Dictionary: OWRE – OX-YD-A'TION

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OWRE, n. [L. urus.]

A beast. [Not used.] Ainsworth.

OWSE, n.

Bark of oak beaten or ground to small pieces. Ash.

OW'SER, n.

Bark and water mixed in a tan-pit. Ash.

OX, n. [plur. Oxen; (pron. ox'n); Sax. oxa; G. ochs, ochse; D. os; Sw. and Dan. oxe; Sans. uksha, or uxan; W. ych; Erse, agh; Armen. os.]

The male of the bovine genus of quadrupeds, castrated and grown to its size or nearly so. The young male is called in America a steer. The same animal not castrated is called a bull. These distinctions are well established with us in regard to domestic animals of this genus. When we speak of wild animals of this kind, ox is sometimes applied both to the male and female; and in zoology, the same practice exists in regard to the domestic animals. So in common usage, a pair of bulls yoked may be sometimes called oxen. We never apply the name ox to the cow or female of the domestic kind. Oxen in the plural may comprehend both the male and female.

OX'A-LATE, n. [See Oxalic.]

In chimistry, a salt formed by a combination of the oxalic acid with a base.

OX-AL'IC, a. [Gr. οξαλις, sorrel, from οξυς, acid.]

Pertaining to sorrel. The oxalic acid is the acid of sorrel. It is composed of two equivalents of carbon, and three of oxygen.


A plant, Buphonos. Ainsworth.

OX'-EYE, n. [ox and eye.]

A plant of the genus Buphthalmum; another of the genus Anthemis; also, the ox-eye daisy or Chrysanthemum. Fam. of Plants.

OX'EY-ED, a.

Having large full eyes, like those of an ox. Burton.

OX'FLY, n.

A fly hatched under the skin of cattle.

OX'GANG, n. [ox and gang, going.]

In ancient laws, as much land as an ox can plow in a year; said to be fifteen acres, or as others alledge, twenty acres.


A plant. Ainsworth.

OX-I-OD'IC, a.

Pertaining to or consisting of a compound of oxygen and iodine. Webster's Manual.

OX'LIKE, a. [ox and like.]

Resembling an ox. Sandys.

OX'LIP, n.

A plant, the Primula elatior.


A stall or stand for oxen.

OX-TONGUE, n. [ox'tung.]

A plant of the genus Picris.

OX'Y-CRATE, n. [Gr. οξυς, acid, and κεραω, to mix.]

A mixture of water and vinegar. [Little used.] Wiseman.

OX'YD, n. [Gr. οξυς, acid, sharp; οξος, vinegar. The true orthography of this word is oxyd, as originally written by Lavoisier and his associates. No analogy in the language is better established than the uniform translation of the Greek υ into the English y, as in Latin, and it is very absurd to preserve this analogy in oxygen, oxymuriate and hydrogen, and depart from it in oxyd.]

In chimistry, a compound of oxygen and a base destitute of acid and salifying properties.


The capacity of being converted into an oxyd. Med. Repos.


Capable of being converted into an oxyd.

OX'YD-ATE, v.t.

To convert into an oxyd, as metals and other substances, by combination with oxygen. It differs from acidify, to make acid, or to convert into an acid, as in oxydation the oxygen that enters into combination is not sufficient to form an acid.

OX'YD-A-TED, pp.

Converted into an oxyd.

OX'YD-A-TING, ppr.

Converting into an oxyd.


The operation or process of converting into an oxyd, as metals or other substances, by combining with them a certain portion of oxygen. Lavoisier. Ure.