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PRO-BONO-PUBLICO, adv. [Pro bono publico; L.]

For the public good.

PRO-BOS'CIS, n. [L. from the Gr. προβοσκις; προ, before, and βοσκω, to feed or graze.]

The snout or trunk of an elephant and of other analogous animals, and particularly of insects. The proboscis of an elephant is a flexible muscular pipe or canal of about eight feet in length, and is properly the extension of the nose. This is the instrument with which he takes food and carries it to his mouth. The proboscis of insects is used to suck blood from animals, or juice from plants.

PRO-CA'CIOUS, a. [L. procax; pro, forward, and perhaps the root of It. cacciare, Sp. cazar, to chase, that is, to push forward.]

Pert; petulant; saucy. [Little used.] Barrow.

PRO-CAC'I-TY, n. [L. procacitas.]

Impudence; petulance. [Little used.] Burton.

PRO-CA-TARC'TIC, a. [Gr. προκαταρκτικος; προ, κατα and αρχω, to begin.]

In medicine, that cause which immediately kindles a disease into action when there existed a predisposition to it. The procatarctic cause is often denominated the exciting cause. Procatarctic or exciting causes are common to numerous diseases and do not affect their nature and character. Procatarctic or exciting causes do not produce disease, unless there is a previously existing predisposition. Excesses, deficiencies, and irregularities of the non-naturals, comprehend all the procatarctic or exciting causes of disease.

PRO-CA-TARX'IS, n. [Gr. supra.]

The kindling of a disease into action by a procatarctic cause, when a predisposition exists; the procatarctic cause itself of a disease. – Quincy.

PRO-CED'URE, n. [Fr. See Proceed.]

  1. The act of proceeding or moving forward; progress; process; operation; series of actions; as, the procedure of the soul in certain actions. But it is more generally applied to persons; as, this is a strange procedure in a public body. The motions of physical causes are more generally denominated operations.
  2. Manner of proceeding; management; conduct. – South.
  3. That which proceeds from something; produce. [Not in use.] – Bacon.

PRO-CEED', or PRO-CEDE', v.i. [Fr. Sp. and Port. proceder; It. procedere; from L. procedo; pro, forward, and cedo, to move. The more correct orthography is procede, in analogy with precede, concede, recede, procedure.]

  1. To move, pass or go forward from one place to another; applied to persons or things. A man proceeds on his journey; a ship proceeds on her voyage. This word thus used implies that the motion, journey or voyage had been previously commenced, and to proceed is then to renew or continue the motion or progress.
  2. To pass from one point, stage or topic to another. The preacher proceeds from one division of his subject, and the advocate from one argument to another.
  3. To issue or come as from a source or fountain. Light proceeds from the sun; vice proceeds from a depraved heart; virtuous affections proceed from God.
  4. To come from a person or place. Christ says, “I proceeded forth and came from God.” – John viii.
  5. To prosecute any design. He that proceeds on other principles in his inquiry into any sciences, posts himself in a party. – Locke.
  6. To be transacted or carried on. He will, after his sour fashion, tell you, / What hath proceeded worthy note to-day. – Shak. [Not now in use.]
  7. To make progress; to advance. – Milton.
  8. To begin and carry on a series of actions or measures. The attorney was at a loss in what manner to proceed against the offender. In this sense the word is often followed by against.
  9. To transact; to act; to carry on methodically. From them I will not hide / My judgments, how with mankind I proceed. – Milton.
  10. To have a course. This role only proceeds and takes place, when a person can not of common law condemn another by his sentence. – Ayliffe.
  11. To issue; to be produced or propagated. From my loins thou shalt proceed. – Milton.
  12. To be produced by an effectual cause. All created things proceed from God. – Milton.


One who goes forward, or who makes a progress. – Bacon.


  1. Process or movement from one thing to another; a measure or step taken in business; transaction; in the plural, a course of measures or conduct; course of dealing with others. We speak of a legal or an illegal proceeding, a cautious proceeding, a violent proceeding. In the plural, the proceedings of the legislature have been wise and salutary. It is our duty to acquiesce cheerfully in all God's proceedings toward us.
  2. In law, the course of steps or measures in the prosecution of action is denominated proceedings. [See Process.]


Moving forward; passing on; issuing; transacting; carrying on.

PRO-CEEDS', n. [plur.]

  1. Issue; rent; produce; as, the proceeds of an estate.
  2. In commerce, the sum, amount or value of goods sold or converted into money. The consignee was directed to sell the cargo and vest the proceeds in coffee. The proceeds of the goods sold amounted to little more than the prime cost and charges.

PRO-CE-LEUS-MAT'IC, a. [Gr. προκελευσματικος; προ, and κελευσμα, mandate, incitement.]

Inciting; animating; encouraging. This epithet is given to a metrical foot in poetry, consisting of four short syllables. – Johnson.

PRO-CEL'LOUS, a. [L. procellosus.]



Preoccupation. [Ill formed and not in use.] – K. Charles.

PRO-CER'I-TY, n. [L. proceritas, from procerus, tall.]

Tallness; highth of stature. – Addison.

PROC'ESS, n. [Fr. procès; L. processus, from procedo. See Proceed.]

  1. A proceeding or moving forward; progressive course; tendency; as, the process of man's desire. – Hooker.
  2. Proceedings; gradual progress; course; as, the process of a war. – Dryden.
  3. Operations; experiment; series of actions or experiments; as, a chimical process.
  4. Series of motions or changes in growth, decay, &c. in physical bodies; as, the process of vegetation or of mineralization; the process of decomposition.
  5. Course; continual flux or passage; as, the process of time. – Milton. Boyle.
  6. Methodical management; series of measures or proceedings. The process of the great day … is described by our Savior. – Nelson.
  7. In law, the whole course of proceedings, in a cause, real or personal, civil or criminal, from the original writ to the end of the suit. Original process is the means taken to compel the defendant to appear in court. Mesne process is that which issues, pending the suit, upon some collateral or interlocutory matter. Final process is the process of execution. – Blackstone. Process verbal, in French jurisprudence, an authentic and minute report or statement of any official act.
  8. In anatomy, any protuberance, eminence or projecting part of a bone. – Encyc. Coxe.

PRO-CES'SION, n. [Fr. from L. processio. See Proceed.]

  1. The act of proceeding or issuing. – Pearson.
  2. A train of persons walking, or riding on horseback or in vehicles, in a formal march, or moving with ceremonious solemnity; as, a procession of clergymen and people in the Romish church; a triumphal procession; a funeral procession. Him all his train / Follow'd in bright procession. – Milton.


Pertaining to a procession: consisting in a procession. – Saurin, Trans.


A book relating to processions of the Romish church. – Gregory.


Consisting in procession; as, precessionary service. – Hooker.

PRO-CHEIN, a. [pro'shen; Fr. prochain; L. proximus.]

Next; nearest; used in the law phrase, prochein amy, the next friend, any person who undertakes to assist an infant or minor in prosecuting his rights. – Blackstone.

PRO'CHRO-NISM, n. [Gr. προχρονεω, to precede in time; προ, before, and χρονος, time.]

An antedating; the dating of an event before the time it happened; hence, an error in chronology. – Gregory.

PRO'CI-DENCE, n. [L. procidentia; procido, to fall down.]

A falling down; a prolapsus; as of the intestinum rectum. – Coxe. Parr.


That falls from its place. – Jones.