a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |


PASQUE'-FLOW-ER, n. [pask'-flower.]

A flower, a species of Anemone, Anemone Pulsatilla, growing in Europe and Siberia. – Fam. of Plants.


A mutilated statue at Rome, in a corner of the palace of Ursini, so called from a cobbler of that name who was remarkable for his sneers and gibes. On this statue it has been customary to paste satiric papers. Hence, a lampoon. – Encyc. Cyc.


To lampoon; to satirize. Burton.


A lampooner. – Coleridge.


A lampooner. – Burton.


A lampoon or satirical writing. – Tatler.

PASS, n. [W. pâs.]

  1. A narrow passage, entrance or avenue; a narrow or difficult place of entrance and exit; as, a pass between mountains. – Encyc. Clarendon.
  2. A passage; a road. – Ralegh.
  3. Permission to pass, to go or to come; a license to pass; a passport. A gentleman had a pass to go beyond the seas. – Clarendon. A ship sailing under the flag and pass of an enemy agent. – Kent.
  4. An order for sending vagrants and impotent persons to their place of abode. – Johnson.
  5. In fencing and fighting, a thrust; a push; attempt to stab or strike; as, to make a pass at an antagonist.
  6. State; condition or extreme case; extremity. To what a pass are our minds brought. – Sidney. Matters have been brought to this pass. – South.

PASS, v.i. [Fr. passer, It. passare, Sp. pasar, Port. passar, to pass; G. pass, fit, which is the Eng. pat, and as a noun, a pass, a defile, an ambling, pace; passen, to be fit, to suit; D. pas, a pace, a step, a pass, a passage, a defile, time, season; van pas, fit, convenient, pat in time; passen, to fit, to try, to mind, tend, or wait on, to make ready, to pass; Dan. pas, a pass or passport, a mode or medium; passer, to be fit, to suit, to be applicable; passerer, to pass, to come or go over; Sw. pass, a pass or passage, a passport; passa, to fit, to suit, to adapt, to become; passera, to pass; W. pâs, that is expulsive, that causes to pass, a pass, an exit, a cough, hooping-cough; pasiaw, to pass, to cause an exit, to expel; Sp. pasar, to pass, to go or travel, to bring or convey, to penetrate, to exceed or surpass, to depart, to suffer, bear, undergo, (L. patior, whence passion,) to happen or come to pass; pasear, to walk; paseo, a walking; a gait; paso, a pace, a step, gait; (Gr. πατεω;) It. passare, to pass; passo, a pace, a step; passabile, tolerable; passibile, suffering. We observe that this word unites pass, the L. patior, to suffer, and peto, competo, in the sense of fit. The Gr. πατεω, to walk or step, and πασχω, to suffer, are from the same root. The word pass coincides with L. passus, a step, and this is from pando, to extend; n being casual, the original word was pado. The radical sense is to stretch, reach, extend, to open; a pace is the reach of the foot, and fitness is from reaching or coming to, like convenient. We learn from this word that the sense of suffering is from extending, holding on, or continuing. See ברא in the Introduction. Ar. فَاتَ fata, to pass; Heb. פסח, פשע; Ch. פסע; Class Bd, No. 45, 64, and Bs or Bz, No. 52, 53, 70.]

