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  1. Leading or drawing; with to. A brutish vice, / Inductive mainly to the sin of Eve. Milton.
  2. Tending to induce or cause. They may be inductive of credibility. [Unusual.] Hale.
  3. Leading to inferences; proceeding by induction; employed in drawing conclusions from premises; as, inductive reasoning.


By induction or inference.


The person who inducts another into an office or benefice

IN-DUE', v.t. [indu'; L. induo; Gr. ενδυω; Fr. enduire. This word coincides nearly in signification with endow, that is, to put on, to furnish. Duo is evidently a contracted word.]

  1. To put on something; to invest; to clothe; as, to indue matter with forms, or man with intelligence.
  2. To furnish; to supply with; to endow.

IN-DUED', pp.

Clothed; invested.

IN-DUE'MENT, n. [indu'ment.]

A putting on; endowment. Mountagu.

IN-DU'ING, ppr.

Investing; putting on.

IN-DULGE', v.i. [indulj'.]

  1. To permit to enjoy or practice; or to yield to the enjoyment or practice of, without restraint or control; as, to indulge in sin, or in sensual pleasure. This form of expression is elliptical, a pronoun being omitted; as, to indulge myself or himself. Most men are more willing to indulge in easy vices, than to practice laborious virtues. Johnson.
  2. To yield; to comply; to be favorable. [Little used.]

IN-DULGE', v.t. [indulj'; L. indulgeo. This word is compound, but the primitive simple verb is not known, nor the radical sense. If allied to G. and D. dulden, to bear, to tolerate, it is from the root of L. tolero.]

  1. To permit to be or to continue; to suffer; not to restrain or oppose; as, to indulge sloth; to indulge the passions; to indulge pride, selfishness or inclinations.
  2. To gratify, negatively; not to check or restrain the will, appetite or desire; as, to indulge children in amusements.
  3. To gratify, positively; to grant something not of right, but as a favor; to grant in compliance with wishes or desire. Yet, yet a moment, one dim ray of light / Indulge, dread Chaos and eternal Night! Pope.
  4. In general, to gratify; to favor; to humor; to yield to the wishes of; to withhold restraint from. It is remarked by Johnson, that if the matter of indulgence is a single thing, it has with before it; if it is a habit, it has in. He indulged himself with a glass of wine; he indulges himself in sloth or intemperance.


  1. Permitted to be and to operate without check or control; as, love of pleasure indulged to excess.
  2. Gratified; yielded to; humored in wishes or desires; as, a child indulged by his parents.
  3. Granted.


  1. Free permission to the appetites, humor, desires, passions or will to act or operate; forbearance of restraint or control. How many children are ruined by indulgence! Indulgence is not kindness or tenderness, but it may be the effect of one or the other, or of negligence.
  2. Gratification; as, the indulgence of lust or of appetite:
  3. Favor granted; liberality; gratification. If all these gracious indulgencies are without effect on us, we must perish in our folly. Rogers.
  4. In the Romish church, remission of the punishment due to sins, granted by the pope or church, and supposed to save the sinner from purgatory; absolution from the censures of the church and from all transgressions. Encyc.


  1. Yielding to the wishes, desires, humor or appetites of those under one's care; compliant; not opposing or restraining; as, an indulgent parent.
  2. Mild; favorable; not severe; as, the indulgent censure of posterity. Waller.
  3. Gratifying; favoring; with of. The feeble old, indulgent of their ease. Dryden.


Relating to the indulgencies of the Romish church. [Not well authorized.] Brevint.


  1. With unrestrained enjoyment. Hammond.
  2. Mildly; favorably; not severely.


One who indulges. Mountagu.


Permitting to enjoy or to practice; gratifying.

IN-DULT', or IN-DULT'O, n. [It. indulto, a pardon; L. indultus, indulged.]

  1. In the church of Rome, the power of presenting to benefices, granted to certain persons, as to kings and cardinals. Encyc.
  2. In Spain, a duty, tax or custom, paid to the king for all goods imported from the West Indies in the galleons. Encyc.

IN'DU-RATE, v.t.

  1. To make hard. Extreme heat indurates clay. Some fossils are indurated by exposure to the air.
  2. To make unfeeling; to deprive of sensibility; to render obdurate; as, to indurate the heart. Goldsmith.

IN'DU-RATE, v.t. [L. induro; in and duro, to harden.]

To grow hard; to harden or become hard. Clay indurates by drying, and by extreme heat.


Hardened; made obdurate.


Hardening; rendering insensible.


  1. The act of hardening, or process of growing hard. Bacon.
  2. Hardness of heart; obduracy. Decay of Piety.

IN-DU'SI-UM, n. [L.]

  1. In botany, a collection of hairs upon the style of a flower, united into the form of a cup, and inclosing the stigma; as in the Goodenoviæ.
  2. A superincumbent portion of cuticle continuing to cover the sori of ferns when they are mature.

IN-DUS'TRI-AL, or IN-DUS'TRI-AL-ISM, a. [or n.]

Words ill-formed, not necessary or useful, and not to be countenanced.


Consisting in industry.