Dictionary: OS'TRA-CISM – OUGHT

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OS'TRA-CISM, n. [Gr. οστρακισμος, from οστρακον, a shell, or potter's ware.]

  1. In Grecian antiquity, banishment by the people of Athens, of a person whose merit and influence gave umbrage to them. It takes this name from the shell on which the name or the note of acquittal or condemnation was written. It is however most probable that this shell was a piece of baked earth, rendered by the Latins testa. – Encyc.
  2. Banishment; expulsion; separation. Sentenced to a perpetual ostracism from the esteem and confidence, and honors and emoluments of his country. – Federalist, Hamilton.

OS'TRA-CITE, n. [Gr. οστρακιτης, from οστρακον, a shell.]

An oyster-shell in its fossil state, or a stone formed in the shell, the latter being dissolved. This stone is found in many parts of England, and has been in repute for its efficacy in cases of the gravel. – Encyc.

OS'TRA-CIZE, v.t. [See Ostracism.]

To banish by the popular voice, particularly a person eminent for public services, but who has lost his popularity. – Marvel.


Banished by the popular voice.


Punishing or expelling by the popular voice.


Goths of the East.

OS'TRICH, n. [Fr. autruche; Sp. avestruz; Port. abestruz; It. struzzo; G. strauss; D. struis or struis-vogel; Dan. struds; Sw. struss; L. struthio-camelus; Gr. στρουθος, a sparrow, and an ostrich. The meaning of this name is not obvious. The word strauss in German, signifies a bush, a tuft, a bunch; but the latter part of this name struz, struds, strauss, coincides also with the Eng. strut, Dan. strutter, G. strotzen; and this is the L. struthio, Gr. στρουθος. The first part of the word in Fr. Sp. and Port. is from L. avis. The primary sense of struz, struthio, &c. is to reach, stretch, extend, or erect; but whether this name was given to the fowl from its stately walk or appearance, or from some part of its plumage, let the reader judge.]

The popular name of a brevipen grallatory fowl, which is one of the species of the genus Struthio. This is the largest of all fowls, being four feet high from the ground to the top of the back, and seven, eight, and it is said even ten to the top of the head, when standing erect. Its thighs and the sides of the body are naked, and the wings are so short as to be unfit for flying. The plumage is elegant, and much used in ornamental and showy dress. The speed of this fowl in running exceeds that of the fleetest horse. – Encyc.

OT-A-COUS'TIC, a. [Gr. ωτα, ears, and ακουω, to hear.]

Assisting the sense of hearing; as, an otacoustic instrument.


An instrument to facilitate hearing. – Grew.

O-TAL'GY, n.

A pain in the ear.

OTH'ER, a. [Sax. other; G. oder; Gr. ετερος; Goth. anthar; G. ander. Qu. Sp. otro. If the radical letters are Tr, qu. Heb. and Ch. יתר, residue. The French autre is from the Latin alter.]

  1. Not the same; different; not this or these. Then the other company which is left shall escape. Gen. xxxii. Behold, it was turned again, as his other flesh. Exod. iv. Other lords besides thee have had dominion over us. Is. xxvi. There is one God, and there is none other but he. Mark xii.
  2. Not this, but the contrary; as, on this side of the river stands Troy, on the other side stands Albany. Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. Matth. v.
  3. Noting something besides. To the knowledge of the Latin and Greek, join as much other learning as you can.
  4. Correlative to each, and applicable to any number of individuals. They asked each other of their welfare. Exod. xviii.
  5. Opposed to some; as, “some fell among thorns – but other fell into good ground.” Matth. xiii.
  6. The next. Shak.
  7. The third part. B. Jonson. Other is used as a substitute for a noun, and in this use has the plural number, and the sign of the possessive case. The fool and the brutish person die, and leave their wealth to others. Ps. xlix. What do ye more than others? – Matth. v. We were children of wrath even as others. – Eph. ii. The confusion arises, when the one will put their sickle into the other's harvest. – Lesley. With the sign of the possessive, other is preceded by the, as in the last example. Other is sometimes put elliptically for other thing. From such a man, we can expect no other. The other day, at a certain time past, not distant, but indefinite; not long ago.

OTH'ER-GATES, adv. [other and gate, for way, manner.]

In another manner. [Obs.] – Shak.

OTH'ER-GUISE, adv. [other and guise, manner.]

Of another kind. [Corruptly pronounced otherguess.]

OTH'ER-WHERE, adv. [other and where.]

In some other place; or in other places. – Milton.

OTH'ER-WHILE, or OTH'ER-WHILES, adv. [other and while.]

At other times.

OTH'ER-WISE, adv. [other and wise, manner.]

  1. In a different manner. Thy father was a worthy prince, / And merited, alas! a better fate; / But heaven thought otherwise. – Addison.
  2. By other causes. Sir John Norris failed in the attempt of Lisborn, and returned with the loss, by sickness, and otherwise, of 8000 men. – Ralegh.
  3. In other respects. It is said truly, that the best men otherwise, are not always the best in regard to society. – Hooker.

OT'O-MO, n.

A fowl of the Lagopus kind, about the size of a tame pigeon, a native of Germany, and highly esteemed for food. – Dict. Nat. Hist.

OT'TER, or AT'TAR, n.

The essential oil or essence of roses. – Asiat. Res.

OT'TER, n.1 [Sax. oter, otor, or otter; G. otter, an otter, an adder or viper; D. otter; Sw. utter. The Latin lutra, Fr. loutre, It. lontra, Sp. nutria, may possibly be the same word varied in dialect.]

Digitigrade carnivorous mammals, of the genus Lutra, of which about nine species are described. They all have large flattish heads, short ears, webbed toes, crooked nails, and tails slightly flattened horizontally. They are aquatic, and feed on fish.

OT'TER, n.2

A colored farinaceous pulp, in a dry state, which surrounds the seeds within the pericarp, of the Bixa Orellana, a small tree or shrub indigenous to the warmer parts of America. This substance is called Urucu, or by contraction Rocou, and also Arnotto and Anotto. It is much used to give a kind of salmon-color, and it is reputed to be medicinal.


Designating something that pertains to the Turks or to their government; as, the Ottoman power or empire. The word originated in Othman or Osman, the name of a sultan who assumed the government about the year 1300. Eton.


  1. A sort of hassoc or mat.
  2. A stool with a stuffed seat.

OUCH, n.

  1. A bezil or socket in which a precious stone or seal is set. Exod. xxxix.
  2. The blow given by a boar's tusk. [Obs.] Ainsworth.

OUGHT, n. [See AUGHT, the true orthography.]

OUGHT, v. [imperfect. aut. This word seems to be the preterit tense of the original verb to owe, that is, Sax. agan, Goth. aigan, Sw. äga, to have or possess, the radical sense being to hold, to restrain or stop; hence the passive participle would signify held, bound. In this sense it was used by Spelman and Dryden. But ought as used, is irregular, being used in all persons both in the present and past tenses; as, I ought, thou oughtest, he ought; we, ye, they ought.]

  1. To be held or bound in duty or moral obligation. These ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. Matth. xxiii. We that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak. Rom. xv. Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers. Matth. xxv.
  2. To be necessary; to behoove. Ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into glory? Luke xxiv.
  3. To be fit or expedient in a moral view. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. James iii.
  4. As a participle, owed; been indebted to. The love and duty I long have ought you. Spelman. That followed, sir, which to myself I ought. Dryden. [In this sense, obsolete.]
  5. In Chaucer's time, it was used impersonally. “Wel ought us werke,” that is, well it behooveth us to work.