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A fish having a scaly compressed head with a blunt prominent nose, and pliform appendages to the pectoral fins. – Pennant.

POL-Y-NE'SIA, a. [s as z. Gr. πολυς, many, and νησος, isle.]

A new term in geography, used to designate a great number of isles in the Pacific ocean, as the Pelew isles, the Ladrones, the Carolines, the Sandwich isles, the Marquesas, the Society isles and the Friendly isles. – De Brosses. Pinkerton.


Pertaining to Polynesia.

POL'Y-NOME, n. [Gr. πολυς, many, and ονομα, name.]

In algebra, a quantity consisting of many terms.


Containing many names or terms.

POL-Y-ON'O-MOUS, a. [Gr. πολυς, many, and ονομα, name.]

Having many names or titles; many-titled. – Sir W. Jones.

POL-Y-ON'O-MY, n. [supra.]

Variety of different names.

POL-Y-OP'TRUM, n. [Gr. πολυς, many, and οπτομαι, to see.]

A glass through which objects appear multiplied.

POL-Y-O-RA'MA, n. [Gr. πολυς and οραμα.]

A view of many objects.


Corals, the work of polypes.

POL'YPE, or POL'Y-PUS, n. [Gr. πολυπους; πολυς, many, and πους, foot.]

  1. Something that has many feet or roots.
  2. In zoology, the animal of a zoophyte in contradistinction from the polypier, when there is one. A polype is a globular or cylindrical body of small size, of a homogeneous gelatinous consistence, very contractile, in the center of which there is a cavity for the reception and digestion of its food. The aperture of this cavity is placed on the upper disk of the body, and is encircled by one or two series of filaments or tentacula, which are used to capture the necessary prey, while the opposite end serves the purpose of a sucker to fix the creature in its site, or being prolonged like a thread down the hollow sheath, to connect it with its fellow polypes of the same polypier, which by this means become compound animals, the whole of whose parts are animated by one common principle of life and growth. The polype has no proper organs of sense, no limbs appropriate to locomotion, no circulating vessels, no nerves, no lungs nor gills, no chylopoietic viscera, no intestines, and even no generative organs. The individuals of the species of the genus Hydra, are capable of being multiplied in a very singular way; for, if one is minced into forty pieces, each piece continues alive and grows into a perfect animal, capable of being again divided in the same manner. – George Johnston. The polypes are the animals which form the coral rocks in the sea.
  3. A concretion of blood in the heart and blood-vessels. – Parr.
  4. A tumor with a narrow base, somewhat resembling a pear; found in the nose, uterus, &c. – Cooper.

POL-Y-PET'AL-OUS, a. [Gr. πολυς, many, and πεταλον, a petal.]

In botany, having many petals; as, a polypetalous corol. – Martyn.

PO-LYPH'A-GOUS, a. [Gr. πολυς and φαγω.]

Eating or subsisting on many things, or kinds of food.

POL-Y-PHAR'MA-CY, n. [Gr. πολυς and φαρμακεια.]

Medicines of many ingredients.

POL-Y-PHON'IC, a. [infra.]

Having or consisting of many voices or sounds. – Busby.

POL'Y-PHO-NISM, or POL'Y-PHO-NY, n. [Gr. πολυς, many, and φωνη, sound.]

Multiplicity of sounds, as in the reverberations of an echo. – Derham.


One who professes the art of multiplying sounds, or who makes a variety of sounds; a ventriloquist.

PO-LYPH'YL-LOUS, a. [Gr. πολυς, many, and φυλλον, leaf.]

In botany, many-leafed; as, a polyphyllous calyx or perianth.


The name given to the habitations of polypes, or to the common part of those compound animals called polypes. – Dict. Nat. Hist. Cuvier.

POL-Y-PIF'ER-OUS, a. [polype and fero.]

Producing polypes.


Fossil polype.

POL'Y-PODE, n. [Gr. πολυς and πους.]

An animal having many feet; the milliped or wood-louse. – Coxe.

PO-LYP'O-DY, n. [L. polypodium, from the Greek. See Polype.]

A plant of the genus Polypodium, of the order of Filices or ferns. The fructifications are in roundish points, scattered over the inferior disk of the frons or leaf. There are numerous species. – Encyc.

POL'Y-POUS, a. [from polypus.]

Having the nature of the polypus; having many feet or roots, like the polypus; as, a polypous concretion. – Arbuthnot.

POL-Y-PRIS-MAT'IC, a. [Gr. πολυς, many, and prismatic.]

In mineralogy, having crystals presenting numerous prisms in a single form. – Shepard.