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Pertaining to phrenology.


By the principles of phrenology.


One versed in phrenology.

PHRE-NOL'O-GY, n. [Gr. φρην, the mind, and λογος, discourse.]

The science of the human mind and its various properties. Ch. Obs. Phrenology is now applied to the science of the mind as connected with the supposed organs of thought and passion in the brain, maintained by Gall, who supposed each faculty or propensity to have a particular organ, and this manifested in the form of the skull; craniology.

PHRE-NO-MAG'NET-ISM, n. [Gr. φρην, the mind, and magnetism.]

The power of exciting the organs of the brain through magnetic influence.

PHREN'SY, n. [s as z. supra.]

Madness; delirium, or that partial madness which manifests itself in wild and erratic sallies of the imagination. It is written also frenzy. Demoniac phrensy; moping melancholy. – Milton.

PHRON'TIS-TER-Y, n. [Gr. φροντιστηριον, from φρονεω, to think; φρην, mind.]

A school or seminary of learning. [Not used.]

PHRYG'I-AN, a. [from Phrygia, in Asia Minor.]

Pertaining to Phrygia; an epithet applied to a sprightly animating kind of music. – Arbuthnot. Phrygian stone, a stone described by the ancients, used in dyeing; a light spungy stone resembling a pumice, said to be drying and astringent. – Pliny. Dioscorides.

PHTHIS-IC, n. [tiz'zic.]

A mere conversion of the term phthisis into English, and hence its synonym. This term is sometimes applied popularly, but erroneously, to any difficulty of breathing, and more especially to chronic dyspnœa, from the mistaken notion that these affections are much the same as phthisis. [Little used.]

PHTHIS-IC-AL, a. [tiz'zical; Gr. φθισικος. See Phthisis.]

Wasting the flesh; as, a phthisical consumption. Harvey.

PHTHI-SIS, n. [thi'sis; Gr. φθισις, from φθιω, φθεω, to consume.]

A disease of some part of the pulmonary apparatus, marked by cough, gradually progressive emaciation and exhaustion, hectic, and usually copious expectoration.

PHY'CO-MA-TER, n. [Gr. φυκος and μητηρ.]

The gelatine in which the sporules of algaceous plants first vegetate. – Brande.

PHY-LAC'TER, or PHY-LAC'TER-Y, n. [Gr. φυλακτηριον, from φυλασσω, to defend or guard.]

  1. In a general sense, any charm, spell or amulet worn as a preservative from danger or disease.
  2. Among the Jews, a slip of parchment on which was written some text of Scripture, particularly of the decalogue, worn by devout persons on the forehead, breast or neck as a mark of their religion. – Encyc.
  3. Among the primitive Christians, a case in which they inclosed the relics of the dead. – Encyc.


Wearing a phylactery; dressed like the Pharisees. – Green.


Pertaining to phylacteries. Addison.

PHY'LARCH, n. [Gr. φυλη, tribe, and αρχη, rule.]

The chief or governor of a tribe or clan. – Robinson.


Government of a tribe or clan.

PHYL'LITE, n. [Gr. φυλλον, a leaf, and λιθος, a stone.]

A petrified leaf, or a mineral having the figure of a leaf. – Lunier.

PHYL-LO'DI-UM, n. [Gr. φυλλον.]

In botany, a petiole without a lamin, but so much developed in some way, as to perform the functions of a perfect leaf. – Lindley.

PHYL-LOPH'O-ROUS, a. [Gr. φυλλον, a leaf, and φερω, to bear.]

Leaf-bearing; producing leaves.

PHYL'LO-PODE, n. [Gr. φυλλον and πους.]

One of a tribe of crustaceans whose feet have a flattened form like that of a leaf.

PHYS'A-LITE, n. [Gr. φυσαω, to swell or inflate, and λιθος, a stone.]

A mineral of a greenish white color, a subspecies of prismatic topaz; called also pyrophysalite, as it intumesces in heat. – Jameson. Phillips.


PHYS-I-AN'THRO-PY, n. [Gr. φυσις, nature, and ανθρωπος, man.]

The philosophy of human life, or the doctrine of the constitution and diseases of man, and the remedies. – Med. Repos.

PHYS'IC, n. [s as z. Gr. φυσικη, from φυσις, nature; φυω, to produce.]

  1. The art of healing diseases. This is now generally called medicine. Encyc.
  2. Medicines; remedies for diseases. We desire physic only for the sake of health. Hooker.
  3. In popular language, a medicine that purges; a purge; a cathartic. [In technical and elegant language this sense is not used.]