  1. To move, in almost any manner; to go; to proceed from one place to another. A man may pass on foot, on horseback or in a carriage; a bird and a meteor pass through the air; a ship passes on or through the water; light passes from the sun to the planets; it passes from the sun to the earth in about eight minutes.
  2. To move from one state to another; to alter or change or to be changed in condition; as, to pass from health to sickness; to pass from just to unjust. – Temple.
  3. To vanish; to disappear; to be lost. In this sense, we usually say, to pass away. Beauty is a charm, but soon the charm will pass. – Dryden.
  4. To be spent; to go on or away progressively. The time when the thing existed, is the idea of that span of duration which passed between some fixed period and the being of that thing. – Locke.
  5. To die in to depart from life. [Little used.] – Shak.
  6. To be in any state; to undergo; with under; as, to pass under the rod.
  7. To be enacted; to receive the sanction of a legislative house or body by a majority of votes. Neither of these bills has yet passed the house of commons. – Swift.
  8. To be current; to gain reception or to be generally received. Bank bills pass as a substitute for coin. False eloquence passeth only where true is not understood. – Felton.
  9. To be regarded; to be received in opinion or estimation. This will not pass for a fault in him, till it is proved to one in us. – Atterbury.
  10. To occur; to be present; to take place; as, to notice what passes in the mind. – Watts.
  11. To be done. Provided no indirect act pass upon our prayers to defile them. – Taylor.
  12. To determine; to give judgment or sentence. Though well we may not pass upon his life. – Shak.
  13. To thrust; to make a push in fencing or fighting. – Shak.
  14. To omit; to suffer to go unheeded or neglected. We saw the act, but let it pass.
  15. To move through any duct or opening; as, substances in the stomach that will not pass, nor be converted into ailment. – Arbuthnot.
  16. To percolate; to be secreted; as, juices that pass from the glands into the mouth.
  17. To be in a tolerable state. A middling sort of man was left well enough by his father to pass, but he could never think he had enough, so long as any had more. – L'Estrange.
  18. To be transferred from one owner to another. The land article passed by livery and seizin.
  19. To go beyond bounds. [Obs.] For this we generally use surpass. – Shak.
  20. To run or extend; as a line or other thing. The north limit of Massachusetts passes three miles north of the Merrimac. To come to pass, to happen; to arrive; to come; to be; to exist; a phrase much used in the Scriptures. To pass away, to move from sight; to vanish. #2. To be spent; to be lost. A good part of their lives passes away without thinking. Locke. To pass by, to move near and beyond. He passed by as we stood in the road. To pass on, to proceed. To pass over, to go or move from side to side; to cross; as, to pass over to the other side. To pass into, to unite and blend, as two substances or colors, in such a manner that it is impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins.

PASS, v.t.

  1. To go beyond. The sun has passed the meridian. The young man has not passed the age of frivolousness.
  2. To go through or over; as, to pass a river.
  3. To spend; to live through; as, to pass time; to pass the night in revelry, and the day in sleep.
  4. To cause to move; to send; as, to pass the bottle from one guest to another; to pass a pauper from one town to another; to pass a rope round a yard; to pass the blood from the right to the left ventricle of the heart. – Derham.
  5. To cause to move hastily. I had only time to pass my eye over the medals, which are in great number. – Addison.
  6. To transfer from one owner to another; to sell or assign; as, to pass land from A. to B. by deed; to pass a note or bill.
  7. To strain; to cause to percolate; as, to pass wine through a filter. – Bacon.
  8. To utter; to pronounce; as, to pass compliments; to pass sentence or judgment; to pass censure on another's works. – Watts.
  9. To procure or cause to go. Waller passed over five thousand horse and foot by Newbridge. – Clarendon.
  10. To put an end to. This night We'll pass the business privately and well. – Shak.
  11. To omit; to neglect either to do or to mention. I pass their warlike pomp, their proud array. – Dryden.
  12. To transcend; to transgress or go beyond; as, to pass the bounds of moderation.
  13. To admit; to allow; to approve and receive as valid or just; as, to pass an account at the war-office.
  14. To approve or sanction by a constitutional or legal majority of votes; as, the house of representatives passed the bill. Hence,
  15. To enact; to carry through all the forms necessary to give validity; as, the legislature passed the bill into a law.
  16. To impose fraudulently; as, she passed the child on her husband for a boy. – Dryden.
  17. To practice artfully; to cause to succeed; as, to pass a trick on one.
  18. To surpass; to excel; to exceed.
  19. To thrust; to make a push in fencing. To see thee fight, to see thee pass thy puncto. – Shak. To pass away, to spend; to waste; as, to pass away the flower of life in idleness. To pass by, to pass near and beyond. #2. To overlook; to excuse; to forgive; not to censure or punish; as, to pass by a crime or fault. #3. To neglect; to disregard. Certain passages of Scripture we can not pass by without injury to truth. – Burnet. To pass over, to move from side to side; to cross; as, to pass over a river or mountain. #2. To omit; to overlook or disregard. He passed over one charge without a reply.

