuse angular grains. It is harder than feldspar, and consists of the oxyds of iron and titanium, with a small portion of uranium. Ure.

ISH, n.

A termination of English words, is, in Sax. isc, Dan. isk, G. isch; and not improbably, it is the termination of esque, in French, as in grotesque, It. esco, in grotesco, and the Latin termination of the inceptive verb, as in fervesco. Annexed to English adjectives, ish denotes diminution, or a small degree of the quality; as, whitish, from white; yellowish from yellow. Ish annexed to names forms a possessive adjective; as, in Swedish, Danish, English. Ish annexed to common nouns forms an adjective denoting a participation of the qualities expressed by the noun; as, foolish, from fool; roguish, from rogue; brutish, from brute. This is the more common use of this termination.

I'SI-CLE, n.

A pendant shoot of ice, is more generally written Icicle. [See Ice and Icicle.]

I'SIN-GLASS, n. [i'zinglass. that is, ise- or ice-glass.]

A substance consisting chiefly of gelatin, of a firm texture and whitish color, prepared from the sounds or air-bladders of certain fresh-water fishes, particularly of the huso, a fish of the sturgeon kind, found in the rivers of Russia. It is used as an agglutinant, and in fining wines. Encyc.


IS'LAM-ISM, n. [from the Ar. سَلَمَ salama, to be free, safe or devoted to God.]

The true faith, according to the Mohammedans; Mohammedism. Encyc.

ISL'AND, n. [i'land; This is an absurd compound of isle and land, that is, land-in-water-land, or ieland-land. There is no such legitimate word in English, and it is found only in books. The genuine word always used in discourse is our native word, Sax. ealond, D. G. eiland, or Eng. iland.]

  1. A tract of land surrounded by water.
  2. A large mass of floating ice, is called an island of ice.