Dictionary: OFF'WARD – OIL

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OFF'WARD, adv. [off and ward.]

Leaning off, as a ship on shore.

OFT, adv. [Sax. oft; Sw. ofta; Dan. ofte.]

Often; frequently; not rarely. It was formerly used in prose and may be so used still; but is more generally used in poetry. Oft she rejoices, but never once offends. Pope.

OFT-EN, a. [of'n.]

Frequent. [Improper.]

OFT-EN, adv. [of'n. comp. oftener; superl. oftenest; Sax. oft; Goth. ufta.]

Frequently; many times; not seldom. Addison.


One who comes frequently. Taylor.

OFT-EN-NESS, n. [of'nness.]

Frequency. [Not used.] Hooker.

OFT-EN-TIMES, adv. [of'ntimes; often and times.]

Frequently; often; many times. Hooker. Atterbury.

OFT'TIMES, adv. [oft and times.]

Frequently; often. Milton.

OG, n. [See OGEE.]

OG-DO-AS'TICH, n. [Gr. ογδοος, eighth, and σιχος, a verse.]

A poem of eight lines. [Little used.] Selden.

O-GEE', n. [Fr. ogive, augive.]

  1. In architecture, a molding consisting of two members, the one concave, the other convex, or of a round and a hollow somewhat like an S. Encyc.
  2. In gunnery, an ornamental molding in the shape of an S, used on guns, mortars, and howitzers. Cyc.

OG-GA-NI'TION, n. [L. obgannio, ogganio, to growl.]

The murmuring of a dog; a grumbling or snarling. [Not used.] Mountagu.

O'GHAM, n.

A particular kind of stenography or writing in cipher practiced by the Irish. Astle. Encyc.

O-GIVE, n. [o'jiv.]

In architecture, an arch or branch of the Gothic vault, which passing diagonally from one angle to another forms a cross with the other arches. The middle where the ogives cross each other, is called the key. The members or moldings of the ogives are called nerves, branches or reins, and the arches which separate the ogives, double arches. Encyc.

O'GLE, n.

A side glance or look. Addison.

O'GLE, v.t. [from D. oog, the eye. Sax. eag, L. oculus. See Eye.]

To view with side glances, as in fondness or with a design to attract notice. And ogling all their audience, then they speak. Dryden.

O'GLER, n.

One that ogles. Addison.


The act of viewing with side glances.

O'GLING, ppr.

Viewing with side glances.

OG-LIO, n. [now written Olio, – which see.]

O'GRE, or O'GRESS, n. [Fr. ogre.]

An imaginary monster of the East. Ar. Nights.


In heraldry, a cannon-ball of a black color. Ashmole. [A black rounded. E. H. B.]

O-GYG'-I-AN, a.

  1. Pertaining to Ogyges, the most ancient monarch in Greece, and to a great deluge in Attica in his days.
  2. Of great and dark antiquity. Lempriere.

OH, exclam.

Denoting surprise, pain, sorrow or anxiety.

OIL, n. [Sax. æl. It seems to be named from its inflammability, for ælan, is to kindle, and to oil; hence anælan, to anneal; æled, fire; Dan. ild, whence the name of Hildebrand, D. Ildebrand, fire-brand; D. oly; G. oel; Sw. olja; Dan. olie; Fr. huile; It. olio; L. oleum; Gr. ελαιον; W. olew; Ir. ola; Arm. Sp. and Port. oleo.]

An unctuous substance expressed or drawn from several animal and vegetable substances. The distinctive characters of oil are inflammability, fluidity and insolubility in water. Oils are fixed and greasy, fixed and essential, volatile and essential. They have a smooth feel, and most of them have little taste or smell. Animal oil is found in all animal substances. Vegetable oils are produced by expression, infusion or distillation. Encyc. Nicholson.