Dictionary: RE-SHAPE – RE-SIGN'

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RE-SHAPE, v.t.

To shape again.


Shaped again.


Shaping a second time.

RE-SHIP', v.t. [re and ship.]

To ship again; to ship what has been conveyed by water or imported; as coffee and sugar imported into New York, and reshipped for Hamburg.


  1. The act of shipping or loading on board of a ship a second time; the shipping for exportation of what has been imported.
  2. That which is reshipped.


Shipped again.


Shipping again.

RE'SI-ANCE, n. [See Resume.]

Residence; abode. [Obs.] – Bacon.

RE'SI-ANT, a. [Norm. resiant, resseant, from the L. resideo. See Reside.]

Resident; dwelling; present in a place. [Obs.] – Knolles.

RE-SIDE, v.i. [s as z. Fr. resider; L. resideo, resido; re and sedeo, to sit, to settle.]

  1. To dwell permanently or for a length of time; to have a settled abode for a time. The peculiar uses of this word are to be noticed. When the word is applied to the natives of a state or others who dwell in it as permanent citizens, we use it only with reference to the part of a city or country in which a man dwells. We do not say generally, that Englishmen reside in England, but a particular citizen resides in London or York, or at such a house in such a street, in the Strand, &c. When the word is applied to strangers or travelers, we do not say a man resides in an inn for a night, but he resided in London or Oxford a month or a year; or he may reside in a foreign country a great part of his life. A man lodges, stays, remains, abides, for a day or very short time, but reside implies a longer time, though not definite.
  2. To sink to the bottom of liquors; to settle. [Obs.] Boyle. [In this sense, subside is now used.]

RES'I-DENCE, or RES'I-DEN-CY, n. [Fr.]

  1. The act of abiding or dwelling in a place for some continuance of time; as, the residence of an American in France or Italy for a year. The confessor had often made considerable residences in Normandy. – Hale.
  2. The place of abode; a dwelling; a habitation. Caprea had been … the residence of Tiberius for several years. – Anon.
  3. That which falls to the bottom of liquors. [Obs.] – Bacon.
  4. In the canon and common law, the abode of a parson or incumbent on his benefice; opposed to non-residence. – Blackstone.

RES'I-DENT, a. [L. residens; Fr. resident.]

Dwelling or having an abode in a place for a continuance of time, but not definite; as, a minister resident at the court of St. James. A. B. is now resident in South America.


  1. One who resides or dwells in a place for some time. A. B. is now a resident in London.
  2. A public minister who resides at a foreign court. It is usually applied to ministers of a rank inferior to that of embassadors. – Encyc.


A resident.




Having residence. – More.


An ecclesiastic who keeps a certain residence. – Eccles. Canons.


One who resides in a particular place. – Swift.

RE-SID-ING, ppr.

Dwelling in a place for some continuance of time.


Remaining after a part is taken. – Davy.

RE-SID'U-A-RY, a. [L. residuus. See Reside.]

Pertaining to the residue or part remaining; as, the residuary advantage of an estate – Ayliffe. Residuary legatee, in law, the legatee to whom is bequeathed the part of goods and estate which remains after deducting all the debts and specific legacies. – Blackstone.

RES'I-DUE, n. [Fr. residu; L. residuus.]

  1. That which remains after a part is taken, separated, removed or designated. The locusts shall eat the residue of that which has escaped. – Exod. x. The residue of them will I deliver to the sword. – Jer. xv.
  2. The balance or remainder of a debt or account.

RE-SID'U-UM, n. [L.]

  1. Residue; that which is left after any process of separation or purification. – Chimistry. Metallurgy.
  2. In law, the part of an estate or of goods and chattels remaining after the payment of debts and legacies. – Blackstone.

RE-SIEGE', v.t. [re and siege.]

To seat again; to reinstate. [Obs.] – Spenser.

RE-SIGN', n.

Resignation. [Obs.]