Dictionary: OUNCE – OUT-BID', or OUT-BID'DEN

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OUNCE, n. [ouns; L. uncia, the twelfth part of any thing: Gr. ουγγια; but the Greek is from the Latin; Fr. once; It. oncia, an ounce, and an inch; Sp. onza; D. once; G. unze. Inch is from the same root, being the twelfth part of a foot.]

  1. A weight, the twelfth part of a pound troy, and the sixteenth of a pound avoirdupois. In troy weight, the ounce is 20 pennyweights, each of 24 grains.
  2. An animal of the genus Felis. [See Once.]

OUND'ED, or OUND'ING, a. [Fr. onde; L. unda.]

Waving. [Not used.] Chaucer.

OUPH-E, a. [oof'y; Teutonic auff; but probably contracted from elf, G. alp.]

A fairy; a goblin; an elf. [Obs.] Shak.

OUPH'EN, a. [oof'en. Obs.]


OUR, a. [Sax. ure; in the oblique cases, urum, urne, whence our vulgar ourn; Sw. vår; Dan. vor; Ir. ar; Basque, gure.]

  1. Pertaining or belonging to us; as, our country; our rights; our troops.
  2. Ours, which is primarily the possessive case of our, is never used as an adjective, but as a substitute for the adjective and the noun to which it belongs. Your house is on a plain; ours is on a hill. This is good English, but certainly ours must be the nominative to is, or it has none. Their organs are better disposed than ours for receiving grateful impressions from sensible objects. Atterbury. Here ours stands in the place of our organs, and can not in conformity with any rule of construction, be in the possessive case. The same thing was done by them in suing in their courts, which is now done by us in suing in ours. Kettleworth.

OU-RA-NOG'RA-PHY, n. [Gr. ουρανος, heaven, and γραφω, to describe.]

A description of the heavens. Hist. Roy. Society.

OU-ROL'O-GY, or OU-ROS'CO-PY, n. [Gr. ουρον and λογος, or σκοπεω.]

The judgment of diseases from an examination of the urine.

OUR-SELF', pron. [reciprocal. our and self.]

This is added after we and us, and sometimes is used without either for myself, in the regal style only; as, we ourself will follow. Shak. Unless we would denude ourself of all force to defend us. Clarendon.

OUR-SELVES', pron. [plur. of Ourself.]

We or us, not others; added to we, by way of emphasis or opposition. We ourselves might distinctly number in words a great deal farther than we usually do. Locke. Safe in ourselves, while on ourselves we stand. Dryden.

OUSE, n. [ooz; for ooze.]

Tanner's bark. Ainsworth.

OUS-EL, n. [oo'zl; Sax. osle.]

A bird, a species of the genus Turdus. Shak.

OUST, v.t. [Fr. ôter, for ouster. It seems to be a contracted word, for in Norman, oghsta is ousted. I take this to be our vulgar oost, used in the sense of lift. The usual signification then will be that of the Latin tollo, sustuli.]

  1. To take away; to remove. Multiplications of actions upon the case were rare formerly, and thereby wager of law ousted. Hall.
  2. To eject; to disseize. Afterward the lessor, reversioner or remainder-man or any stranger doth eject or oust the lessee of his term. Blackstone.

OUST'ED, pp.

Taken away; removed; ejected.


Amotion of possession; disseizin; dispossession; ejection. Blackstone. Ouster of the freehold is effected by abatement, intrusion, disseizin, discontinuance or deforcement. Ib.

OUSTER-LE-MAIN, n. [Ouster le main; ouster and Fr. le main, the hand.]

A delivery of lands out of the hands of a guardian, or out of the king's hands; or a judgment given for that purpose. Blackstone. Encyc.

OUST'ING, ppr.

Taking away; removing; ejecting.

OUT, adv. [Sax. ut; D. uit; G. aus; Dan. ud; Sw. ut. In Scotland, it is used as a verb, to lay out. The primary sense of the verb must be to issue forth, to depart. In Russ. ot signifies from.]

