Dictionary: LU'MINE – LU-NA'TION

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LU'MINE, v.t.

To enlighten. [Not used. See Illumine.]


Producing light. – Ure.

LU'MIN-OUS, a. [L. luminosus; Fr. lumineux.]

  1. Shining; emitting light. The sun is a most luminous body.
  2. Light; illuminated. The moon is rendered luminous by the rays of the sun.
  3. Bright; shining; as, a luminous color.
  4. Clear; as, a luminous essay or argument.


With brightness or clearness.


  1. The quality of being bright or shining; brightness; as, the luminousness of the sea. Encyc.
  2. Clearness; perspicuity; as, the luminousness of ideas, arguments or method. – Cheyne.

LUMP, n. [G. Dan. and Sw. klump; D. klomp; W. clamp and clap. If m is not radical, this belongs to Class Lb. Lump is clump, without the prefix.]

  1. A small mass of matter of no definite shape; as, a lump of earth; a lump of butter; a lump of sugar.
  2. A mass of things blended or thrown together without order or distinction; as, copper, iron, gold, silver, lead, tin, promiscuously in one lump.
  3. A cluster; as, a lump of figs. – 2 Kings xx. In the lump, the whole together; in gross. They may buy my papers in the lump. – Addison.

LUMP, v.i.

  1. To throw into a maze; to unite in a body or sum without distinction of particulars. The expenses ought to be lumped. – Ayliffe.
  2. To take in the gross.

LUMP'ED, pp.

Thrown into a mass or sum.


A long fish of a greenish color, and marked with lines. Encyc.


A thick fish of the genus Cyclopterus. The back is sharp and elevated; the belly flat, and of a crimson color. Along the body run five rows of sharp bony tubercles. It swims edgewise; called also a sea-owl. – Encyc.

LUMP'ING, ppr.

  1. Throwing into a mass or sum.
  2. adj. Bulky; heavy. [A low word.] – Arbuthnot.


  1. Like a lump; heavy; gross; bulky. – Ralegh. Dryden.
  2. Dull; inactive. – Shak.


Heavily; with dullness or stupidity.


Heaviness; dullness; stupidity.

LUMP'Y, a.

Full of rumps or small compact masses. – Mortimer.

LU'NA, n. [L.]

The moon.

LUNA-CORNEA, n. [Luna cornea.]

Chlorid of silver. – Ure.

LU'NA-CY, n. [from L. luna, the moon; W. llun, form, figure, image, the moon.]

  1. A species of insanity or madness, supposed to be influenced by the moon, or periodical in the month.
  2. Madness in general.

LU'NAR, or LU'NAR-Y, a. [L. lunaris.]

  1. Pertaining to the moon; as, lunar observations.
  2. Measured by the revolutions of the moon; as, lunar days or years.
  3. Resembling the moon; orbed. – Dryden.
  4. Under the influence of the moon. [Obs.] – Bacon. Lunar caustic, nitrate of silver. – Nicholson. Lunar cycle; the period of time after which the new moon returns on the same days of the year. Lunar month; the time in which the moon completes a revolution about the earth. Lunar year; the period of twelve lunar months, or 354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes, and 34 seconds.


An inhabitant of the moon.

LU'NAR-Y, n.

Moonwort, a plant of the genus Lunaria.


Formed like a half moon.


Affected by a species of madness, supposed to be influenced by the moon.


A person affected by insanity, supposed to be influenced or produced by the moon, or by its position, in its orbit; a madman. – Swift.

LU-NA'TION, n. [L. lunatio.]

A revolution of the moon.