Dictionary: PARS'NEP – PAR'TIAL-LY

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PARS'NEP, n. [The last syllable of this word is the Sax. næpe, L. napus, which occurs also in turnep.]

A plant of the genus Pastinaca. The root of the garden parsnep is deemed a valuable esculent.

PAR'SON, n. [pàrsn; G. pfarrherr, pfarrer, lord of the pfarre, benefice or living. I know not from what root pfarre is derived. See Parish.]

  1. The priest of a parish or ecclesiastical society; the rector or incumbent of a parish, who has the parochial charge or cure of souls. It is used in this sense by all denominations of Christians; among independents or congregationalists it is merely a colloquial word.
  2. A clergyman; a man that is in orders or has been licensed to preach. – Shak.


  1. In America, the glebe and house belonging to a parish or ecclesiastical society, and appropriated to the maintenance of the incumbent or settled pastor of a church.
  2. In England, the benefice of a parish, or the house appropriated to the residence of the incumbent. – Addison. Gray.


Parsonically, in Chesterfield, is not an authorized word.

PART, n. [L. pars, partis; Fr. part; Sp. It. parte; W. parth; from פרד, or פרס, or פרצ, which in the Shemitic languages signify to separate, to break.]

  1. A portion, piece or fragment separated from a whole thing; as, to divide an orange into five parts.
  2. A portion or quantity of a thing not separated in fact, but considered or mentioned by itself. In what part of England is Oxford situated? So we say, the upper part or lower part, the fore part, a remote part, a small part, or a great part. The people stood at the nethermost of the mount. – Exod. xix.
  3. A portion of number, separated or considered by itself; as, a part of the nation or congregation.
  4. A portion or component particle; as, the component parts of a fossil or metal.
  5. A portion of man; as, the material part or body, or the intellectual part, the soul or understanding; the perishable part; the immortal part.
  6. A member. All the parts were formed in his mind into one harmonious body. – Locke.
  7. Particular division; distinct species or sort belonging to a whole; as, all the parts of domestic business or of a manufacture.
  8. Ingredient in a mingled mass; a portion in a compound.
  9. That which falls to each in division; share; us, let me bear my part of the danger. – Dryden.
  10. Proportional quantity; as, four parts of lime with three of sand.
  11. Share; concern; interest. Sheba said, we have no part in David. – 2 Sam. xx.
  12. Side; party; interest; faction. And make whole kingdoms take her brother's part. – Waller.
  13. Something relating or belonging to; that which concerns; as, for your part; for his part; for her part. For my part I have no servile end in my labor. – Wotton.
  14. Share of labor, action or influence; particular office or business. Accuse not nature, she hath done her part, / Do thou but thine. – Milton.
  15. Character appropriated in a play. The parts of the comedy were judiciously cast and admirably performed.
  16. Action; conduct. – Shak.
  17. In mathematics, such a portion of any quantity, as when taken a certain number of times, will exactly make that quantity. Thus 3 is a part of 12. It is the opposite of multiple. Parts, in the plural, qualities; powers; faculties; accomplishments. Such licentious parts tend for the most part to the hurt of the English. – Spenser. Parts, applied to place, signifies quarters, regions, districts. When he had gone over those parts, and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece. – Acts xx. All parts resound with tumults, plaints and fears. – Dryden. In general, parts is used for excellent or superior endowments, or more than ordinary talents. This is what we understand by the phrase, a man of parts. In good part, as well done; favorably; acceptably; in a friendly manner; not in displeasure. God accepteth it in good part at the hands of faithful man. – Hooker. In ill part, as ill done; unfavorably; with displeasure. For the most part, commonly; oftener than otherwise. – Heylin. In part, in some degree or extent; partly. Logical part, among schoolmen, a division of some universal as its whole; in which sense, species are parts of a genus and individuals are parts of a species. – Encyc. Physical parts, are of two kinds, homogeneous and heterogeneous; the first is of the same denomination; the second of different ones. Aliquot part, is a quantity which being repeated any number of times, becomes equal to an integer. Thus 6 is an aliquot part of 24. Aliquant part, is a quantity which being repeated any number of limes, becomes greater or less than the whole, as 5 is an aliquant part of 17. Part of speech, in grammar, a sort or class of words of a particular character. Thus the noun is a part of speech, denoting the names of things, or those vocal sounds which usage has attached to things. The verb is a part of speech expressing motion, action or being.

