Dictionary: PAL-LI-A'TION – PAL'MI-PED

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  1. The act of palliating; concealment of the most flagrant circumstances of an offense; extenuation by favorable representation; as, the palliation of faults, offenses, vices or crimes.
  2. Mitigation; alleviation; abatement; as of a disease.

PAL'LI-A-TIVE, a. [Fr. palliatif.]

  1. Extenuating; serving to extenuate by excuses or favorable representation. – Warton.
  2. Mitigating; alleviating; as pain or disease. – Arbuthnot.


  1. That which extenuates.
  2. That which mitigates, alleviates or abates the violence of pain, disease or other evil. – Swift.

PAL'LID, a. [L. pallidus, from palleo, to become pale. See Pale.]

Pale; wan; deficient in color; not high colored; as, a pallid countenance; pallid blue. – Spenser. Thomson. Harte.



PAL'LID-LY, adv.

Palely; wanly. – Taylor.


Paleness; wanness.


State of being cloyed. – Bulwer.

PALL'ING, ppr.

Cloying; making insipid.


PALL'MALL, n. [L. pila, a ball, and malleus, mallet; It. palla, a ball, and malleo, a hammer.]

A play in which a ball is driven through an iron ring by a mallet; also, the mallet. – Johnson.

PAL'LOR, n. [L.]

Paleness. – Taylor.

PALM, n. [p'am; L. palma; W. palv; from spreading.]

  1. The inner part of the hand.
  2. A hand or hand's breadth; a lineal measure of three inches. – Holder. Bacon.
  3. The broad triangular part of an anchor at the end of the arms.
  4. The name of many species of plants, but particularly of the date-tree or great palm, a native of Asia and Africa. The palms constitute a natural order of monocotyledonous plants, with a simple cylindric stem, terminating in a crown of leaves, within which rises a tuft of flowers and fruits; all natives of warm climates. They vary in size from 2 to more than 100 feet in highth. – Jussieu. Linnæus.
  5. Branches of the palm being worn in token of victory, hence the word signifies superiority, victory, triumph. The palm was adopted as an emblem of victory, it is said, because the tree is so elastic as when pressed, to rise and recover its correct position. – Encyc. Namur subdued is England's palm alone. – Dryden.
  6. Among seamen, an instrument used in sewing canvas instead of a thimble.

PALM, v.t. [p'am.]

  1. To conceal in the palm of the hand. They palmed the trick that lost the game. – Prior.
  2. To impose by fraud. For you may palm upon us new for old. – Dryden.
  3. To handle. – Prior.
  4. To stroke with the hand. – Ainsworth.

PAL'MAR, a. [L. palmaris.]

Of the breadth of the hand. – Lee.

PAL'MA-RY, a.1 [L. palmaris.]

Chief; principal. – Bp. Horne.

PALM'A-RY, a.2

Pertaining to a palm.

PAL'MA-TED, a. [L. palmatus, from palma, palm.]

  1. Having the shape of the hand; resembling a hand with the fingers spread; as, palmated leaves or stones. – Encyc.
  2. Entirely webbed; as, the palmated feet of aquatic fowls.

PALM'ED, pp.

Imposed by fraud.

PALM'ER, n. [p'amer.]

One that returned from the Holy Land bearing branches of palm; a pilgrim or crusader. – Pope.

PALM-ER-WORM', n. [p'amer-worm.]

A worm covered with hair; supposed to be so called because he wanders over all plants. – Joel i. Johnson.


A species of palm-tree, growing in the West Indies, of the genus Chamærops. – Thomson.

PAL-MIF'ER-OUS, a. [L. palma and fero, to bear.]

Bearing palms. – Dict.

PALM'ING, ppr.

Imposing by fraud.

PAL'MI-PED, a. [L. palma, and pes, foot.]

Web-footed; having the toes connected by a membrane; as a water fowl.