Dictionary: ICE-PERIOD – I'CI-NESS

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ICE-PERIOD, n. [Ice period.]

A period supposed to have occurred after the tertiary formations were deposited, in which, at least, the frigid and temperate zones were covered with a coat of ice.


A plain of ice. Coleridge.


A plant of the genus Mesembryanthentum, sprinkled with pellucid, glittering watery vesicles. Encyc.


A variety of feldspar, the crystals of which resemble ice. Jameson.

ICH-NEU'MON, n. [L. from the Gr. ιχνευμων, from ιχνευω, to follow the steps, ιχνος, a footstep; a follower of the crocodile.]

An animal of the genus Viverra, or Mangusta. Its body is dotted equally all over; dirty yellow and slate color, each hair being annulated alternately with these tints; paws and muzzle black; tail long and terminated by a diverging tuft. Inhabits Egypt. It feeds on the eggs of the crocodile, mice, and all sorts of small animals. It is domesticated. Its native name is Nems. Ichneumon-fly, a genus of flies, of the order of hymenopteras containing several thousand species. The abdomen is generally petiolated, or joined to the body by a pedicle. These animals are great destroyers of caterpillars, plant-lice and other insects, as the ichneumon is of the eggs and young the crocodile. Encyc.


Relating to the ichneumonidæ, a family of predacious insects.

ICH-NO-GRAPH'IC, or ICH-NO-GRAPH'IC-AL, a. [See Ichnography.]

Pertaining to ichnography; describing a ground-plot.

ICH-NOG'RA-PHY, n. [Gr. ιχνος, a footstep, and γραφω, to describe.]

In perspective, the view of any thing cut off by a plane parallel to the horizon, just at the base of it; a ground-plot. Encyc.

I'CHOR, n. [Gr. ιχωρ.]

  1. A thin watery humor, like serum or whey.
  2. Colorless matter flowing from an ulcer.


Like ichor; thin; watery; serous.

ICH'THY-O-COL, or ICH-THY-O-COL'LA, n. [Gr. ιχθυς, a fish, and κολλα, glue.]

Fish-glue; isinglass; a glue prepared from the sounds of fish. Tooke.

ICH-THY-OG'RA-PHY, n. [Gr. ιχθυς and γραφω.]

A treatise on fishes.

ICH'THY-O-LITE, n. [Gr. ιχθυς, a fish, and λιθος, a stone.]

Fossil fish; or the figure or impression of a fish in rock. Hitchcock.


Pertaining to ichthyology.

ICH-THY-OL'O-GIST, n. [See Ichthyology.]

One verses in ichthyology.

ICH-THY-OL'O-GY, n. [Gr. ιχθυς, a fish, and λογος, discourse.]

The science of fishes, or that part of zoology which treats of fishes, their structure, form and classification, their habits, uses, &c. Encyc. Edin. Encyc.


Divination by the heads of fishes.

ICH-THY-OPH'A-GIST, n. [Gr. ιχθυς, a fish, and φαγω, to eat.]

One who eats or subsists on fish.

ICH-THY-OPH'A-GOUS, a. [Gr. ιχθυς, fish, and φαγω; to eat.]

Eating or subsisting on fish. D'Anville.

ICH-THY-OPH'A-GY, n. [supra.]

The practice of eating fish.

ICH-THY-OPH-THAL'MITE, n. [Gr. ιχθυς, a fish, and οφθαλμος, an eye.]

Fish-eye-stone. [See Apophyllite.]

ICH-THY-O-SAUR'US, n. [Gr. ιχθυς, a fish, and σαυρος, a lizard.]

The fish-lizard, an extinct marine animal whose fossil remains are found in England, and other countries. Buckland.

ICH-THY-O'SIS, n. [Gr.]

A roughness of the skin, which becomes thick, hard and scaly.

I'CI-CLE, n. [Sax. ises-gecel, D. yskegel, ice-cone. Kegel is a cone or nine-pin.]

A pendent conical mass of ice, formed by the freezing of water or other fluid as it flows down an inclined plane, or collects in drops and is suspended. In the north of England, it is called ickle.


  1. The state of being icy, or of being very cold
  2. The state of generating ice.