PASS'A-BLE, a. [It. passabile.]

  1. That may be passed, traveled or navigated. The roads are not passable. The stream is passable in boats.
  2. That may be penetrated; as, a substance passable by a fluid.
  3. Current; receivable; that may be or is transferred from hand to hand; as, bills passable in lieu of coin. False coin is not passable.
  4. Popular; well received. – Bacon.
  5. Supportable. [This should be passible.] – Dryden.

PASS'A-BLY, adv.

Tolerably. [See Passibly.]

PAS-SADE', n. [Fr.]

In the manege, a turn or course of a horse backward or forward on the same spot of ground. – Encyc.


A push or thrust.

PASS'AGE, n. [Fr. passage; Sp. pasage; It. passaggio.]

  1. The act of passing or moving by land or water, or through the air or other substance; as, the passage of a man or a carriage; the passage of a ship or a fowl; the passage of light or a meteor; the passage of fluids through the pores of the body, or from the glands. Clouds intercept the passage of solar rays.
  2. The time of passing from one place to another. What passage had you? We had a passage of twenty-five day to Havre de Grace, and of thirty-eight days from England.
  3. Road; way; avenue; a place where men or things may pass or be conveyed. – Temple. And with his pointed dart / Explore the nearest passage to his heart. – Dryden.
  4. Entrance or exit. What are my doors opposed against my passage? – Shak.
  5. Right of passing; as, to engage a passage on board a ship bound to India.
  6. Occurrence; event; incident; that which happens; as a remarkable passage in the life of Newton. [See the Spanish verb, supra. This sense is obsolescent.]
  7. A passing away; decay. [Little used.] – Shak.
  8. Intellectual admittance; mental reception. Among whom I expect this treatise will have a fairer passage than among those deeply imbued with other principles. – Digby.
  9. Manner of being conducted; management. On consideration of the conduct and passage of affairs in former times. – Davies.
  10. Part of a book or writing; a single clause, place or part of indefinite extent. How commentators each dark passage shun. – Young.
  11. Enactment; the act of carrying through all the regular forms necessary to give validity; as, the passage of a law or of a bill into a law, by a legislative body. – Hopkinson. Wheaton's Rep. His agency in procuring the passage of the stamp act was more than suspected. – Hosack.
  12. Home or entrance into a house. Bird of passage, a fowl that passes at certain seasons from one climate to another, as in autumn to the south to avoid the winter's cold, and in spring to the north for breeding. Hence the phrase is sometimes applied to a man who has no fixed residence.

PASS'A-GER, n. [Fr. from passage; It. passaggiere.]

A traveler or voyager; one who passes or journeys on foot, in a vehicle, or in a ship or boat. This word is usually written corruptly passenger, and the first vowel is often short.


  1. In heraldry, walking, from Fr. passant, a passenger, traveler.
  2. Cursory; careless. – Barrow. On a passant review of what I wrote to the Bishop. – Sir Peter Pett's Preface to Bp. Barlow's Gen. Remains. En passant, [ong passong; Fr.] By the way; slightly; in haste.

PASS'ED, or PAST, pp.

  1. Gone by; done; accomplished; ended.
  2. Enacted; having received all the formalities necessary to constitute a law.


One who is traveling, as in a public coach, or in a ship, or on foot. This is the usual, though corrupt orthography.


Passenger falcon, a kind of migratory hawk. – Ainsworth.


One that passes; a passenger. – Rowe.


One who goes by or near.

PAS'SER-ES, n. [plur. See Passerine.]

PAS'SER-INE, a. [L. passer, a sparrow.]

Pertaining to sparrows, or to the order of birds to which sparrows belong, the Passeres.

PASS-I-BIL'I-TY, n. [Fr. passibilité, from passable. See Passion.]

The quality or capacity of receiving impressions from external agents; aptness to feel or suffer. – Hakewill.

PAS'SI-BLE, a. [Fr. passible; It. passibile. See Passion.]

Susceptible of feeling or of impressions from external agents. Apollinarius held even Deity to be passible. – Hooker.