Dictionary: LUS'TRUM – LUX'A-TED

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In ancient Rome, the space of five years.


Defiled by lust. – Shak.

LUST'WORT, n. [lust and wort.]

A plant of the genus. – Drosera.

LUST'Y, a. [from lust; D. lustig.]

  1. Stout; vigorous; robust; healthful; able of body. This is the correct sense of the word, comprehending full health and strength; as, a lusty youth. But it is now used in the sense of,
  2. Bulky; large; of great size, This sense does not always include that of vigor.
  3. Handsome; pleasant; saucy. [Obs.] – Gower. Spenser. Shak.
  4. Copious; plentiful; as, a lusty draught. – Tatler.
  5. Pregnant; a colloquial use.

LUSUS-NATURAE, n. [Lusus naturæ; L.]

Sport or freak of nature; a deformed or unnatural production.

LU'TAN-IST, n. [from lute.]

A person that plays on the lute. A celebrated lutanist was playing to a large company. – Asiat. Res.

LUTA'RI-OUS, a. [L. lutarius, from lutum, mud.]

  1. Pertaining to mud; living in mud.
  2. Of the color of mud. – Grew.

LU-TA'TION, n. [See Lute.]

The act or method of luting vessels.

LUTE, n. [Fr. luth; It. liuto; Sp. laud; D. luit; G. laute; Sw. luta; Dan. lut; Russ. liotnia; G. laut, sound; lauten, to sound, allied probably to loud, and L. laudo.]

An instrument of music with strings. It consists of four parts, viz. the table, the body or belly, which has nine or ten sides, the neck, which has nine or ten stops or divisions marked with strings, and the head or cross. In the middle of the table there is a passage for the sound. There is also a bridge to which the strings are fastened. The strings are struck with the right hand, and with the left the stops are pressed. – Encyc.

LUTE, or LUTING, n. [L. lutum, mud, clay.]

Among chimists, a composition of clay or other tenacious substance used for stopping the juncture of vessels so closely as to prevent the escape or entrance of air.

LUTE, v.t.

To close or coat with lute. – Bacon.


A case for a lute. – Shak.

LUT-ED, pp.

Closed with lute.


A performer on the lute. – Busby.


A yellow coloring matter discovered in weld. – Ure.

LUT-ER, or LUT-IST, a.

One who plays on a lute.


  1. The string of a lute. – Shak.
  2. A sort of silk fabric.


Pertaining to Luther, the reformer; as, the Lutheran church.


A disciple or follower of Luther; one who adheres to the doctrines of Luther.


The doctrines of religion as taught by Luther.


In architecture, a kind of window over the cornice, in the roof of a building, to admit light into the upper story. – Encyc.

LUT'ING, ppr.

Closing with lute.

LU'TU-LENT, a. [L. lutulentus, from lutum, mud.]

Muddy; turbid; thick.

LUX'ATE, v.t. [L. luxo; Fr. luxer, to loosen; probably from the same root as lax, L. laxo, laxus.]

To displace or remove from its proper place, as a joint; to put out of joint; to dislocate. Lux, in a like sense, is, I believe, not now used. – Encyc.

LUX'A-TED, pp.

Put out of joint; dislocated.