  1. Without; on the outside; not within; on the exterior or beyond the limits of any inclosed place or given line; opposed to in or within; as, to go out and come in; to rush out.
  2. Abroad; not at home. The master of the house is out; a colloquial phrase for gone out.
  3. In a state of disclosure or discovery. The secret is out, that is, has come out, is disclosed. We shall find out the rogue.
  4. Not concealed. When these are gone, / The woman will be out. Shak.
  5. In a state of extinction. The candle or the fire is out.
  6. In a state of being exhausted. The wine is out.
  7. In a state of destitution. We are out of bread corn.
  8. Not in office or employment. I care not who is in or who is out. He is out of business.
  9. Abroad or from home, in a party, at church, in a parade, &c. He was not out today. The militia companies are out. The man was out in a frolick last night.
  10. To the end. Hear me out. Dryden.
  11. Loudly; without restraint; as, to laugh out.
  12. Not in the hands of the owner. The land is out upon a lease.
  13. In an error. As a musician that will always play, / And yet is always out at the same note. Roscommon.
  14. At a loss; in a puzzle. I have forgot my port, and I am out. Shak.
  15. Uncovered; with clothes torn; as, to be out at the knees or elbows.
  16. Away, so as to consume; as, to sleep out the best time in the morning.
  17. Deficient; having expended. He was out of pocket. He was out fifty pounds. Fell.
  18. It is used as an exclamation with the force of command, away; begone; as, out with the dog. Shak. Out upon you, out upon it, expressions of dislike or contempt. Out is much used as a modifier of verbs; as, to come out, to go out, to lead out, to run out, to leak out, to creep out, to flow out, to pass out, to look out, to burn out, to cut out, to saw out, to grow out, to spin out, to write out, to boil out, to beat out, &c., bearing the sense of issuing, extending, drawing from, separating, bringing to open view, or in short, the passing of a limit that incloses or restrains; or bearing the metaphorical sense of vanishing, coming to an end. Out of. In this connection, out may be considered as an adverb, and of as a preposition. #1. Proceeding from; as produce. Plants grow out of the earth. He paid me out of his own funds. Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. Prov. iv. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. James iii. #2. From or proceeding from a place, or the interior of a place; as, to take any thing out of the house. Mark xiii. #3. Beyond; as, out of the power of fortune. They were astonished out of measure. Mark x. #4. From, noting taking or derivation. To whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets. Acts xxviii. #5. Not in, noting extraordinary exertion. Be instant in season, out of season. 2 Tim. iv. #6. Not in, noting exclusion, dismission, departure, absence or dereliction; as, out of favor; out of use; out of place; out of fashion. #7. Not in, noting unfitness or impropriety. He is witty out of season. The seed was sown out of season. #8. Not within, noting extraordinary delay; as, a ship out of time. #9. Not within; abroad; as, out of the door or house. #10. From, noting copy from an original; as, to cite or copy out of Horace. #11. From, noting rescue or liberation; as, to be delivered out of affections. Christianity recovered the law of nature out of all those errors. Addison. #12. Not in, noting deviation, exorbitance or irregularity. This is out of all method; out of all rule. He goes out of his way to find cause of censure. He is out of order. #13. From, noting dereliction or departure. He will not be flattered or frightened out of his duty. He attempted to laugh men out of virtue. #14. From, noting loss or change of state. The mouth is out of taste; the instrument is out of tune. Bacon. #15. Not according to, noting deviation; as, he acts or speaks out of character. #16. Beyond; not within the limits of; as, to be out of hearing, out of sight, out of reach. Time out of mind, is time beyond the reach of memory. #17. Noting loss or exhaustion; as, to be out of breath. #18. Noting loss; as out of hope. #19. By means of. Out of that will I cause those of Cyprus to mutiny. Shak. #20. In consequence of, noting the motive, source or reason. What they do not grant out of the generosity of their nature, they may grant out of mere impatience. Smalridge. So we say, a thing is done out of envy, spite or ambition. Out of hand, immediately, as that is easily used which is ready in the hand. Gather we our forces out of hand. Shak. Out of print, denotes that a book is not in market, or to be purchased; the copies printed having been all sold.

OUT, v.t.

To eject; to expel; to deprive by expulsion. The French have been outed of their holds. Heylin. In composition, out signifies beyond, more, ejection or extension. For the participles of the following compounds, see the simple verbs.

OUT-ACT', v.t.

To do beyond; to exceed in act. He has made me heir to treasures, / Would make me outact a real widow's whining. Otway.

OUT-AR'GUE, v.t.

To argue better than another.


To outweigh; to exceed in weight or effect. Let dull Ajax bear away my right, / When all his days outbalance this one night. Dryden.



OUT-BAR, v.t.

To shut out by bars or fortification. These to outbar with painful pionings. Spenser.


Shut out by bars.


Exceeded in the price offered.