a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |



Quickness of sight or discernment; readiness to see or discern. – Locke.

QUICK'SIL-VER, n. [that is, living silver, argentum vivum, so called from its fluidity.]

Mercury, a metal found both native and in the state of ore in mines, in various parts of the world, and so remarkably fusible as to be congealable only with the intense cold indicated by 39° or 40° below zero, on Fahrenheit's thermometer. It is the heaviest of the metals, next to platinum, gold, and tungsten. It is used in various arts and in medicine.


Overlaid with quicksilver. – Newton.


Having ready wit. – Shak.


Readiness of wit.

QUID, n.

A vulgar pronunciation of cud; as, a quid of tobacco.

QUI'DAM, n. [L.]

Somebody. [Not in use.] – Spenser.

QUID'DA-NY, n. [G. quitte, a quince; L. cydonium.]

Marmalade; a confection of quinces prepared with sugar.


Constituting the essence of a thing. – Encyc.

QUID'DIT, a. [L. quidlibet, or Fr. que dit.]

A subtilty; an equivocation. [Not in use.] – Shak.

QUID'DI-TY, n. [L. quid, what.]

  1. A barbarous term used in school philosophy for essence, that unknown and undefinable something which constitutes its peculiar nature, or answers the question, quid est? The essence of a thing constitutes it tale quid, such a thing as it is, and not another. – Encyc.
  2. A trifling nicety; a cavil; a captious question. – Camden.

QUID'DLE, v.i. [L. quid, what.]

To spend or waste time in trifling employments, or to attend to useful subjects in a trifling superficial manner.


One who spends time in trifling niceties.


The spending of time in trifling employments.


Spending time in trifling employments.

QUID'NUNC, n. [L. what now.]

One who is curious to know every thing that passes; one who known or pretends to know all occurrences. – Tatler.

QUID-PRO-QUO, n. [Quid pro quo. L.]

In law, an equivalent; something given or done for another thing; mutual consideration and performance.

QUI-ESCE, v.i. [quiess'; L. quiesco.]

To be silent, as a letter; to have no sound. – M. Stuart.

QUI-ES'CENCE, or QUI-ES'CEN-CY, n. [L. quiescens, quiesco. See Quiet.]

  1. Rest; repose; state of a thing without motion. – Glanville.
  2. Rest of the mind; a state of the mind free from agitation or emotion.
  3. Silence; the having no sound; as of a letter.

QUI-ES'CENT, a. [L. quiescens.]

  1. Resting; being in a state of repose; still; not moving; as, a quiescent body or fluid. – Newton.
  2. Not ruffled with passion; unagitated; as the mind.
  3. Silent; not sounded; having no sound; as, a quiescent letter. Sow, mow, with w quiescent; say, day, with y quiescent. – M. Stuart, Heb. Gram.


A silent letter. – M. Stuart.


In a calm or quiescent manner.

QUI'ET, a. [Fr. quiet, L. quietus, It. quieto, quiet; quietare, to pacify, and quetare, to quiet, and to acquit, to quit; Sp. quieto, quiet; quietar, to appease; quedo, quiet, and quedar, to stop, to leave, to quit; Port. quieto, quiet; queda, a fall, declivity; quedo, quiet. Quiet and quit seem to belong to one radix.]

  1. Still; being in a state of rest; not moving. – Judges xvi.
  2. Still; free from alarm or disturbance; unmolested; a quiet life. – Shak. In his days the land was quiet ten years. – 2 Chron. xiv.
  3. Peaceable; not turbulent; not giving offense; not exciting controversy, disorder or trouble; mild; meek; contented. The ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. – 1 Peter iii. 1 Thess. iv.
  4. Calm; not agitated by wind; as, a quiet sea or atmosphere.
  5. Smooth; unruffled. – Shak.
  6. Undisturbed; unmolested; as, the quiet possession or enjoyment of an estate. – Blackstone.
  7. Not crying; not restless; as, a quiet child.

QUI'ET, n. [L. quies.]

  1. Rest; repose; stillness; the state of a thing not in motion.
  2. Tranquillity; freedom from disturbance or alarm; civil or political repose. Our country enjoys quiet.
  3. Peace; security. – Judg. xviii.

QUI'ET, v.t.

  1. To stop motion; to still; to reduce to a state of rest; as, to quiet corporeal motion. – Locke.
  2. To calm; to appease; to pacify; to lull; to tranquilize; as, to quiet the soul when agitated; to quiet the passions; to quiet the clamors of a nation; to quiet the disorders of a city or town.
  3. To allay; to suppress; as, to quiet pain or grief.