Dictionary: ISL'AND-ER – IS-O-TON'IC

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ISL'AND-ER, n. [i'lander.]

An inhabitant of an island.

ISLE, or ILE, n. [ile; Fr. isle or île, from It. isola, L. insula.]

  1. A tract of land surrounded by water, or a detached portion of land imbosomed in the ocean, in a lake or river. The isles shall wait for his law. Is. xlii.
  2. A passage in a church. [See Aisle.]

IS'LET, n. [i'let.]

A little isle.

I-SO-CHEI'MAL, a. [Gr. ισος, equal, and χειμων, winter.]

Having the same winter or degree of cold. Prout.

I-SO-CHRO-MAT'IC, a. [Gr. ισος, equal, and χρωμα, color.]

Having the same color.

I-SOCH'RON-AL, or I-SOCH'RON-OUS, a. [Gr. ισος, equal, and χρονος, time.]

Uniform in time; of equal time; performed in equal times. An isochronal line, is that in which a heavy body is supposed to descend without acceleration. Bailey. Isochronal vibrations of a pendulum are such as are performed in the same space of time. Encyc.

IS-OD'O-MON, n. [Gr.]

In Grecian architecture, a construction of equal thicknesses and equal lengths. Elmes.

IS'O-LATE, v.t. [It. isola, an isle or island.]

To place in a detached situation; to place by itself; to insulate. Med. Repos.

IS'O-LA-TED, pp. [or a. Fr. isolé; It. isolato, from isola, an isle.]

Standing detached from others of a like kind; placed by itself or alone.

IS'O-LA-TING, ppr.

Placing by itself or detached like an isle.


State of being isolated or alone.


Compounds consisting of the same elements in the same proportions, but with different properties, are said to be isomeric.

IS-OM'ER-ISM, n. [Gr. ισος, equal, and μερος, part.]

Identity of elements and proportions with diversity of properties.

I-SO-MORPH'ISM, n. [Gr. ισος, like, and μορφη, form.]

  1. The quality of assuming the same crystaline form though composed of different elements, or proximate principles, yet with the same number of equivalents.
  2. The quality of a substance by which it is capable of replacing another in a compound, without an alteration of the previous crystaline form of the compound.


Having a different composition as respects elements, or proximate principles, (though not as respects number of equivalents,) but with the same crystaline form. Ed. Rev.

IS'ON-O-MY, n. [Gr. ισος, equal, and νομος, law.]

Equal law; equal distribution of rights and privileges. Mitford.

I-SO-PER-I-MET'RIC-AL, a. [See Isoperimetry.]

Having equal boundaries; as, isoperimetrical figures or bodies.

I-SO-PER-IM'E-TRY, n. [Gr. ισος, equal, περι, around, and μετρον, measure.]

In geometry, the science of figures having equal perimeters or boundaries.

IS'O-PODE, n. [Gr. ισος and πους.]

One of an order of the crustacea, embracing several genera.


Relating to an order of crustaceous animals.

IS'O-PYRE, n. [Gr. ισος and πυρ.]

A silicate of alumina, lime and peroxyd of iron.

I-SOS'CE-LES, a. [Gr. ισοσκελης; ισος, equal, and σκελος, leg.]

Having two legs only that are equal; as, an isosceles triangle.

IS-OTH'ER-AL, a. [Gr. ισος, equal, and θερος, heat, or summer.]

Having the same degree of heat. Prout.

IS-O-THERM'AL, a. [Gr. ισος, equal, proper, and θερμη, heat.]

Having uniform temperature or equal heat. Ure.

IS-O-TON'IC, a. [Gr. ισος, equal, and τονος, tone.]

Having equal tones. The isotonic system, in music, consists of intervals, in which each concord is alike tempered, and in which there are twelve equal semitones.