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PA'TIENCE, n. [pa'shens; Fr. from L. patientia, from patior, to suffer; It. pazienza; Sp. and Port. paciencia. The primary sense is continuance, holding out, from extending. Hence, we see the connection between pass, and L. pando, passus, and Gr. πατεω. See Pass.]

  1. The suffering of afflictions, pain, toil, calamity, provocation or other evil, with a calm, unruffled temper; endurance without murmuring or fretfulness. Patience may spring from constitutional fortitude, from a kind of heroic pride, or from Christian submission to the divine will.
  2. A calm temper which bears evils without murmuring or discontent.
  3. The act or quality of waiting long for justice or expected good without discontent Have patience with me and I will pay thee all. – Matth. xviii.
  4. Perseverance; constancy in labor or exertion. He learnt with patience, and with meekness taught. – Harte.
  5. The quality of bearing offenses and injuries without anger or revenge. His rage was kindled and his patience gone. – Harte.
  6. Sufferance; permission. [Not used.] – Hooker.
  7. A plant, a species of Rumex or dock. – Mortimer.

PA'TIENT, a. [pa'shent; Fr. from L. patiens.]

  1. Having the quality of enduring evils without murmuring or fretfulness; sustaining afflictions of body or mind with fortitude, calmness or Christian submission to the divine will; as, a patient person, or a person of patient temper. It is followed by of before the evil endured; as, patient of labor or pain; patient of heat or cold. – Ray.
  2. Not easily provoked; calm under the sufferance of injuries or offenses; not revengeful. Be patient toward all men. – 1 Thess. v.
  3. Persevering; constant in pursuit or exertion; calmly diligent. Whatever I have done is due to patient thought. – Newton.
  4. Not hasty not over eager or impetuous; waiting or expecting with calmness or without discontent. Not patient to expect the turns of fate. – Prior.


  1. A person or thing that receives impressions from external agents; he or that which is passively affected. Malice is a passion so impetuous and precipitate, that it often involves the agent and the patient. – Gov. of the Tongue.
  2. A person diseased or suffering bodily indisposition. It is used in relation to the physician; as, the physician visits his patient morning and evening.
  3. It is sometimes used absolutely for a sick person. It is wonderful to observe how inapprehensive these patients are of their disease. – Blackmore.

PA'TIENT, v.t.

To compose one's self. [Not used.] – Shak.


  1. With calmness or composure; without discontent or murmuring. Submit patiently to the unavoidable evils of life.
  2. With calm and constant diligence; as, to examine a subject patiently.
  3. Without agitation, uneasiness or discontent; without undue haste or eagerness; as, to wait patiently for more favorable events.

PAT'IN, n. [See PATEN.]

PAT'LY, adv. [from pat.]

Fitly; conveniently.

PAT'NESS, n. [from pat.]

Fitness; suitableness; convenience. – Barrow.

PAT'OIS, n. [patwaw; Fr.]

A provincialism.

PA-TONCE', n. [See POMME.]

PA'TRI-ARCH, n. [L. patriarcha; Gr. πατριαρχης; πατρια, a family, from πατηρ, father, and αρχος, a chief.]

  1. The father and ruler of a family; one who governs by paternal right. It is usually applied to the progenitors of the Israelites, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the sons of Jacob, or to the heads of families before the flood; as, the antediluvian patriarchs.
  2. A learned and distinguished character among the Jews.
  3. In the Christian church, a dignitary superior to the order of archbishops; as, the patriarch of Constantinople, of Alexandria, or of Ephesus.


  1. Belonging to patriarchs; possessed by patriarchs; as, patriarchal power or jurisdiction; a patriarchal see.
  2. Subject to a patriarch; as, a patriarchal church. Patriarchal cross, in heraldry, is that where the shaft is twice crossed, the lower arms being longer than the upper ones. – Encyc.


The office, dignity or jurisdiction of a patriarch or ecclesiastical superior. – Selden. Ayliffe.


Government by a patriarch, or the head of a family, who was both ruler and priest, as Noah, Abraham and Jacob.


The jurisdiction of a patriarch; a patriarchate. – Brerewood.

PA-TRI'CIAN, a. [Fr. patricien; L. patricius, from pater, father.]

Senatorial; noble; not plebeian. This epithet is derived from the Roman patres, fathers, the title of Roman senators; as, patrician birth or blood; patrician families. – Addison.


A nobleman. In the Roman state, the patricians were the descendants of the first Roman senators.

PAT-RI-MO'NI-AL, a. [Fr. See Patrimony.]

Pertaining to a patrimony; inherited from ancestors; as, a patrimonial estate.


By inheritance. – Davenant.

PAT'RI-MO-NY, n. [L. patrimonium, from pater, father.]

  1. A right or estate inherited from one's ancestors. – Dryden.
  2. A church estate or revenue; as, St. Peter's patrimony.


Patriotic; devoted to the welfare of one's country; as, patriot zeal.

PAT'RI-OT, n. [Fr. patriote, from L. patria, one's native country, from pater, father.]

A person who loves his country, and zealously supports and defends it and its interests. Such tears as patriots shed for dying laws. – Pope.


  1. Full of patriotism; actuated by the love of one's country; as, a patriotic hero or statesman.
  2. Inspired by the love of one's country; directed to the public safety and welfare; as, patriotic zeal.


Love of one's country; the passion which aims to serve one's country, either in defending it from invasion, or protecting its rights and maintaining its laws and institutions in vigor and purity. Patriotism is the characteristic of a good citizen, the noblest passion that animates a man in the character of a citizen.

PA-TRI-PASS'I-ANS, n. [L. pater, and passio.]

A sect of religionists, who held that God the Father suffered with Christ. – Murdock.