PART, v.i.

  1. To be separated, removed or detached. Powerful hands will not part / Easily from possession won with arms. – Milton.
  2. To quit each other. He wrung Bassanio's hand, and so they parted. – Shak.
  3. To take or bid farewell.
  4. To have a share. – Swift. They shall part alike. – 1 Sam. xxx.
  5. [Fr. partir.] To go away; to depart. Thy father / Embraced me, parting for th' Etrurian land. – Dryden.
  6. To break; to be torn asunder. The cable parted. To part with, to quit; to resign; to lose; to be separated from; as, to part with near friends. Celia for thy sake I part / With all that grew so near my heart. – Waller.

PART, v.t. [L. partio; Fr. partir; parthu.]

  1. To divide, to separate or break; to sever into two or more pieces.
  2. To divide into shares; to distribute. – Acts ii.
  3. To separate or disunite, as things which are near each other. – Ruth i.
  4. To keep asunder; to separate. A narrow sea parts England from France.
  5. To separate, as combatants. Night parted the armies.
  6. To secern; to secrete. The liver minds his own affair / And parts and strains the vital juices. – Prior.
  7. In seamen's language, to break; as, the ship parted her cables.
  8. To separate metals.



Division; severance; the act of dividing or sharing; a French word. [Little used.] – Locke.

PAR-TAKE', v.i. [pret. partook; pp. partaken. part and take.]

  1. To take a part, portion or share in common with others; to have a share or part; to participate; usually followed by of, sometimes less properly by in. All men partake of the common bounties of Providence. Clodius was at the feast, but could not partake of the enjoyments.
  2. To have something of the property, nature, claim or right. The attorney of the duchy of Lancaster partakes partly of a judge, and partly of an attorney general. – Bacon.
  3. To be admitted; not to be excluded. – Shak.

PAR-TAKE', v.t.

  1. To have a part in; to share. My royal father lives / Let every one partake the general joy. – Dryden. [This is probably elliptical, of being omitted.]
  2. To admit to a part. [Not used.] – Shak.


Shared with others; participated.


  1. One who has or takes a part, share or portion in common with others; a sharer; a participator; usually followed by of. If the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things. – Rom. xv. Sometimes followed by in. Wish me partaker in thy happiness. – Shak. If we bad been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. – Matth. xxiii.
  2. An accomplice; an associate. When thou sawest a thief, thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers. – Ps. i.


An associating; combination in an evil design. – Hale.


Sharing with others; participating:

PART'ED, pp.

Separated; divided; severed. – Sidney.


One that parts or separates.

PAR'TERRE, n. [par'tair; Fr.]

In gardening, a level division of ground furnished with evergreens and flowers; sometimes cut into shell and scroll work with alleys. – Encyc.

PAR-THEN'IC, a. [Gr. παρθενος.]

Pertaining to the Spartan Partheniæ or sons of virgins.

PAR'THE-NON, n. [Gr. παρθενος, a virgin.]

A celebrated Grecian temple of Minerva.

PAR'TIAL, a. [Fr. from L. pars; It. parziale.]

  1. Biased to one party; inclined to favor one party in a cause, or one side of a question, more than the other; not indifferent. It is important to justice that a judge should not be partial. Self love will make men partial to themselves and friends. – Locke.
  2. Inclined to favor without reason. Authors are partial to their wit, and critics to their judgment.
  3. Affecting a part only; not general or universal; not total. It has been much disputed whether the deluge was partial or total. All partial evil, universal good. – Pope.
  4. More strongly inclined to one thing than to others. [Colloquial.]
  5. In botany, subordinate; applied to subdivisions; as, a partial umbel or umbellicle; a partial peduncle. A partial involucre is placed at the foot of a partial umbel.


One who is partial. [Unusual.] – Bp. Morton.

PAR-TIAL'I-TY, n. [parshal'ity.]

  1. Inclination to favor one party or one side of a question more than the other; an undue bias of mind toward one party or side, which is apt to warp the judgment. Partiality springs from the will and affections, rather than from a love of truth and justice.
  2. A stronger inclination to one thing than to others; as, a partiality for poetry or painting; a colloquial use.


To render partial. [Not used.] – Shak.


  1. With undue bias of mind to one party or side; with unjust favor or dislike; as, to judge partially.
  2. In part; not totally; as, the story may be partially true; the body may be partially affected with disease; the sun and moon are often partially eclipsed.